ACS Interactive Throughput Plots
This page presents system throughput curves in graphic and tabular form for all of the filters in each of the three ACS channels. These data have been generated with stsynphot
and are the most recent transmission curves derived in ACS ISR 2016-03. The system throughputs represent the fractional photon detection efficiency in terms of photons in vs. detected photo-electrons. They are the product of the individual throughputs of the optical telescope assembly (OTA), the window on the instrument housing, the responsive quantum efficiency (RQE) of the detector, and the filter. In other words, they represent the total expected fraction of light detected by the detector.
As the sensitivity changes over time due to degradation of the detectors and filters, the system throughputs change as well. This variability is incorporated in the RQE component file for the ACS instrument. By default, when computing the system throughputs the most recent component files are used, however, time dependent system throughputs can be computed by using stsynphot
in the following way:
import stsynphot as STS # a new and improved replace for pysynphot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
obsmode = 'acs,wfc1,f555w,mjd#57000' # desired instrument, chip1, filter, and date
# Instantiate an ObservationSpectralElement object which contains the desired
# information (throughput, wavelength converage, etc..) about the specified obsmode
bp_acs =
# Now we get the wavelengths associated with the throughput curve.
wavelengths = bp_acs.binset
# One of the main features of stsynphot is that it is built using astropy.units
# This means that all values are returned with their correct units, so no more
# wondering what the units are of the values you have!
# Finally, compute the throughput values for the filter over the provided wavelength range
throughput = bp_acs(wavelengths)
# Check to make sure everything looks good
plt.plot(wavelengths.value, throughput.value, label='F555W')
For more information, please consult the stsynphot documentation.
Determine the value for a specific wavelength
Hover over a datapoint in the figures below. This will display the coordinates (λ , throughput) and the filter name for the curve the cursor covers.
Select a single filter
Double click the filter name in the legend. This will toggle off all other filters except the one that has been double clicked allowing you to investigate whichever filter you desire.
- To undo this operation, double click anywhere on the legend.
- To view other filters for comparions, single click the desired filter in the legend to toggle it on
Zoom in
Determine the area you wish to examine, then click and hold to draw a rectangle around the desired region.
- To undo this operation, double click anywhere on the plot and it will return to its default state.
ACS Bandpass Tables
The following tables contain the PHOTPLAM, PHOTBW and CTW95 values for each filter available in the WFC, HRC, and SBC. PHOTPLAM is the filter pivot wavelength in Angstroms, PHOTBW is the bandpass RMS bandwidth in Angstroms, and CTW95 is the 95% filter cumulative width in Angstroms.
Filter values for WFC, HRC, and SBC
FILTER PHOTPLAM F435W 4329.9 298.9 1020.4 F475W 4747.0 420.1 1421.5 F502N 5023.0 28.6 67.4 F550M 5581.5 163.1 532.6 F555W 5361.0 360.1 1262.9 F606W 5921.9 672.5 2235.7 F625W 6311.8 415.4 1396.2 F658N 6584.0 36.8 89.8 F660N 6599.4 34.9 49.1 F775W 7693.5 434.5 1492.9 F814W 8045.5 653.1 2349.0 F850LP 9031.5 524.3 2057.3 F892N 8914.8 72.0 164.2 -
FILTER F220W 2256.2 187.4 743.8 F250W 2716.8 239.6 925.4 F330W 3363.0 173.7 610.8 F344N 3433.8 27.5 64.5 F435W 4323.1 315.2 1051.2 F475W 4775.7 418.8 1419.6 F502N 5022.9 36.4 67.4 F550M 5579.8 165.2 532.7 F555W 5355.7 357.2 1257.8 F606W 5887.1 664.7 2231.7 F625W 6295.2 415.1 1397.8 F658N 6583.7 57.7 89.8 F660N 6599.0 74.4 49.2 F775W 7665.1 432.1 1498.7 F814W 8100.5 702.6 2405.1 F850LP 9143.9 538.2 2063.8 F892N 8916.1 100.9 164.2
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