Planetary Nebula Spectrum
Access to download the templates at MAST HLSP Planetary Nebulae
The Planetary Nebula Templates are spectra of planetary nebulae created using Castelli/Kurucz 2004 or Rauch (2003) models as inputs to the CLOUDY nebular simulations, (Ferland, G. J., et al., 2017). The templates were generated for Kurucz/Atlas or Rauch stellar atmosphere models with a constant density nebula. Spectra were then simulated and rebinned to a uniform resolution of 6000 data points. Each of the generated spectra has different luminosities and different Hydrogen densities. The abundances were scaled solar, except for the 53000 K carbon-rich model, which was matched to the data for the specific source SMP LMC 58. The spectra have either silicate or amorphous carbon dust in the gas, and are for an assumed distance of 1 kpc. The lines in the spectra have a constant 50 km/s velocity width, and the line profiles were calculated at 10 times oversampling. The wavelengths are in Angstroms, while the fluxes are in \(erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2} \ \dot{A}^{-1}\).
Filename | Temp (K) |
pn_spectrum_030k_normal.fits | 30,000 |
pn_spectrum_050k_normal.fits | 50,000 |
pn_spectrum_053k_crich.fits | 53,000 (carbon rich) |
pn_spectrum_070k_normal.fits | 70,000 |
pn_spectrum_100k_normal.fits | 100,000 |
- Castelli, F., Kurucz R. L. 2004, astro-ph/0405087
- Rauch, T., 2003, A&A, 403, 709
- Ferland, G. J., et al., 2017, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Vol. 53, pp. 385-438