14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 1] HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE OBSERVING PROGRAM 14722 Version: 3 Check-in Time: 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 STScI Edit Number: 0 Title A Local Laboratory for Studying Positive Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type Cycle GO 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigators Contact? PI: Dr. Steve Croft Eureka Scientific Inc. Y CoI: Dr. Mark D. Lacy Associated Universities, Inc. N CoI: Dr. P. Chris Fragile College of Charleston N CoI: Dr. Wil J.M. van Breugel University of California - Merced N CoI: Dr. Raffaella Morganti Stichting Astronomisch Onderzoek in N Nederland (ASTRON) CoI: Dr. Jacqueline Van Gorkom Columbia University in the City of New N York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract AGN feedback is a critical regulator of galaxy growth. As well as curtailing star formation in diffuse, hot gas, it is increasingly understood to sometimes enhance star formation in the clumpy ISM through shock-induced collapse of clouds. Simulations have shown that such positive feedback may play a significant role in determining the stellar populations of galaxies. Minkowsi's Object (MO) provides an excellent local laboratory to probe this poorly-studied process in detail. The detection of a Type II supernova in MO (unexpected given the low mass of MO) suggests that jet-induced star formation may overproduce massive stars, and that models of the initial mass function in such systems may need to be revised. Recent results also suggest that star formation efficiency is enhanced in MO. Using WFC3, we will obtain morphologies, SEDs, H-a luminosities, equivalent widths, sizes, and population synthesis models of star forming regions across MO in order to address these questions, critical for understanding not just this single object, but the general process: 1. Does jet induced star formation change the luminosities and initial mass functions of star clusters? 2. What do the age gradients of the star clusters tell us about the process of conversion of gas (HI, CO) into stars as the radio jet progressed through the parent cloud? Does this match numerical simulations? 3. By using observations to refine simulations, what can we learn about intrinsic properties of these kinds of radio jets, such as propagation speed, age, pressure and jet energy flux? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Observations Description ------------------------ WFC3 Broad-Band UVIS and IR imaging: one orbit per filter in UVIS F336W, F438W, F555W, F814W and IR F125W. WFC3 Narrow-Band imaging for H-alpha at z = 0.01875, i.e. 6686 Angstroms: 2 orbits in UVIS F665N. Four point dither used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 2] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS-O GALAXY, STARBURST RA=01H25M47.4000S +/- 0.1", J2000 V = 17 BJECT DEC=-01D22'21.00" +/- 0.1" Reference Frame: ICRS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 3] Patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pattern_Number: 1 Primary_Pattern Secondary_Pattern Pattern_Type WFC3-IR-DITHER-BOX-UVIS Pattern_Purpose DITHER Number_Of_Points 4 Point_Spacing 23.02 Line_Spacing 35.212 Coordinate_Frame POS-TARG Pattern_Orient 0.713 Angle_Between_Sides 89.287 Center_Pattern YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pattern_Number: 2 Primary_Pattern Secondary_Pattern Pattern_Type WFC3-UVIS-DITHER-BOX Pattern_Purpose DITHER Number_Of_Points 4 Point_Spacing 0.173 Line_Spacing 0.112 Coordinate_Frame POS-TARG Pattern_Orient 23.884 Angle_Between_Sides 81.785 Center_Pattern NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 4] Visit: 01 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F336W FLASH=11 1 400 S PATTERN 2 1 OBJECT S see below (2464 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F336W 1 none none none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F336W 2 none none none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F336W 3 none none none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F336W 4 none none none 1 616.0 S S 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 5] Visit: 02 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F438W FLASH=7 1 400 S PATTERN 2 1 OBJECT S see below (2468 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F438W 1 none none none 1 617.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F438W 2 none none none 1 617.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F438W 3 none none none 1 617.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F438W 4 none none none 1 617.0 S S 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 6] Visit: 03 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F555W 1 400 S PATTERN 2 1 OBJECT S see below (2484 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F555W 1 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F555W 2 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F555W 3 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F555W 4 none none none 1 621.0 S S 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 7] Visit: 04 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F814W 1 400 S PATTERN 2 1 OBJECT S see below (2484 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F814W 1 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F814W 2 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F814W 3 none none none 1 621.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F814W 4 none none none 1 621.0 S S 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 8] Visit: 05 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N FLASH=10 2 600 S PATTERN 2 1 OBJECT S see below (5040 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 1 none 1 none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 1 none 2 none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 2 none 1 none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 2 none 2 none 1 616.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 3 none 1 none 2 644.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 3 none 2 none 2 644.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 4 none 1 none 2 644.0 S S MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/UVI ACCUM UVIS2 F665N 4 none 2 none 2 644.0 S S 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 9] Visit: 06 Visit Requirements: On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MINKOWSKIS- WFC3/IR MULTIAC IR-UVIS F125W NSAMP=12, SAMP-SEQ=STEP100 1 DEF PATTERN 1 1 OBJECT CUM (2396.929 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/IR MULTIAC IR-UVIS F125W 1 none none none 1 N/A CUM MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/IR MULTIAC IR-UVIS F125W 2 none none none 1 N/A CUM MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/IR MULTIAC IR-UVIS F125W 3 none none none 1 N/A CUM MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT 1 WFC3/IR MULTIAC IR-UVIS F125W 4 none none none 1 N/A CUM 14722( 3) - 30-Sep-2016 18:01:26 - [ 10] Summary Form for Proposal 14722 Item Used in this proposal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apertures IR-UVIS, UVIS2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configurations WFC3/IR, WFC3/UVIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opmodes ACCUM, MULTIACCUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional Parameters FLASH=10, FLASH=11, FLASH=7, NSAMP=12, SAMP-SEQ=STEP100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Requirements PATTERN 1 1, PATTERN 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spectral Elements F125W, F336W, F438W, F555W, F665N, F814W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target Names MINKOWSKIS-OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------