
This table shows all the SODRM Distant Galaxies and Cosmology Science programs. The columns list the current SODRM program number, the estimated total time (exposure and direct overheads), the title, and the instruments used. Refer to the Distant Galaxies and Cosmology Program Information page for details.

95010 420.4 JWST Ultra-wide NIRCam and MIRI Mosaic of the Extended Groth Strip X     X
95020 487.3 JWST NIRCam and MIRI Mosaic of the Chandra Deep Field South X      
95030 442.4 JWST Ultra Deep Field Imaging Survey X     X
95040 824.6 JWST Wide-Area Spectroscopic Followup   X    
95050 242.4 Grism Spectra of Deep Fields X   X  
95060 447.2 JWST Ultra-Deep Spectroscopy   X    
95070 143.8 MIRI LRS Spectra of Distant Galaxies       X
95080 332.7 Confirmation, photo-z's and Physical Properties of Selected Galaxy Clusters X      
95090 129.5 MIRI MRS Spectra of Distant Galaxies       X
95100 67.2 MIRI Observations of High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei       X
95110 103.4 Lyman Alpha Forest Search for Reionization   X    
95120 661.5 Weak and Strong Lensing of SZ-selected Galaxy Clusters X      
95140 43.0 High Redshift SNe/GRB Followup - A NIRSpec TOO   X    
95150 65.1 NIRCam Imaging of z~6 QSO Host Galaxies X      
95170 244.3 The Physics of Galaxy Assembly: Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of High-z Galaxies   X    
95180 254.5 Constraining Cosmological Parameters with a Restframe NIR SN Ia Hubble Diagram   X   X


Other SODRM Programs

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