MIRI Coronagraphy: PSF Reference Star Backgrounds Are Now Publicly Accessible
A zero exclusive access period now applies to data from MIRI observations of coronagraphic PSF reference star-associated background targets.
A zero exclusive access period now applies to data from MIRI observations of coronagraphic PSF reference star-associated background targets.
The improved correction is available in the latest version of the JWST Calibration Pipeline and replaces the correction provided in September 2023.
New reference files for the MIRI Low-Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) improve the wavelength and photometric calibration, as well as the aperture correction.
Investigations over the last 18 months help characterize the decline in the MIRI count rate.
As a result of continued analysis of calibration observations and improvements in code and algorithms, significant updates to the Imaging and Coronagraphic Imaging flux calibration reference files are now available.
Calibration data reveals a reduced count rate in the long-wavelength filters of the MIRI Imager.
Multiple updates to the MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) pipeline and the associated reference files are now available.
This update reports on a careful study of the impact the measured MIRI MRS decrease count rate has on science data, as well as on the upcoming pipeline mitigation.
Routine performance monitoring has revealed an anomaly in the MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer.
After a thorough investigation, the MIRI MRS mode will gradually return to full science scheduling.
The new MIRI readout patterns have been revised to mitigate certain anomalies.
The latest version of APT now makes it possible to create background observations for MIRI coronagraphy.
Scientists who are interested in mid-infrared observations with JWST can now use MIRISim to generate their own simulated observations.
The coronagraphic capabilities provided by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will reveal faint structures otherwise hidden by the glare of a bright point source.
The MIRI imager and Medium-Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) can be operated simultaneously, resulting in more accurate construction of the MRS data cube and bonus observations of a nearby field.
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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.