JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
Supporting the User Community
The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) have established a joint James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Users Committee (JSTUC) to provide user advice to the observatory as a whole. This provides a practical way of ensuring that the observatory operations proceed in a coordinated manner in order to maximize its scientific performance.
Letters from the committee with recommendations on a variety of topics related to maximizing JWST science are available below.
The JSTUC welcomes the feedback from the astronomical community.
Email the JSTUC Chair
JSTUC Charter and Members
The JSTUC has a membership of 10-14 scientists, chosen jointly by the STScI Director and JWST Senior Project Scientist. The composition initially consists of representatives of the JWST Guest Observer community (GOs - 10 members) and members of the JWST Instrument Definition teams (GTOs – 4 members). GTOs are represented on the JSTUC through the period where the bulk of their guaranteed observations are being executed. To allow for balance between continuity and new input, GO members are generally appointed for a three-year term starting on the date of the first meeting attended. The term is specified at the time of appointment. The Director and the Senior Project Scientist can together ask a member to serve for one more year if mutually agreeable. At least two of the GO representatives are astronomers from ESA nations and one is an astronomer from Canada; those members are appointed with ESA and CSA concurrence, respectively.
The JSTUC chair is a member of the JSTUC and is nominated and appointed by the Director and Senior Project Scientist. The term is specified at the time of appointment. The Director, with concurrence of the Senior Project Scientist, can ask the Chair to serve for an additional one-year period.
The JSTUC meets at least twice a year, with the meetings generally hosted by STScI. The STScI Director, the Head of Science Mission Office, the NASA Senior Project Scientist, the NASA Program Scientist, an ESA representative, and a CSA representative attend meetings of the group ex-officio (non-voting). The Associate Director for Science or their designate is the Executive Secretary of the JSTUC.
The scope of the Users Committee is broad. The JSTUC can:
- Set its own agenda
- Establish an ad-hoc subcommittee structure to perform in-depth studies of relevant subjects, if necessary
- Request support from STScI and GSFC for information and clarification
The product of the JWST Users Committee deliberations consists of written reports addressed to the STScI Director and the JWST Senior Project Scientist. These reports (together with an STScI or Project response, if warranted) are made available to Space Telescope Institute Council (STIC) and the Institute Visiting Committee, to NASA and ESA, and to the general community. [Updated June 8, 2020]
Name Institution Role Casey Papovich
Texas A&M University Chair Emily Levesque University of Washington Co-Chair Kalliopi Dasyra University of Athens Catherine Espaillat
Boston University Adam Ginsburg
University of Florida Joel Kastner Rochester Institute of Technology Charlotte Mason Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen Erik Rosolowsky
University of Alberta Shobita Satyapal George Mason University J.D. Smith University of Toledo Johanna Teske Carnegie Science Cristina Thomas Northern Arizona University Christina Williams NOIRLab Dominika Wylezalek University of Heidelberg (ARI) -
Name Institution Role Marc Postman STScI, Science Mission Office Ex officio Jean Dupuis CSA CSA, ex officio Chris Evans STScI ESA, ex officio
Mercedes López-Morales STScI, Associate Director for Science Ex officio Jennifer Lotz STScI, Director Ex officio
Stefanie Milam JWST Project Scientist for Policy and Science Community NASA, ex officio Neill Reid STScI, Multi-Mission Project Scientist Ex officio Jane Rigby GSFC, JWST Senior Project Scientist NASA, ex officio Eric Smith NASA, JWST Program Scientist NASA, ex officio
Committee Meetings
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The 17th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
November 11 through 12, 2024 Committee MeetingsThe 17th meeting of the JSTUC was held in person on November 11-12, 2024. Topics included: Updates from partners Status updates from the JWST Project at GSFC and the Science & Operations...
The 16th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
March 18 through 19, 2024 Committee MeetingsThe 16th meeting of the JSTUC was held in person on March 18-19, 2024. Topics included: Updates from partners Status updates from the JWST Project at GSFC and the Science & Operations...
The 15th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
September 18 through 19, 2023 Committee MeetingsThe 15th meeting of the JSTUC was held in person on September 18-19, 2023. Topics included: Updates from partners Status updates from the JWST Project at GSFC and the Science Operations...
The 14th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
February 28 through March 1, 2023 Committee MeetingsThe 14th meeting of the JSTUC was held in person on February 28-March 1, 2023. Topics included: Updates from partners Instrument updates JWST efficiencies Additional capabilities for...
The 13th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
August 25 through 26, 2022 Committee MeetingsThe 13th meeting of the JSTUC was held in person on August 25-26, 2022. Topics included: Updates from partners Operations reports Updates on user support activities and metrics Plans...
The 12th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
July 25, 2022 Committee MeetingsThe 12th meeting of the JSTUC was held on July 25, 2022 via teleconference. Topics included: An update on telescope performance following commissioning A status update on the Science &...
The 11th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
February 8, 2022 Committee MeetingsThe 11th meeting of the JSTUC was held on February 8, 2022 via teleconference. Topics included: An observatory update Agency and Mission Office updates A Commissioning update Planning for...
The 10th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
October 4, 2021 Committee MeetingsThe 10th meeting of the JSTUC was held on October 4, 2021 via teleconference. Topics included: A project update from NASA HQ A Cycle 1 Grants update An Ariane update More information is...
The 9th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
June 14 through 15, 2021 Committee MeetingsThe 9th meeting of the JSTUC was held on June 14-15, 2021 via teleconference. Topics included: Updates from NASA HQ, GSFC, STScI, ESA, CSA, and the Science Working Group (SWG) Cycle 1 GO...
The 8th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
April 8, 2021 Committee MeetingsThe JSTUC met on April 8, 2021 to discuss the results from the Cycle 1 Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC) process. See the JSTUC page for additional information about the work of the committee.
The 7th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
December 9 through 11, 2020 Committee MeetingsThe 7th meeting of the JSTUC was held on December 9-11, 2020 via teleconference. Topics included: Updates from NASA HQ, GSFC, STScI, ESA, and CSA Cycle 1 GO/AR program updates, including submission...
JSTUC Meeting
August 13, 2020 Committee MeetingsThe JSTUC met on August 13, 2020 to discuss a letter from community members that raised concerns regarding the JWST Cycle 1 proposal schedule. This presentation summarizes the higher-level schedule constraints...
The 6th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
June 8, 2020 Committee MeetingsThe 6th meeting of the JSTUC was held via teleconference on June 8, 2020 via teleconference. Topics included: Updates from NASA HQ, GSFC, JWST Project, and STScI Interim report from Data...
The 5th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
September 10, 2019 Committee MeetingsThe 5th meeting of the JSTUC was held on September 9-10, 2019. The committee was updated on the: Status of the project, in addition to reports from various groups Planning and preparation for...
The 4th Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
January 30, 2019 Committee MeetingsThe 4th meeting of the JSTUC was held via teleconference on January 30, 2019. The committee was updated on: The status of the project The science planning and schedule for Cycle 1 Call for...
The 3rd Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
July 27, 2018 Committee MeetingsThe 3rd meeting of the JSTUC was held via teleconference on July 27, 2018. The committee was briefed on the: Project status following NASA’s decision to re-schedule for a March...
The 2nd Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
May 7 through 8, 2018 Committee MeetingsThe 2nd meeting of the JSTUC was held via teleconference on May 7-8, 2018. The committee received various briefings related to the JWST program, as well as a first look at the JWST Cycle...
The 1st Meeting of the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC)
September 14 through 15, 2017 Committee MeetingsThe 1st meeting of the JSTUC was held at STSCI on September 14-15, 2017. The committee was welcomed by the STScI Director, the JWST Senior Project Scientist, and representatives of the three space...
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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.