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On August 27, 2024, version 1.15.1 of the JWST Science Calibration Pipeline was made operational as a part of Build 11.0. This build will be used to process all of the new data obtained by the observatory and to reprocess all existing archival data, which takes about 6 weeks. Users can also reprocess their own data immediately using the latest pipeline software and reference files. MIRI users are especially encouraged to update to the new build (see details below). Please use the MAST subscription service to receive notifications when the data has been reprocessed.
Build 11.0 provides major improvements for multiple observing modes. Some highlights include:
- Major runtime improvements to the stage 1 pipeline using a new C-based ramp fitting code, which reduces the time for this step by as much as a factor of 200.
- Improvements to bad pixel and cosmic ray flagging. This update is particularly significant for NIRSpec IFU observations using the IRS2 readout mode.
- Improvements to error propagation throughout the pipeline. While all modes are affected, MIRI is most improved with new treatment of Poisson errors on the dark current (most relevant for deep observations) and MRS data cube covariance.
- A change of convention for padding empty areas around the borders of tiled mosaics; pixels with no valid science data are now represented as NaN (not-a-number) instead of zero values. This change aids automatic-scaling tools and makes clear the areas that contain no information.
- A bug fix in the imaging outlier detection step that would previously result in large sections of an image being flagged as outliers (particularly for MIRI F2550W imaging).
- Improvements to the accuracy of the SIP polynomial representation of the world coordinate solutions in imaging observations.
- Runtime improvements to the MIRI-only emicorr step in calwebb_detector1.
- Updates to the NIRSpec MOS source ID assignments.
Build 11.0 processing also incorporates numerous calibration reference file updates that were delivered in recent weeks. Major updates include NIRCam bad pixel masks, NIRISS WFSS spectral trace information, NIRSpec IFU flatfields and cube-building parameter files, MIRI dark current reference data, MIRI LRS wavelength calibration, and MIRI MRS flatfield/photometric calibration files. Most significantly, some of the updated MIRI calibration reference files enable new pipeline code and are incompatible with prior pipeline releases; therefore, all MIRI users are recommended to update to the Build 11.0 pipeline.
A full list of improvements and detailed release notes for this build can be found in JDox on the Operations Pipeline Build pages, along with a preview of the timeline and tentative content of upcoming builds, and known issues. For further questions, support, or to provide input on pressing pipeline issues, observers are invited to contact the JWST Help Desk.