15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 1] HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE OBSERVING PROGRAM 15124 Version: 2 Check-in Time: 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 STScI Edit Number: 0 Title Measuring the Accretion Disk Size in Mrk 509 using Continuum Reverberation Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type Cycle GO 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigators Contact? PI: Dr. Aaron J. Barth University of California - Irvine Y CoI: Dr. Rick Edelson University of Maryland N CoI: Prof. Bradley M Peterson The Ohio State University N CoI: Dr. Michael D. Joner Sr. Brigham Young University N CoI: Dr. William Nielsen Brandt The Pennsylvania State University N CoI: Dr. Jelle Kaastra Space Research Organization Netherlands N CoI: Dr. Michael R. Goad University of Leicester N CoI: Prof. Keith Horne University of St. Andrews N CoI: Dr. Edward M. Cackett Wayne State University N CoI: Dr. Gary J. Ferland University of Kentucky N CoI: Dr. Gerard A. Kriss Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Marianne Vestergaard University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr N Institute CoI: Dr. Michael Martin Fausnaugh Massachusetts Institute of Technology N CoI: Dr. Missagh Mehdipour Space Research Organization Netherlands N CoI: Prof. Misty C. Bentz Georgia State University Research N Foundation CoI: Dr. Jonathan Gelbord Spectral Sciences, Inc. N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract Continuum reverberation mapping from X-rays through optical wavelengths provides a unique probe of accretion disk structure in active galactic nuclei (AGN) on spatial scales of light-days. Recent Swift monitoring campaigns for NGC 5548 and NGC 4151 have provided dramatic evidence that accretion disk sizes are too large to be compatible with standard thin-disk models, requiring a major revision of our understanding of AGN accretion disks. We are currently carrying out an intensive 9-month Swift and ground-based monitoring campaign targeting Mrk 509, an AGN with luminosity an order of magnitude greater than other recent Swift monitoring targets, to map its accretion disk size. The UV and optical filter bands used for photometric monitoring include significant contamination by reprocessed emission from the broad-line region (BLR), including broad emission lines, Balmer continuum, and Fe II emission. In order to quantify the effect of this BLR emission on the accretion disk time delays, we propose to obtain a STIS UV/optical spectrum of the nucleus of Mrk 509 while our Swift campaign is in progress. We will use the STIS spectrum to determine the contribution of broad-line, Balmer continuum, and Fe II emission to each of the UV and optical filters. By correcting for this BLR contamination we will derive wavelength-dependent time delays for the AGN continuum that will provide an accurate measure of the accretion disk size and structure. Our new STIS data will additionally provide new diagnostics of broad-line region and narrow-line region physical conditions and a direct comparison of black hole mass estimates from broad emission lines including H-beta, C IV, and Mg II. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 2] Observations Description ------------------------ This program is designed to obtain a complete and simultaneous UV/optical spectrum of the AGN Mrk 509 concurrent with a long-duration Swift and ground-based monitoring campaign, in order to determine the contributions of various broad emission lines to the UV and optical photometric filters, which is necessary for accurate interpretation of the broad-band continuum reverberation lags measured from the Swift and ground-based data. We will use the STIS G140L, G230L, G430L, and G750L gratings to obtain complete coverage of the AGN spectrum. The AGN nucleus is very compact and we will use ACQTYPE=POINT for the STIS acquisition. Following STIS target acquisition, the first orbit will be used for G140L, and the second orbit will be used for G230L, G430L, and G750L. We will use the 0.2 arcsec slit width for all spectroscopic exposures. For the CCD exposures, the E1 aperture position will be used to minimize CTE losses. With each grating, we will obtain dithered exposures using the STIS-ALONG-SLIT pattern to remove the effect of bad pixels and cosmic-ray hits in the CCD data and to maximize S/N in the MAMA data following Section 12.5.1 of the STIS Instrument Handbook. We prefer to use ACCUM rather than TIME-TAG mode for the MAMA exposures because using TIME-TAG with dithered exposures results in extra overheads and some loss of on-source integration time. For G750M we will obtain fringe flats at the end of the orbit. Following Table 11.1 of the STIS Instrument Handbook, the 52X0.1 slit will be used for the G750L fringe flats. We choose not to use the 52X0.2E2 aperture position for the G750L observation of the AGN because this will negatively impact the throughput and measurement of the spectral shape when combined with the other grating settings. We will use GAIN=4 for the CCD exposures to ensure that the peaks of the Halpha and [OIII] lines are well below the saturation level, based on STIS ETC calculations using observed spectra of Mrk 509. Since this AGN is highly variable on timescales of days to weeks, it is critically important that the entire program be carried out in a single visit, so that we can obtain an accurate overall spectral shape for the AGN. The total on-source integration time for the CCD exposures is 600 seconds and the total time required for the STIS CCD observations (including overheads) is less than 30 minutes during the visibility period of the 2nd orbit. The scheduling requirement is that the visit should take place sometime before the end of the Swift monitoring campaign, which will be completed on December 15, 2017. There are no orientation or other requirements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 3] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MRK-509 GALAXY, ACCRETION DISK, RA=20H44M9.7681S +/- 0.35", J2000 V = 13.12 BLR, NLR, NUCLEUS, DEC=-10D43'24.45" +/- 0.30" SEYFERT Reference Frame: ICRS Comments: ICRS coordinates and uncertainty are from Andrei et al 2009, A&A 505, 385 (consistent with SIMBAD lookup), and checked against 2MASS and GSC2. NED lookup gives slightly discrepant coordinates for RA, different by about 0.4 arcsec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 4] Patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pattern_Number: 1 Primary_Pattern Secondary_Pattern Pattern_Type STIS-ALONG-SLIT Pattern_Purpose DITHER Number_Of_Points 4 Point_Spacing 0.15 Line_Spacing Coordinate_Frame POS-TARG Pattern_Orient 90.0 Angle_Between_Sides Center_Pattern NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pattern_Number: 2 Primary_Pattern Secondary_Pattern Pattern_Type STIS-ALONG-SLIT Pattern_Purpose DITHER Number_Of_Points 2 Point_Spacing 0.4 Line_Spacing Coordinate_Frame POS-TARG Pattern_Orient 90.0 Angle_Between_Sides Center_Pattern NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pattern_Number: 3 Primary_Pattern Secondary_Pattern Pattern_Type STIS-ALONG-SLIT Pattern_Purpose DITHER Number_Of_Points 3 Point_Spacing 0.4 Line_Spacing Coordinate_Frame POS-TARG Pattern_Orient 90.0 Angle_Between_Sides Center_Pattern NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 5] Visit: 01 Visit Requirements: BEFORE 15-DEC-2017:00:00:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 MRK-509 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR ACQTYPE=POINT 1 2 S (2 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 MRK-509 STIS/FUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G140L 1425 1 736 S PATTERN 3 2 -MAMA (2208 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 MRK-509 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G230L 2376 1 575 S PATTERN 2 3 -MAMA (1150 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 MRK-509 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G430L 4300 CR-SPLIT=NO, GAIN=4 1 100 S (400 PATTERN 1 4 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 MRK-509 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G750L 7751 CR-SPLIT=NO, GAIN=4 1 50 S (200 PATTERN 1 5 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MRK-509 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A MRK-509 2 STIS/FUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G140L 1425 1 none none none 1 N/A -MAMA MRK-509 2 STIS/FUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G140L 1425 2 none none none 1 N/A -MAMA MRK-509 2 STIS/FUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G140L 1425 3 none none none 1 N/A -MAMA MRK-509 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G230L 2376 1 none none none 2 N/A -MAMA MRK-509 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.2 G230L 2376 2 none none none 2 N/A -MAMA MRK-509 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G430L 4300 1 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G430L 4300 2 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G430L 4300 3 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G430L 4300 4 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G750L 7751 1 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G750L 7751 2 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G750L 7751 3 none none none 2 N/A MRK-509 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.2E1 G750L 7751 4 none none none 2 N/A CCDFLAT 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 2 N/A 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 6] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCDFLAT 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 2 N/A 15124( 2) - 19-Jul-2017 12:24:32 - [ 7] Summary Form for Proposal 15124 Item Used in this proposal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apertures 52X0.1, 52X0.2, 52X0.2E1, F28X50LP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configurations STIS/CCD, STIS/FUV-MAMA, STIS/NUV-MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opmodes ACCUM, ACQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional Parameters ACQTYPE=POINT, CR-SPLIT=NO, GAIN=4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Requirements BEFORE 15-DEC-2017:00:00:00, PATTERN 1 4, PATTERN 1 5, PATTERN 2 3, PATTERN 3 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spectral Elements G140L, G230L, G430L, G750L, MIRROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target Names CCDFLAT, MRK-509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------