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Models are available for download at ATMO 2020.
The ATMO 2020 Model Spectra here are part of the atmosphere and evolutionary models for cool T-Y brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets in radiative-convective equilibrium. The original models have wavelength in units of \(\mu m \) and fluxes in units of \(Watts \ m^{-2} \mu m^{-1}\). Our models were converted to wavelength in units in \(\dot{A}\)and fluxes in units of \(erg\ s^{-1}cm^{-2}A^{-1}.\)
Although the authors offer models for several log (g) values, here we limit the set to the models with log(g) = 5.0. These models are generated using solar metallicity and with a temperature range between 200 K to 2000 K, as recommended by the authors.
Table 1 provides the full list of models offered via MAST HLSP (ATMO 2020).
Filename | Temp (K) | log (g) |
spec_t200_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 200 | 5.0 |
spec_t250_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 250 | 5.0 |
spec_t300_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 300 | 5.0 |
spec_t350_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 350 | 5.0 |
spec_t400_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 400 | 5.0 |
spec_t450_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 450 | 5.0 |
spec_t500_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 500 | 5.0 |
spec_t550_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 550 | 5.0 |
spec_t600_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 600 | 5.0 |
spec_t700_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 700 | 5.0 |
spec_t800_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 800 | 5.0 |
spec_t900_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 900 | 5.0 |
spec_t1000_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1000 | 5.0 |
spec_t1100_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1100 | 5.0 |
spec_t1200_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1200 | 5.0 |
spec_t1300_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1300 | 5.0 |
spec_t1400_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1400 | 5.0 |
spec_t1500_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1500 | 5.0 |
spec_t1600_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1600 | 5.0 |
spec_t1700_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1700 | 5.0 |
spec_t1800_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1800 | 5.0 |
spec_t1900_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 1900 | 5.0 |
spec_t2000_lg5.0_ceq.fits | 2000 | 5.0 |
Below is an example of a standard header file for the ATMO model spec_t1800_lg5.0_ceq.fits. This model corresponds to a star with Teff = 1800 K and log (g) = 5.0. It and covers a range in wavelength of
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T DBTABLE = 'CRGRID ' CONTACT = 'JWST ETCWG' CREATED = 'June 29 2020' DESCRIPT= 'ATMO2020 model spec_t200_lg5.0_ceq' LITREF = 'M.W. Phillips et al. 2020, A&A 637, A38' HISTORY File created by Glenn Wahlgren HISTORY ATMO 2020 model spectrum in radiative-convective equilibrium HISTORY for cool T-Y brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets.