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Harry Ferguson

Harry Ferguson headshot

Henry Ferguson has been on the scientific staff at the Space Telescope Science Institute since 1995, working areas broadly related to galaxy evolution and observational cosmology. Since the original Hubble Deep Field, he has been engaged in “Deep Field” observations with the multiple observatories, most recently as co-PI for the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Legacy Survey (CANDELS). In addition to accomplishing a wide variety of goals — from detection of some of the most distant galaxies, to constraining cosmic acceleration using high-redshift supernovae — these surveys have provided non-proprietary data to the community, and observing strategies have been carefully tailored to meet diverse scientific objectives. In his service role at STScI, he has worked in various capacities on the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) projects, including having led science instrument support group at STScI, overseen the orbital verification and calibration programs for the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrographs, and led the development of the initial Operations Concept for JWST. He has also previously served as Chair of the Senior Science Staff. He currently leads the Data Analysis Tools Branch, and is heavily involved in development of Astropy-related data-analysis tools.

Ferguson is a Fellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and serves as an at-large member of the Astronomy Section steering commmitte. He also serves on the Executive Board of the LSST Corporation and is a co-investigator on the EXPO extragalactic Science Investigation Team for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.


PhD in Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University
AB in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Harvard University


Research Topics: High-Redshift Galaxies; Galaxy Formation and Evolution; Stellar Populations


Professional Websites:

Professional Website



ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7113-2738


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