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Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution


About Event

Mon 17 May 2021
Thu 20 May 2021



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Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution


Multi-object spectrographs are being deployed on nearly every major ground-based telescope as well as on space telescopes, whether in multi-fiber, multi-slit or slitless format. The ability to collect multiple spectra at the same time, over a large area of sky,  is opening up a plethora of opportunities for progressive galaxy evolution studies. This workshop will bring together aficionados in the field of multi-object spectroscopy and galaxy evolution, from experts to new users, with the intent to share knowledge on the scientific potential of multi-object spectroscopic data and analysis techniques/tools, while also enabling the discussion of innovative ideas. From a scientific perspective, the workshop will focus on assessing how galaxies evolve chemically and dynamically, the effects of feedback on galaxies, what winds do to galaxies, how galaxies halt their star formation, and the nature of the connection between IGM and CGM. From a more technical perspective, the workshop will provide the opportunity for hands-on training on spectral analysis tools (e.g., astropy and specutils), grism data reduction techniques, and statistical tools to compare models and observations. The workshop commits to actively support diversity and inclusion.


The workshop included invited reviews as well as contributed talks and e-posters selected from abstract submissions. e-posters could be PDF posters, slides, slides with audio, or pre-recorded talks. The workshop also had unconference sessions which were hands-on working sessions. These unconference sessions were capped for productive interaction among participants. 

Talks were streamed to Facebook Live.

Additional Event Information

Event Materials

May 14,  2021

507 KB

May 10,  2021

112 KB

May 27,  2021

2 MB

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