Measuring the Masses of Exoplanets and Compact Objects with the Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey


About Event

Thu 20 Apr 2023




The Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey (GBTDS) will detect more than 30,000 gravitational microlensing events across six observing seasons. It is expected that over 1,000 exoplanets, a few hundred free-floating planets, and dozens of massive compact objects will be discovered in these events. This talk will give an overview of the techniques that will enable mass measurements for the bound exoplanets and compact object lenses. There will also be examples from precursor studies that have successfully demonstrated the capability, as well as simulated Roman data for black hole lenses. Finally, I will give a brief description of the anticipated photometry and astrometry pipeline development for the microlensing survey. 

Speaker: Sean Terry (Berkeley)


The Roman Lecture Series is a monthly virtual lecture series focused on the scientific capabilities and technology of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, organized by Roman Mission partners.

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