ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE pointing patterns
This is a one-dimensional dither pattern, with the following allowable parameter ranges:
Pattern_Number: 1 Pattern_Type: ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE Pattern_Purpose: DITHER Number_Of_Points: 2-9 Point_Spacing: 0.01 - 10.0 (arcseconds) Line_Spacing: N/A Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 0.0 - 360.0 (degrees) Angle_Between_Sides: 0.0 - 360.0 (degrees) Center_Pattern: ? (YES or NO)
The following versions of this Pattern_Type are projected onto the detector pixel space in the graphic above.
The default pattern is a 10x10 pixel shift designed to allow for the rejection of most SBC detector artifacts, including a horizontal strip caused by a bad anode.
Pattern_Number: 31 Pattern_Type: ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE Pattern_Purpose: DITHER Number_Of_Points: 2 Point_Spacing: 0.472 Line_Spacing: N/A Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 44.40 Angle_Between_Sides: N/A Center_Pattern: NO
POS TARG equivalent: 0.000, 0.000 0.336, 0.333
The following is an integer 2-point hot pixel dither pattern.
Pattern_Number: 30 Pattern_Type: ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE Pattern_Purpose: DITHER Number_Of_Points: 2 Point_Spacing: 0.095 Line_Spacing: N/A Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 44.74 Angle_Between_Sides: N/A Center_Pattern: NO
POS TARG equivalent: 0.000, 0.000 0.067, 0.067
The 2-point sub-pixel dither pattern.
Pattern_Number: 32 Pattern_Type: ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE Pattern_Purpose: DITHER Number_Of_Points: 2 Point_Spacing: 0.099 Line_Spacing: N/A Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 32.37 Angle_Between_Sides: N/A Center_Pattern: NO
POS TARG equivalent: 0.000, 0.000 0.084, 0.053
The 3-point sub-pixel dither pattern...
Pattern_Number: 33 Pattern_Type: ACS-SBC-DITHER-LINE Pattern_Purpose: DITHER Number_Of_Points: 3 Point_Spacing: 0.110 Line_Spacing: N/A Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 44.71 Angle_Between_Sides: N/A Center_Pattern: NO
POS TARG equivalent: 0.000, 0.000 0.078, 0.078 0.157, 0.156