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Martino Romaniello

The main topic of my research is the study of stellar populations, both resolved and unresolved, in nearby galaxies. In the LMC, I am carrying out multiband HST studies of the surroundings of SN1987A (30 pc radius), of the double cluster NGC1850 and of the 30 Doradus region. In order to cope with the complex spatial pattern of interstellar absorption in these ISM rich regions, I have developed a method to recover the INTRINSIC properties as well as reddening for each star from photometry alone. Pre-Main Sequence stars in these young regions are identified through their H$\alpha$ excess. The unresolved populations I am studying, also with HST, include selected regions of M81, M51 (including the nuclear region) and NGC454, an interacting pair of galaxies in which we have detected and characterized a group of young stellar clusters (10 Myr old or less).

Harry Payne