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The Habitable Worlds Observatory: Architecture, Technology and Plans Forward


About Event

Tue 16 Jul 2024


Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT


NASA has begun studying and advancing the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), a large ultraviolet, optical, infrared space telescope recommended by the Astro 2020 Decadal Survey. Among its many goals, HWO will obtain spectra of at least 25 exo-Earth candidates to search for signs of life and conduct transformative astrophysics at ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared wavelengths. The observatory, like HST and JWST, will be a powerful general class observatory. NASA Headquarters stood up two study groups, the Science Technology Architecture Review Team (START) and the Technical Assessment Group (TAG) aimed at helping to study the science, technology and architecture options for this new flagship mission. This talk will discuss the architecture and technology activities associated with these studies and also future plans including the formation of a Technology Formulation Project Office at Goddard Space Flight Center.

Speaker: Lee Feinberg (NASA/GSFC)


The goal of STScI Engineering and Technology Colloquia is to provide speakers for our community of the highest caliber from leading-edge engineering and technology disciplines and promote collaboration with professionals across the Institute. The steering committee invites speakers not only from conventional engineering disciplines, but from across business, academia, and government. Obtaining speakers with perspectives and knowledge that can enrich the understanding of our staff and simultaneously enhance their connections with other professionals across the nation is fundamental to ensuring STScI remains at the forefront of its mission.

Please direct questions or comments to The 2024 committee members are Reena DeBerry, Melody Easton, Sherita Hanna, Phillip Johnson, Aiden Kovacs, Donald McLean, Lauretta Nagel (Chair), Susan Reed, Michael Register, Justin Trammell.

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