A fascinating survey of the diversityÑand the surprising similarities to EarthÑof our planetary neighbors, this Electronic PictureBook compares and contrasts Earth features with those of other bodies in our solar system, including aspects of atmosphere, surface detail, and subsurface dynamics. It addresses questions such as why is Earth so blue? Do other planets have wind? How did ancient Martian rivers form? Why does Mercury have so many craters? Authored by science writer and geomorphologist Patricia Barnes-Svarney, Comparing Earth and Its Planetary Neighbors provides an introduction to Earth and planetary science that is especially appropriate for the middle school reader.

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The "Comparing Earth and Its Planetary Neighbors" Electronic PictureBook is a HyperCard¨ stack designed to run on a color Macintosh¨ computer with at least 2.5 megabytes of available RAM, sufficient hard disk space to contain the Electronic Picturebook, System 7.0, and HyperCard 2.1 or HyperCard Player 2.1.

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