Dear Kate, You submitted HOPR 91956 for HST program 16324 on February 23, 2021. After review, the Telescope Time Review Board (TTRB) approves your request and awards three orbits to repeat Visit 03, which suffered a guide-star loss-of-lock resulting in a late TDF in the first orbit, compromising the centering of the target, as well as guide-star reacquisition problems in subsequent orbits. The request is within the 90-day limit and the program is less than 90% complete. Claus Leitherer, head of the Science Policies Group, has concurred in our recommendation. Please work with your PC to prepare a revised Phase II file and to find a suitable scheduling opportunity. The scheduling will be handled on a best-effort basis. With best regards, Andy for the TTRB Space Telescope Science Institute e-mailed to PI/PC/CS Rowlands/Januszewski/Fischer cc: TTRB, HST Mission Office, COS User Support ——————————————— Dr Andrew Fox Instrument and Science Support Branch Deputy ESA/AURA Astronomer Space Telescope Science Institute ———————————————