16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 1] HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE OBSERVING PROGRAM 16113 Version: 10 Check-in Time: 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 STScI Edit Number: 2 Title ULLYSES K-type T Tauri stars in the Orion OBIb and Sigma Ori Star Forming Regions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type Cycle GO/DD 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investigators Contact? PI: Dr. Julia Christine Roman-Duval Space Telescope Science Institute Y CoI: Dr. Kenneth Sembach Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Charles R. Proffitt Space Telescope Science Institute Y CoI: Joanna Taylor Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Travis Fischer Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. TalaWanda R. Monroe Space Telescope Science Institute Y CoI: Dr. William J. Fischer Space Telescope Science Institute Y CoI: Dr. Alexander W. Fullerton Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Alessandra Aloisi Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Christopher Britt Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Thomas M. Brown Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Ivo Busko Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Joleen Carlberg Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Gisella De Rosa Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Elaine M Frazer Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Svea S Hernandez Space Telescope Science Institute - ESA N CoI: Dr. Bethan Lesley James Space Telescope Science Institute - ESA N CoI: Robert Jedrzejewski Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Sean Lockwood Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Cristina Oliveira Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Rachel Plesha Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. I. Neill Reid Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Adric R. Riedel Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Allyssa Riley Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. David J. Sahnow Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Ravi Sankrit Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Richard Shaw Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Linda J. Smith Space Telescope Science Institute - ESA N CoI: Dr. Sangmo Tony Sohn Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Debopam Som Space Telescope Science Institute Y CoI: Dr. Leonardo Ubeda Space Telescope Science Institute N CoI: Dr. Daniel E. Welty Space Telescope Science Institute N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Director has decided to devote up to 1000 orbits of Director's Discretionary time in observing Cycles 27-29 to a new Hubble Ultraviolet Legacy program focused on star formation and associated stellar physics. This new program, ULLYSES (UV Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards), will provide a UV spectroscopic reference sample of young (< 10 Myr) high- and low-mass stars. It will target over ~150 OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds and lower metallicity galaxies in the Local Group, and ~40 T Tauri stars and brown dwarfs in the Milky Way. In addition, ULLYSES will monitor 4 typical T Tauri stars 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 2] over different rotational phases through at least three rotation periods, and over timescales of months to years. The resulting library will provide template spectra of massive stars at metallicities substantially below the well studied, while the low mass sample will cover a wide range of ages, accretion rates, and masses, including objects down to well below 0.5 M_sun. The legacy of this large UV dataset on the first 10 Myr of stellar evolution will be enhanced by complementary datasets obtained by the scientific community. In addition to the core goals of the program related to stellar astrophysics of low and high mass stars, this data will also enable exciting science in the fields of ISM, CGM, jets, and exoplanets. ULLYSES will be modeled after the Frontier Fields program: all data obtained will be non-proprietary. The implementation team at STScI is developing high-level science data products and a sophisticated database and website for disseminating data from the ULLYSES program and ancillary datasets for the ULLYSES target sample from space and ground-based facilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Observations Description ------------------------ This proposal includes a subset of the low mass ULLYSES survey stars. Each target will be observed with the COS c1291 + c1611 settings, as well as with STIS G230L, G430L, and G750L. All observations will normally be constrained to occur within 1 day. Signal-to-noise requirements used to determine the desired exposures times were defined as follows: COS/G130M/c1291: N V 1239 +- 1 A -- S/N=15/6-pix-resel at the peak of the line COS/G160M/c1611: C IV 1549 +- 1 A -- S/N=30/6-pix-resel at the peak of the line STIS/G230L/52X2: Mg II 2800 +-15 A -- S/N=20/2-pix-resel at the peak of the line STIS/G430L/52X2: continuum average 4000 +-5 A -- S/N=20/2-pix-resel (2 reads) STIS/G750L/52X2: continuum average 5700 +-5 A -- S/N=20/2-pix-resel (2 reads) Additional details about the scientific motivation and technical implementation strategy of the ULLYSES observations can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/stsci-research/research-topics-and-programs/ullyses. The ULLYSES program is based on the recommendations of a working group led by Sally Oey; the full text of that group's report can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/files/live/sites/www/files/home/stsci-research/research-to pics-and-programs/ullyses/_documents/HSTUV-report-ULLYSES.pdf. To obtain near simultaneous coverage, all visits to a given target should be grouped within 1 day. The visits in this proposal are all constrained to occur between 19 November and 17 December 2020 to be simultaneous with planned TESS observations. We also wish to attempt to obtain simultaneous coverage with telescopes of the LCOGT network. Unfortuneately, this network has an approximately 2 to 3 hour gap in coverage for the Orion targets due to the lack of an observataory at an appropriate longitude. We will therefore add a period and a phase constraint to these obervations to prevent the HST observations from being schedulled during this daily gap. The period when the Orion stars can be observed by this networks starts when they reach ~ airmass of 2 from the Sutherland observatory 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 3] in South Africa, and ends about 21 hours later due to the start of morning twilight in Siding Springs Australia. Originally we had planned to enforce this scheduling restriction using APT phase constraints, but instead the Program Coordinator will manually restrict the planning windows in the LRP to achieve the desired effect. This is less error prone and more flexible as these constraints, unlike APT ones, can be relaxed during the schedule building process. TESS sector 32 observations: At each TESS perigee, there are two LAHO (low-altitude housekeeping operations) contacts. TESSscience observations stop 10 minutes before the beginning of the first LAHO and resume 5 minutes before the end of the second LAHO. Times of LAHO contacts are posted on the TESS operations calendar at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/0/r/week?cid=a21va3YydDM0dmpsc2w2Ymw2Z29 vdWE2OGNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ approximately 3 months in advance. We will require that our visits start at least 45minutes prior to the start of any gap in TESS operations. For TESS sector 32, LAHO Passes (1) 19-Nov-2020 08:45-13:45 start 5m before LAHO end (2) 02-Dec-2020 10:45-15:45 stop 10m before LAHO start (3) 03-Dec-2020 05:45-10:45 start 5m before LAHO end (4) 16-Dec-2020 17:45-22:45 stop 10m before LAHO start TESS start/stop times 19-Nov-2020:13:40 to 02-Dec-2020:10:35 03-Nov-2020:10:40 to 16-Dec-2020:17:35 Constrain end of HST BETWEENs to be 55m, 2h30m, and 4h5m before TESS end for 1, 2, and 3 orbit visits to allow HST to complete before TESS end HST-1 orbit: subtract 50 minutes from end times 19-Nov-2020:13:40 to 02-Dec-2020:09:40 03-Nov-2020:10:40 to 16-Dec-2020:16:40 HST-2 orbit: subtract 2h25m from end times 19-Nov-2020:13:40 to 02-Dec-2020:08:05 03-Nov-2020:10:40 to 16-Dec-2020:15:05 HST-3 orbit: subtract 4h from end times 19-Nov-2020:13:40 to 02-Dec-2020:06:30 03-Nov-2020:10:40 to 16-Dec-2020:13:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 4] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 CVSO-146 STAR, T TAURI STAR, RA=05H35M46.0042S +/- 0.000267", J2000 V = 14.01 SpT=K6; A_V=0.10; U=15.25; PRE-MAIN SEQUENCE STAR DEC=-00D57'52.25" +/- 0.000260" V=14.01; J=11.3 Reference Frame: ICRS Extended: NO Comments: CVSO-146 : V499 Ori, J05354600-0057522 Region: Ori OB1b Simbad: https://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=2MASS+J0535 4600-0057522&submit=submit+id Target coordinates are from Gaia DR2. Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_edit.csv cvso146_lya2_etc.txt Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- tstatus; CVSO-146; P/COS Approved for submission; S/STIS Approved for submission; P/CP 29/09/20; S/CP 29/09/20 tcheck; APT/SIMBAD target names: ; OK tcheck; Target info verification status?; OK tcheck; Coordinates & P.M. verified, epoch checked?; OK tcheck; Adopted SED compared to Observations?; Yes fluxes are within expected uncertainties See cvso-146-sed-vs-photo-revised.png Epoch of Position RA proper motion (seconds of time/yr) DEC Proper Motion (arcsec/yr) Annual Parallax (arcsec) 2015.5 1.3326953862417682E-4 -8.605795250000001E-4 0.002953692966 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 5] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V-TX-ORI STAR, T TAURI STAR, RA=05H38M33.6890S +/- 0.0025", J2000 V = 12.06 SpT=K4.5; A_V=0.00; U=13.75; PRE-MAIN SEQUENCE STAR DEC=-02D44'14.17" +/- 0.0021" B=13.16; V=12.06; R=11.38; I=10.73; J=10.1 Reference Frame: ICRS Extended: NO Comments: Note that Mundt & Bastian 1980 (A&AS, 39, 245) provide much fainter photometry, V=13.71, B=15.08, U=16.21, more in line with our expectations V TX Ori : SO583, J05383368-0244141 Region: sigma Ori Simbad: https://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=2MASS+J0538 3368-0244141&submit=submit+id Target coordinates are from Gaia DR2. Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_edit.csv so583_lya2_etc.txt Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:49, v0.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- tstatus; V-TX-ORI; P/COS Approved for submission; S/STIS Approved for submission; P/CP 29/09/20; S/CP 29/09/20 tcheck; APT/SIMBAD target names: ; OK ... note that the name SO583 actually corresponds to the SIMBAD name [HHM2007] 583 tcheck; Target info verification status?; Good tcheck; Coordinates & P.M. verified, epoch checked?; Good tcheck; Adopted SED compared to Observations?; yes, but ... published UBVRI photometry is about 4.4 to 5.9 X brighter than our scaled T Tauri SED, but this is because that model understimates the stellar contribution. If we normalize a K4.5V Kurucz star to the observed V magnitude, the predicted U mag of the star alone then explains about 3/4ths of the observed U band flux (tx-ori-kstar-vs-photo-revised.png), and the remaining residual U excess is within 35% of the prediction of our scaled accretion flux model (the 'u, johnson' point in the figure tx-ori-sed-vs-phot-usub.png has had the estimated stellar U flux subtracted). We conclude that our scaled SED should provide an good approximation to the NUV and FUV flux, but that a K4.5V star normalzed to an optical band should be used to predict the required G430L and G750L exposure times. Epoch of Position RA proper motion (seconds of time/yr) DEC Proper Motion (arcsec/yr) Annual Parallax (arcsec) 2015.5 -8.61296319403669E-5 -0.002701258988 0.001748598808 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 6] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V505-ORI STAR, T TAURI STAR, RA=05H38M27.2573S +/- 0.0003", J2000 V = 14.16 SpT=K6.0; A_V=0.00; V=14.16; PRE-MAIN SEQUENCE STAR DEC=-02D45'9.72" +/- 0.0003" R=13.54; I=12.85; J=12.0; i_DENIS=12.847 Reference Frame: ICRS Extended: NO Comments: V505 Ori : SO518, J05382725-0245096 Region: sigma Ori Simbad: https://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=2MASS+J0538 2725-0245096&submit=submit+id Target coordinates are from Gaia DR2. Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_edit.csv so518_lya2_etc.txt Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- tstatus; V505-ORI; P/COS Approved for submission; S/STIS Approved for submission; P/CP 29/09/20; S/CP 29/09/20 tcheck; APT/SIMBAD target names: ; OK, also Haro 5-10, Kiso A-0976 328, and [HHM2007] 518 tcheck; Target info verification status?; Good tcheck; Coordinates & P.M. verified, epoch checked?; good tcheck; Adopted SED compared to Observations?; V, R, and I in fair agreement, sloane u also appears good Epoch of Position RA proper motion (seconds of time/yr) DEC Proper Motion (arcsec/yr) Annual Parallax (arcsec) 2015.5 7.533728164655273E-5 -6.748409870000001E-4 0.0025163961339999996 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 7] TARGET LIST Fixed Targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tar| Target | Target | Target |Coord | Radial | Flux data No | Name | Description | Position |Eqnx | Vel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V510-ORI STAR, T TAURI STAR, RA=05H39M39.8280S +/- 0.000255", J2000 V = 14.30 SpT=K5.5; A_V=0.15; U=14.59; PRE-MAIN SEQUENCE STAR DEC=-02D31'21.87" +/- 0.000234" V=14.3; J=11.8 Reference Frame: ICRS Extended: NO Comments: Note that Mundt & Bastian 1980 (A&AS, 39, 245) provide V=13.21, B-V=0.48, U-B=-0.81 and V=13.86, B-V=.60, U-B=-1.04 (U=12.88 and 13.42) V510 Ori : SO1153, J05393982-0231217 Region: sigma Ori Simbad: https://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=2MASS+J0539 3982-0231217&submit=submit+id Target coordinates are from Gaia DR2. Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_edit.csv so1153_lya2_etc.txt Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- tstatus; V510-ORI; P/COS Approved for submission; S/STIS Approved for submission; P/CP 29/09/20; S/CP 29/09/20 tcheck; APT/SIMBAD target names: ; Haro 5-27, CSV 652, V510-Ori, [HHM2007] 1153 tcheck; Target info verification status?; Good tcheck; Coordinates & P.M. verified, epoch checked?; Yes tcheck; Adopted SED compared to Observations?; Yes Has STIS F28X50LP ACQ and G750M 6581 52x0.1 observations. Fair agreement between scaled SED and optical photometry Epoch of Position RA proper motion (seconds of time/yr) DEC Proper Motion (arcsec/yr) Annual Parallax (arcsec) 2015.5 1.223261736386128E-4 -5.8937092999999996E-5 0.00253283346 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 8] Visit: 1C (CVSO-146-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:06:30:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:13:30:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 1C; CVSO-146; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; CVSO-146 ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes, GSC2, 2MASS, and SDSS vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA MIRRORB vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; None vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes ... PSA check shows one "unknown" with Fmag=14.71 about 2.5" away from central target, but no extra bump at this location is visible in either the GSC2, SDSS, or 2MASS images and Gaia shows no such 2nd star, so this appears to be a spurious detection and/or misalignment of the primary target. All Gaia sources other than the target within the PSA or BOA macro-apertures have BPmag values fainter than 19.3. vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; No unflagged stars visible vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; yes ... 105% of desired c1611 exposure 95% of desired c1291 vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; 1S has group 1S, 1C within 1 day vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; 19-Nov to 17-Dec 2020 to coordinate with TESS vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated COS orbits = 3 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 9] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 CVSO-146 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 91 S (91 GE S) Comments: Nominal CVSO-146_sed.fits: COS.ta.1460250: S/N=39.8, bright pix=2.5 cnts/s 4X cvso146_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.ta.1460251: Sn=79, bright pix = 9.79 cnts/s Aim for S/N=40 to allow for 4X fading below nominal Brightest pixel with nominal spectrum is ~ 2.5 cnts/s Dispersed c1611 ACQ would require 141 s per dwell point for S/N=40 with nominal SED Dispersed c1291 would require 99 s per dwell point G230L c3360 stripeA would require 84 s per dwell point; or 48s for c2635 StripeA if we can clear Mg II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 CVSO-146 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=823, FP-POS=ALL 1 933 S G (3732 S) Comments: 4x calc -cvso146_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1460255 - peak local only 0.050 baseline S/N calc - COS.sp.1467810 cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=1776.6 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 90.8 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.013 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:31, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 10] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 CVSO-146 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=135, FP-POS=3 1 245 S (245 G S) Comments: 4X calculation cvso146_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459484 - peak local rate still at Lyman alpha Baseline S/N calculation COS.sp.1458435 cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=1355.1 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 343.2 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.010 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 11] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 CVSO-146 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=941, FP-POS=3 1 1051 S G (1051 S) Comments: 4X calculation COS.sp.1459484 - peak local rate still at Lyman alpha Baseline S/N calculation COS.sp.1458435 cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=1355.1 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 343.2 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.010 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 12] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 CVSO-146 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1186, FP-POS=4 1 1296 S G (1296 S) Comments: 4X calculation COS.sp.1459484 - peak local rate still at Lyman alpha Baseline S/N calculation COS.sp.1458435 cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=1355.1 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 343.2 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.010 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVSO-146 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE CVSO-146 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 1 1 N/A G CVSO-146 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 2 1 N/A G CVSO-146 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 3 2 N/A G CVSO-146 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 4 2 N/A G CVSO-146 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 2 N/A G CVSO-146 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 13] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVSO-146 5 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 14] Visit: 1S (CVSO-146-STIS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:09:40:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:16:40:00; GROUP 1S, 1C WITHIN 1D On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 1S; CVSO-146; S/STIS Approved for submission; S/CP 28/08/20 ; internal review complete ; S/DW 11/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; CVSO 146 ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Done vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes ... STIS CCD observations require significantlly more time than estimated by script - need to check script assumptions for these vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; F28X50LP for 0.6 s vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; None vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes ... Unknowns flagged but only for CCD observations so no safety issue vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; OK vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes, set to 1/2 exposure time vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Yes vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated STIS orbits = 1 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 CVSO-146 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR 1 0.6 S (0.6 S) Comments: S/N=80 requies 0.3s, with 14s to saturation. Will adopt 2x this or 0.6s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 15] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 CVSO-146 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 WAVECAL=NO, BUFFER-TIME=438 1 875 S (875 -MAMA G S) Comments: Baseline S/N calc = STIS.sp.1458503 4X BOP ETC Calc = STIS.sp.1459540 (entered above), B.P. = 3.36 cnts/pixel/s cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; stis, nuvmama, g230l, c2376, 52x2, mjd#59305 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=97.3 s, spectral region: 2800.0 +- 15.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 2528.0 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.842 cts/s/pix at 2788.8 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 WAVE STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 1 DEF (0 S) -MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 16] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 CVSO-146 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 307.2 S (307.2 S) Comments: I need 153.6s to get S/N=20 at 4000, not 62.2s stated below! cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g430l, c4300, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=62.2 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 4000.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 39423.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 16.200 cts/s/pix at 4871.0 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 17] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 CVSO-146 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 34.4 S (34.4 S) Comments: I'm getting needed 17.25s with ETC STIS.sp.1458499 and CVSO-146_sed.fits cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=7.3 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 62991.1 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 97.853 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 18] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=7.3 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 62991.1 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 97.853 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: cvso146_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6 ; A_V: 0.1 ; Distance (pc): 440 M*: 0.92 ; log(dm/dt): -8.06 For exptime=7.3 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 62991.1 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 97.853 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:33, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 19] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CVSO-146 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A CVSO-146 2 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA G WAVE 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA WAVE 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 none none none none 1 N/A CVSO-146 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 1 1 N/A CVSO-146 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 2 1 N/A CVSO-146 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 1 1 N/A CVSO-146 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 2 1 N/A WAVE 7 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none none none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 20] Visit: 2C (V-TX-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:06:30:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:13:30:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 2C; V-TX-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V-TX ori ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; no vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; n/a - K star vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA/MIRRORB, S/N=40 vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; none vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes, cleared with explanations. BOT for PSA, MIRRORB TA exposure finds that the target is unsafe and an additional 2 unknowns in PSA macro-aperture, but all three of these objects appear to be misplaced entries for the prime target as Gaia DR2 shows only a single star at this location. See the discussion in the COS TA exposure level comments for details of how we cleared the primary target. vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; none found vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; yes got 1.43X request for c1291 and 1.60x for c1611 vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; GROUP 2S, 2C within 1 day attached to STIS visit vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated COS orbits = 3 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 21] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V-TX-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 60 S (60 GE S) Comments: We've constructed SEDs which add the expected stellar spectrum (normalized to the observed V band) to 1x, 4x, and 12x the expected accretion spectra and input them into the ETC for a S/N=40 with PSA, MIRRORB. These combine the SED's contained in the files TX-Ori_K4.5V_sed.fits (star only) and TX_Ori_sed.fits (presumed to be accretion only) so583_lya2_x1_plus_star.fits: nominal accretion + star: COS.ta.1467805, S/N=40 in 49.6s, B.P. = 4.49 so583_lya2_x4_plus_star.fits: 4x accretion + 1 x star: COS.ta.1467806, B.P. = 14.7 so583_lya2_x12_plus_star.fits: 12x accretion + 1 x star: COS.ta.1467807, B.P. = 42 Note that if we renormalize the nominal accretion + star spectrum to the observed U mag of 13.75, we get almost the same answer as if we use the unnormalized spectra (COS.ta.1467808 with B.P. = 4.541). This shows that our adopted spectrum is consistent with the observed photometry. Since even upping the nominal accretion calculation by a factor of 12 appears to be safe, we should be confident in doing the acquisition with PSA, MIRRORB with an exposure time of about 50 s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 22] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V-TX-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=854, FP-POS=ALL 1 964 S G (3856 S) Comments: baseline COS.sp.1459278 4x - so583_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt - COS.sp.1459490 , BP = 0.075 cnts/s normalized to observed U=13.75: COS.sp.1459705 still has only BP = 0.116 cnts/s ~ 6X margin on local rate so583_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=1213.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 98.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.018 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:46, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 23] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V-TX-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1348, FP-POS=3 1 182 S (182 G S) Comments: normalized to observed U=13.75: COS.sp.1459707 still dominated by Lyman alpha normalized to 4X observed U = 12.245: COS.sp.1459709 has brightest pixel at 0.557 cnts/s so still safe even if this bright! so583_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=884.7 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 423.8 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.047 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:48, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 24] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V-TX-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=972, FP-POS=3 1 1082 S G (1082 S) Comments: normalized to observed U=13.75: COS.sp.1459707 still dominated by Lyman alpha normalized to 4X observed U = 12.245: COS.sp.1459709 has brightest pixel at 0.557 cnts/s so still safe even if this bright! so583_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=884.7 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 423.8 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.047 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:48, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 25] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V-TX-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1154, FP-POS=4 1 1264 S G (1264 S) Comments: normalized to observed U=13.75: COS.sp.1459707 still dominated by Lyman alpha normalized to 4X observed U = 12.245: COS.sp.1459709 has brightest pixel at 0.557 cnts/s so still safe even if this bright! so583_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=884.7 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 423.8 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.047 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:48, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-TX-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V-TX-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 1 1 N/A G V-TX-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 2 1 N/A G V-TX-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 3 2 N/A G V-TX-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none 4 2 N/A G V-TX-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 2 N/A G V-TX-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 26] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-TX-ORI 5 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 27] Visit: 2S (V-TX-ORI-STIS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:09:40:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:16:40:00; GROUP 2S, 2C WITHIN 1D On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 2S; V-TX-ORI; S/STIS Approved for submission; S/CP 28/08/20 ; internal review complete ; S/DW 11/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; TX-Ori ; STIS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; YES vcheck; Any screening violations?; No, all well below level vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; F28X50LP with S/N=80 vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; None - Gaia shows only 1 star despite multiple GSC2 entries vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; OK, only reasonably bright star is cleared by BOT for G230L vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes - corrected G430L and G750L exposure times, and increased G230L from nominal 143s to 1089s. vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; GROUP 2S, 2C within 1 day vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; BETWEEN 19-Nov-2020 and 17-Dec-2020 vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated STIS orbits = 1 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V-TX-ORI STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR 1 0.3 S (0.3 S) Comments: Use S/N=80 with nominal SED to allow for fainter than expected spectrum Alternate calculation normalizes to observed I band giving STIS.ta.1459286 which saturates in 2.15 s, so still factor of almost 9x buffer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 28] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V-TX-ORI STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 WAVECAL=NO, BUFFER-TIME=363 1 1089 S -MAMA G (1089 S) Comments: ETC calc for 4x nominal - STIS.sp.1459544 B.P. = 4.6 cnts/pix/s ETC calc for nominal - STIS.sp.1459335 Norm to U = 12.24 (4x observed U) STIS.sp.1459548 (B.P. = 20 cnts/pixel/s), still no warnings, buffer time =270 s, but observed U is mostly due to the K4.5V star, not the accretion flux, so this should drastically overestimate the actual G230L flux If we normalize default spectrum to observed U=13.75, ETC buffer time is only 557s (STIS.sp.1459299), so583_lya2_etc.txt; stis, nuvmama, g230l, c2376, 52x2, mjd#59305 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=71.5 s, spectral region: 2800.0 +- 15.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 2606.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 1.141 cts/s/pix at 2788.8 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:48, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 WAVE STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 1 DEF (0 S) -MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 29] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V-TX-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 104 S (104 S) Comments: In this case, in the optical the star outshines our estimated accretion flux by a large factor, so instead of our scaled T Tauri accretion SED, we adopt a Castelli Kurucz model of a K4.5V star normalized to the observed Johnson B band magnintude of 13.16 for the BOP check. Exposure time using scaled T Tauri spectrum would be STIS.sp.1465023 with exptime = 104s - we adopt this to allow detection of weak accretion features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 V-TX-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 26.6 S (26.6 S) Comments: In this case, in the optical the star outshines our estimated accretion flux by a large factor, so we adopt a Castelli Kurucz model of K4.5V star normalized to the observed Cousins R band magnintude of 11.38. Exposure time using scaled T Tauri spectrum would be STIS.sp.1465025 with exptime = 13.3s, we adopt 26.6 to allow detectrion of weak accretion features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 30] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so583_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=5.6 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 72912.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 128.092 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:49, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so583_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K4.5 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 1.087 ; log(dm/dt): -8.13 For exptime=5.6 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 72912.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 128.092 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:49, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 31] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V-TX-ORI 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A V-TX-ORI 2 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA G WAVE 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA WAVE 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 none none none none 1 N/A V-TX-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 1 1 N/A V-TX-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 2 1 N/A V-TX-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 1 1 N/A V-TX-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 2 1 N/A WAVE 7 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none none none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 32] Visit: 3C (V505-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:06:30:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:13:30:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 3C; V505-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V505-Ori ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA, MIRRORB, S/N=40 to allow for brightness variations. Even with 4X upper limit spectrum B.P. only 11.4 cnts/pix/s vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; None vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Clear vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; yes ... Obtained 1.19x c1611 request & 1.09x c1291 request vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 3C, 3S WITHIN 1 DAY adde to visit 3S vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Between 19 Nov 2020 and 17 Dec 2020 vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated COS orbits = 3 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V505-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 73.9 S GE (73.9 S) Comments: PSA, MIRRORB, so518_lya2_etc.txt, no-renorm, S/N=40 gives COS.ta.1459346, peak local=3 (margin of 16x), 73.9s PSA, MIRRORB, so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, Texp = 73.9s gives COS.ta.1460253, peak local = 11.4 Alt with BOA, MIRRORA puts unknown in PSA, but this star has SDSS u fainter than 22.1, so not an issue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 33] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1230, FP-POS=1 1 1340 S G (1340 S) Comments: 4X BOP Calc so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459489, PB = 0.106 cnts/pixel/s default soectrum S/N calc COS.sp.1460260 so518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=2234.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 139.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.026 cts/s/pix at 1446.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:38, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 34] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=426, FP-POS=2 1 536 S G see below (564 S) Comments: 4X BOP Calc so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459489, PB = 0.106 cnts/pixel/s default soectrum S/N calc COS.sp.1460260 sso518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=2234.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 139.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.026 cts/s/pix at 1446.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:38, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 35] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=694, FP-POS=2 1 804 S (804 G S) Comments: 4X BOP Calc so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459489, PB = 0.106 cnts/pixel/s default soectrum S/N calc COS.sp.1460260 sso518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=2234.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 139.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.026 cts/s/pix at 1446.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:38, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 36] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1433, FP-POS=3 1 1543 S G (1543 S) Comments: 4X BOP Calc so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459489, PB = 0.106 cnts/pixel/s default soectrum S/N calc COS.sp.1460260 sso518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=2234.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 139.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.026 cts/s/pix at 1446.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:38, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 37] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1182, FP-POS=4 1 1292 S G (1292 S) Comments: 4X BOP Calc so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt COS.sp.1459489, PB = 0.106 cnts/pixel/s default soectrum S/N calc COS.sp.1460260 sso518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=2234.1 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 139.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.026 cts/s/pix at 1446.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:38, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 38] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=295, FP-POS=3 1 405 S (405 G S) Comments: Baseline ETC COS.sp.1459352 gives B.P.=0.111 or about 6X below limits ... 4x spectrum so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459488, B.P. = 0.143 cnts/pixel/s so518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=372.2 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 652.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.130 cts/s/pix at 1304.8 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 39] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 V505-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=295, FP-POS=4 1 405 S (405 G S) Comments: Baseline ETC COS.sp.1459352 gives B.P.=0.111 or about 6X below limits ... (possibly includes geo-coronal O I in input spectrum as well as ETC) 4x spectrum so518_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459488, B.P. = 0.143 cnts/pixel/s or 4.66X below local limit so518_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=372.2 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 652.9 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.130 cts/s/pix at 1304.8 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V505-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V505-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 1 N/A G V505-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 1 564.0 S G V505-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G V505-ORI 5 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G V505-ORI 6 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 40] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V505-ORI 7 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G V505-ORI 8 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 3 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 41] Visit: 3S (V505-ORI-STIS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:09:40:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:16:40:00; GROUP 3S, 3C WITHIN 1D On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 3S; V505-ORI; S/STIS Approved for submission; S/CP 28/08/20 ; internal review complete ; S/DW 11/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V505 Ori ; STIS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A, K star vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; F28X50LP, S/N=80 vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; None vcheck; Field BOT clear?; yes vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Clear vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 3S, 3C WITHIN 1D vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated STIS orbits = 1 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V505-ORI STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR 1 0.3 S (0.3 S) Comments: S/N=80 for basline flux level requires 0.23 s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 42] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V505-ORI STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 WAVECAL=NO, BUFFER-TIME=494 1 987 S (987 -MAMA G S) Comments: Nominal ETC calc STIS.sp.1459465 4X Source ETC Calc STIS.sp.1459550, B.P. = 5.3 cnts/pixel/s Brightest pixel = 1.322 so518_lya2_etc.txt; stis, nuvmama, g230l, c2376, 52x2, mjd#59305 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=61.6 s, spectral region: 2800.0 +- 15.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 2503.1 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 1.322 cts/s/pix at 2796.8 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 WAVE STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 1 DEF (0 S) -MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 43] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V505-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 200 S (200 S) Comments: Normalize K6 Castelli-Kurucz model to observed V=14.06 with S/N=20 at 4000A and double resulting exposure time Also check case with accretion spectrum so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: get ETC# STIS.sp.1470335 - 542s to saturation for gain=1 (vs planned 100s exposures), so plenty of margin even with the 4x spectrum so518_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g430l, c4300, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=40.1 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 4000.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 44241.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 25.603 cts/s/pix at 4560.5 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 44] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 V505-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 33.4 S (33.4 S) Comments: Normalize K6 Castelli-Kurucz model to observed I= 12.85 with S/N=20 at 5700A and double resulting exposure time Also check case with accretion spectrum so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: get ETC# STIS.sp.1470338 - 85s to saturation for gain=1 (vs planned 16.7s exposures), so plenty of margin even with the 4x spectrum so518_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=4.6 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 73340.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 127.387 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 45] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so518_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=4.6 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 73340.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 127.387 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so518_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K6.0 ; A_V: 0.0 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.754 ; log(dm/dt): -8.54 For exptime=4.6 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 73340.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 127.387 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:20:41, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 46] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V505-ORI 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A V505-ORI 2 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA G WAVE 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA WAVE 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 none none none none 1 N/A V505-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 1 1 N/A V505-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 2 1 N/A V505-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 1 1 N/A V505-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 2 1 N/A WAVE 7 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none none none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 47] Visit: 4C (V510-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:08:05:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:15:05:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4C; V510-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V510-Ori ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes, Jet visible in SDSS image?? vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA, MIRRORB vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; No vcheck; Field BOT clear?; yes, GSC2 BOT clear vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Good, brighest SDSS star other than target in PSA macroaperture has u, sdss=21.395 abmag vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 4S, 4C, 4D within 1 DAY added to 4S vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated COS orbits = 4 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 108.4 S GE (108.4 S) Comments: S/N = 40 with V510_Ori_sed.fits PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 2.064, COS.ta.1459559 texp = 108.4 so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 8.227, COS.ta.1460254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 48] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1885, FP-POS=3 1 1995 S G (1995 S) Comments: BOT ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459562 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459563 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1569.4 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 359.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.023 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 49] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=1 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 50] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=3 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V510-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 1 N/A G V510-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G V510-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 51] Visit: 4D (V510-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:08:05:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:15:05:00 On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4C; V510-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 **** see visit 4C for completed checklist vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; ------ ; ------ ; ------ vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; ------ vcheck; Any screening violations?; ------ vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; ------ vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes, Jet visible in SDSS image?? vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA, MIRRORB vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; ------ vcheck; Field BOT clear?; yes, GSC2 BOT clear vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Good, brighest SDSS star other than target in PSA macroaperture has u, sdss=21.395 abmag vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; ------ vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; ------ vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; ------ vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; ------- vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes, see visit 4C for completely filled out checklist Allocated COS orbits = 4 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 108.4 S GE (108.4 S) Comments: S/N = 40 with V510_Ori_sed.fits PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 2.064, COS.ta.1459559 texp = 108.4 so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 8.227, COS.ta.1460254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 52] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1885, FP-POS=4 1 1995 S G (1995 S) Comments: BOT ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459562 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459563 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1569.4 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 359.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.023 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 53] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=2 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits, COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 54] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=4 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V510-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 1 N/A G V510-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G V510-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1611 none none none none 2 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 55] Visit: 4S (V510-ORI-STIS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:09:40:00; BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:16:40:00; GROUP 4S, 4C, 4D WITHIN 1D On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4S; V510-ORI; S/STIS Approved for submission; S/CP 28/08/20 ; internal review complete ; S/DW 11/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V510 Ori ; STIS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; F28X50LP 0.3s S/N=80 vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers? No vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Other visible sources not in GSC2 are fainter than mag 20 in SDSS or Gaia DR2 vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 4S, 4C, 4D within 1D vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated STIS orbits = 1 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR 1 0.3 S (0.3 S) Comments: S/N=80 in 0.3s with V510_Ori_sed.fits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 56] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 WAVECAL=NO, BUFFER-TIME=431 1 861 S (861 -MAMA G S) Comments: 4X BOP check ETC calc STIS.sp.1459551, B.P = 3 cnts/pixel/s Nominal ETC Calc V510_Ori_sed.fits: STIS.sp.1459553 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, nuvmama, g230l, c2376, 52x2, mjd#59305 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=112.2 s, spectral region: 2800.0 +- 15.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 2490.4 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.731 cts/s/pix at 2790.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 WAVE STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 1 DEF (0 S) -MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 57] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 320.4 S (320.4 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g430l, c4300, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=64.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 4000.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 38774.0 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 15.228 cts/s/pix at 4871.0 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=4 1 37.4 S (37.4 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 1 DEF (0 S) 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 58] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 59] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A V510-ORI 2 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA G WAVE 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA WAVE 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 none none none none 1 N/A V510-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 1 1 N/A V510-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 2 1 N/A V510-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 1 1 N/A V510-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 2 1 N/A WAVE 7 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none none none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 60] Visit: DC (V510-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100% On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4C; V510-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V510-Ori ; COS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes, Jet visible in SDSS image?? vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA, MIRRORB vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; No vcheck; Field BOT clear?; yes, GSC2 BOT clear vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Good, brighest SDSS star other than target in PSA macroaperture has u, sdss=21.395 abmag vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 4S, 4C, 4D within 1 DAY added to 4S vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated COS orbits = 4 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 108.4 S GE (108.4 S) Comments: S/N = 40 with V510_Ori_sed.fits PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 2.064, COS.ta.1459559 texp = 108.4 so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 8.227, COS.ta.1460254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 61] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1885, FP-POS=3 1 1995 S G (1995 S) Comments: BOT ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459562 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459563 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1569.4 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 359.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.023 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 62] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1589 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=3 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 63] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1589 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=4 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt: COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V510-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 1 N/A G V510-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1589 none none none none 2 N/A G V510-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1589 none none none none 2 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 64] Visit: DD (V510-ORI-COS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100% On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4C; V510-ORI; P/COS Approved for Submission; P/CP 28/09/20 ; internal review complete ; C/DS 16/09/20 **** see visit 4C for completed checklist vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; ------ ; ------ ; ------ vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; ------ vcheck; Any screening violations?; ------ vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; ------ vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes, Jet visible in SDSS image?? vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; PSA, MIRRORB vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers?; ------ vcheck; Field BOT clear?; yes, GSC2 BOT clear vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Good, brighest SDSS star other than target in PSA macroaperture has u, sdss=21.395 abmag vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; ------ vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; ------ vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; ------ vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; ------- vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes, see visit 4C for completely filled out checklist Allocated COS orbits = 4 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB 1 108.4 S GE (108.4 S) Comments: S/N = 40 with V510_Ori_sed.fits PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 2.064, COS.ta.1459559 texp = 108.4 so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt PSA, MIRRORB, peak local = 8.227, COS.ta.1460254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 65] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 BUFFER-TIME=1885, FP-POS=4 1 1995 S G (1995 S) Comments: BOT ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459562 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits COS.sp.1459563 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g130m, c1291, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1569.4 s, spectral region: 1239.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=15.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 359.3 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.023 cts/s/pix at 1214.2 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 66] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1623 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=1 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc with so1153_lya2_x4.00_etc.txt, COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc with V510_Ori_sed.fits, COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 67] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 V510-ORI COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1623 BUFFER-TIME=1067, FP-POS=2 1 1177 S G (1177 S) Comments: BOP ETC calc COS.sp.1459565 S/N ETC calc COS.sp.1459564 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; cos, fuv, g160m, c1611, psa, mjd#59305; fp-pos=None, segment=None) Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=1879.3 s, spectral region: 1549.0 +- 1.0 A achieves SNR=30.0 / 6-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 88.6 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.012 cts/s/pix at 1548.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:13, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 COS/NUV ACQ/IMA PSA MIRRORB none none none none 1 N/A GE V510-ORI 2 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G130M 1291 none none none none 1 N/A G V510-ORI 3 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1623 none none none none 2 N/A G V510-ORI 4 COS/FUV TIME-TA PSA G160M 1623 none none none none 2 N/A G 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 68] Visit: DS (V510-ORI-STIS) Visit Requirements: SCHED 100%; GROUP DS, DC, DD WITHIN 1D On Hold Comments: Additional Comments: vstatus; 4S; V510-ORI; S/STIS Approved for submission; S/CP 28/08/20 ; internal review complete ; S/DW 11/09/20 vcheck; Enter targ name & Inst. & Resp. Sci.; V510 Ori ; STIS ; CP vcheck; ETC numbers entered in APT?; Yes vcheck; Any screening violations?; No vcheck; M-dwarf check complete and added to box folder?; N/A vcheck; S/N ETC calcs done & documented?; Yes vcheck; Field images checked & saved?; Yes vcheck; Selected ACQ strategy?; F28X50LP 0.3s S/N=80 vcheck; Possible ACQ or Sci spoilers? No vcheck; Field BOT clear?; Yes vcheck; Visual BOT check for stars not in catalog?; Other visible sources not in GSC2 are fainter than mag 20 in SDSS or Gaia DR2 vcheck; Orbit packing finalized?; Yes vcheck; Buffer times optimized?; Yes vcheck; Verify visit grouping correct; Group 4S, 4C, 4D within 1D vcheck; phase constraint for ground based observations added?; Yes vcheck; BETWEENS for coordinated observations added?; Yes vcheck; Is visit ready for int. review?; Yes Allocated STIS orbits = 1 Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR 1 0.3 S (0.3 S) Comments: S/N=80 in 0.3s with V510_Ori_sed.fits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 69] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 V510-ORI STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 WAVECAL=NO, BUFFER-TIME=431 1 861 S (861 -MAMA G S) Comments: 4X BOP check ETC calc STIS.sp.1459551, B.P = 3 cnts/pixel/s Nominal ETC Calc V510_Ori_sed.fits: STIS.sp.1459553 so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, nuvmama, g230l, c2376, 52x2, mjd#59305 Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=112.2 s, spectral region: 2800.0 +- 15.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 2490.4 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 0.731 cts/s/pix at 2790.4 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 WAVE STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 1 DEF (0 S) -MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 1 DEF (0 S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 70] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=1 1 320.4 S (320.4 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g430l, c4300, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=64.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 4000.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 38774.0 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 15.228 cts/s/pix at 4871.0 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 V510-ORI STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 WAVECAL=NO, CR-SPLIT=2, GAIN=1 1 37.4 S (37.4 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 WAVE STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 1 DEF (0 S) 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 71] Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exp | Target | Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Central| Optional |Num| Time | Special Num | Name | Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Waveln.| Parameters |Exp| (Total) | Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 CCDFLAT STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 2 DEF (0 S) Comments: so1153_lya2_etc.txt; stis, ccd, g750l, c7751, 52x2, mjd#59305 WARNING: operating mode = ACCUM Input file: combined_todo_survey_tess_sort_v2_Gaia_J_CP_e dit.csv Spectral type: K5.5 ; A_V: 0.15 ; Distance (pc): 385 M*: 0.875 ; log(dm/dt): -8.38 For exptime=7.9 s, n_reads=2, spectral region: 5700.0 +- 5.0 A achieves SNR=20.0 / 2-pix-resel A factor of 2.0 has been applied to the exptime in each exposure. global countrate (brightest segment): 63030.7 cts/s/segment brightest pixel: 99.666 cts/s/pix at 6563.9 A Calculation performed 2020-07-30T14:21:16, v0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 72] Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Exposures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target | Exp |Instr | Oper. | Aper |Spectral|Cent.|Primary |Secondary |Iteration |CR-SPLIT |Orbit |Duration Name | Num |Config | Mode | or FOV |Element |Wave.|Pattern Pos |Pattern Pos |Num |Num |Number | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V510-ORI 1 STIS/CCD ACQ F28X50LP MIRROR none none none none 1 N/A V510-ORI 2 STIS/NUV TIME-TA 52X2 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA G WAVE 3 STIS/NUV ACCUM 52X0.1 G230L 2376 none none none none 1 N/A -MAMA WAVE 4 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G430L 4300 none none none none 1 N/A V510-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 1 1 N/A V510-ORI 5 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G430L 4300 none none none 2 1 N/A V510-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 1 1 N/A V510-ORI 6 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none none 2 1 N/A WAVE 7 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X0.1 G750L 7751 none none none none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 8 STIS/CCD ACCUM 0.3X0.09 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 1 none 1 N/A CCDFLAT 9 STIS/CCD ACCUM 52X2 G750L 7751 none none 2 none 1 N/A 16113( 10) - 14-Jan-2021 19:51:21 - [ 73] Summary Form for Proposal 16113 Item Used in this proposal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apertures 0.3X0.09, 52X0.1, 52X2, F28X50LP, PSA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Configurations COS/FUV, COS/NUV, STIS/CCD, STIS/NUV-MAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opmodes ACCUM, ACQ, ACQ/IMAGE, TIME-TAG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional Parameters BUFFER-TIME=1067, BUFFER-TIME=1154, BUFFER-TIME=1182, BUFFER-TIME=1186, BUFFER-TIME=1230, BUFFER-TIME=1348, BUFFER-TIME=135, BUFFER-TIME=1433, BUFFER-TIME=1885, BUFFER-TIME=295, BUFFER-TIME=363, BUFFER-TIME=426, BUFFER-TIME=431, BUFFER-TIME=438, BUFFER-TIME=494, BUFFER-TIME=694, BUFFER-TIME=823, BUFFER-TIME=854, BUFFER-TIME=941, BUFFER-TIME=972, CR-SPLIT=2, FP-POS=1, FP-POS=2, FP-POS=3, FP-POS=4, FP-POS=ALL, GAIN=1, GAIN=4, WAVECAL=NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Requirements BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:13:30:00, BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:15:05:00, BETWEEN 03-DEC-2020:10:40:00 AND 16-DEC-2020:16:40:00, BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:06:30:00, BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:08:05:00, BETWEEN 19-NOV-2020:13:40:00 AND 02-DEC-2020:09:40:00, GROUP 1S, 1C WITHIN 1D, GROUP 2S, 2C WITHIN 1D, GROUP 3S, 3C WITHIN 1D, GROUP 4S, 4C, 4D WITHIN 1D, GROUP DS, DC, DD WITHIN 1D, SCHED 100% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spectral Elements G130M, G160M, G230L, G430L, G750L, MIRROR, MIRRORB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Target Names CCDFLAT, CVSO-146, V-TX-ORI, V505-ORI, V510-ORI, WAVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------