Calibrating Instruments and Modes
To ensure the calibration of all science instruments and observing modes, the calibration plans include the data and methods necessary to:
- Test and improve all calibration files used by the data reduction pipeline
- Establish baselines for future comparisons
- Monitor the health, responsivity, and throughput of the telescope and science instruments for any temporal changes
The information below provides details for the four science instruments, the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), and the absolute flux calibration plan (a multi-instrument plan that is treated as its own integrated program) for each of the cycles. Each entry provides the program ID, title, and abstract of each calibration activity, as well as a link to the STScI Program Information tool, which provides access to the APT file. The APT files can also be accessed directly within the APT by querying the program ID. To view the details of a specific program, expand a category below and then click the ID number for the program.
Cycle 3 Calibration Programs
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 3 Calibration plan for the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) that have a dedicated observational component. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6610 CAL-MIRI-300
MIRI CCC-Closed DarksThe objective of this program is to obtain CCC-Closed darks in order to update the Dark Current reference files for FULL frame Imager and the MRS detectors in SLOWR1 and FASTR1, and to exercise the CCC. 6611 CAL-MIRI-301
MIRI CCC-OpenThe number of bad pixels on the MIRI detectors is growing with time. We require a series of trending darks to continue to monitor this growth and create new reference files. These darks also serve the purpose of continuing to give the same value to the persistence study as they did in Cycle 2. The additional data might also prove useful for a synthetic correction of the dark rate in the future. 6612 CAL-MIRI-302
MIRI Internal Flat MonitorDuring the course of the JWST mission, small changes can be expected in the detector operating parameters (especially bias voltage and temperature). Additionally, space weathering from the cumulative impacts of cosmic rays will slowly degrade detector properties. As a result, the detector responsivities will change with time, making it imperative to monitor the MIRI detectors on a regular basis and have the data available to develop new flatfields when they are required. Periodic (monthly) measurements of the on-board calibration sources plus background sky will provide the following information: (1) tracking of trends and changes in the relative radiometric response of the imager and Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) for the optical train between the calibration source and the detector, (2) when combined with measurements of photometric standard stars, the ability to derive the absolute radiometric response at all times and all points in the field of the imager and MRS, (3) the pixel flatfield (gain or responsivity matrix), (4) high signal-to-noise measurements of the MRS spectral fringes. 6613 CAL-MIRI-304
MIRI Controlled DarksCycle 1 and 2 darks show an elevated and inconsistent dark rate when the instrument is open to the sky prior to the dark. The effect does not seem to scale strongly with filter or idle time. The effect is thought to be due to persistence from the sky background. We naively expect that the background in F560W is low enough to mitigate this persistence, however the one example we have with this filter prior to a dark also shows the issue. With this program we aim to reduce the number of free parameters to isolate the issue and then determine a path forward for MIRI dark current calibration. 6614 CAL-MIRI-307
MIRI Detector AnnealsThe number of bad pixels is increasing monotonically with time. Standard anneals seem to reduce the number of bad pixels, but they always return within a matter of hours. Rather than continuously update the bad pixel maps for each detector on a rapid cadence, we will test whether hotter anneals fix any of these pixels, or at least correct them for an appreciable amount of time. 6615 CAL-MIRI-309
MIRI Last Frame CharacterizationThis program will obtain additional data for analysis and calibration of the MIRI Last Frame Effect. Cycle 2 observations provided a great dataset with high SNR for the low-flux regime of both point-source and extended features. These data in combination with similarly designed ground-test data extend the parameter space over which a correction can be created. However, the Cycle 2 data did not adequately sample the full dynamic range of the detectors. This program target, NGC 2070, is a bright source with a mix of complex point-like and extended features which will reach saturation in as few as 5 groups, minimizing required time. In place of dithers, we will tile over a large portion of the target to place the features over a variety of detector pixels.
6616 CAL-MIRI-311
MIRI Background MonitorThis program will measure both the Imager and MRS backgrounds at the same position in the sky on a monthly cadence for six months. Trending of the Imager background at longer wavelengths over nearly 2 years of Normal Operations shows variations in comparison with their measurements during Commissioning. Furthermore, a comparison between the MRS background at similar wavelength range with the Imager (F2550W) show a systematic difference, with MRS approximately 10% lower than the Imager. This program will provide observations in the long-wavelength Imager filters and the MRS needed to determine if a true trend exists. 6617 CAL-MIRI-312
Imaging External Flat FieldThis program will obtain external flat fields for the MIRI imager in a field in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This task will be achieved using a classical “stacking” approach (i.e., the median of multiple well-dithered observations) and, when enough sources are available, with the “thousand-points-of-light” technique. This technique will allow us to measure the low spatial frequencies (L-flat) with a dither pattern designed to sample the same stars in multiple positions on the detector. This program will (1) compute the flat field and monitor its temporal stability over short and long temporal baselines, (2) study if, and by how much, the core of the MIRI point-spread function (PSF) changes over time, (3) monitor the stability of the geometric distortion of the MIRI imager (mainly at short wavelengths), and (4) monitor the long-term temporal variations of the background. 6618 CAL-MIRI-318
Imaging Filter CharacterizationThis activity will test the ground-based filter transmission functions by observing a red object through all nine MIRI imaging filters. The target will be a main-belt asteroid which will also be observed with the MRS to provide a spectrum covering the full 5-28 um wavelength range. Comparing synthetic photometry of the asteroid using the MRS spectrum of the asteroid with the actual photometry with the imager will test the filter functions and check for any possible filter leaks of red or blue light. Similar analysis on standard stars, comparing actual photometry and synthetic photometry with both model spectra and MRS spectra, will provide further tests. 6619 CAL-MIRI-322
MRS External Flat FieldThis activity observes a bright, extended planetary nebula to provide illumination throughout the MIRI MRS FOV in order to derive flatfields. This target is new compared to NGC 7027 observed during Cycle 1 (PID 1523) and Cycle 2 (PID 4489). This planetary nebula is fainter and larger than NGC 7027 in order to obtain longer ramps and to have less spatial variations in the MRS FOV. Observations are obtained using a dithered mosaic in order to sample the same locations on the sky with many different detector pixels (required for self-calibration). 6620 CAL-MIRI-334
LRS PSF CharacterizationIn order to characterize the point spread function (PSF) as a function of wavelength in the LRS slit and slitless modes, we will scan a point source across the two nod positions and the center of the slit and across the nominal pointing position in the SLITLESSPRISM subarray. These observations will improve the signal/noise ratio (SNR) obtained during commissioning in CAR-MIRI-074 and in Cycle 1 (CAL-MIRI-034). Detailed knowledge of the LRS PSF and the availability of a super-resolution PSF model will test the WebbPSF model, improve the SNR of the outer PSF, and facilitate better algorithms for extracting spectra from two-dimensional spectral images. 6621 CAL-MIRI-335
MIRI LRS Wavelength CalibrationWe will observe wavelength standards in the LRS slit and in the LRS slitless mode in order to improve on the existing wavelength dispersion solution for the LRS. The four targets duplicate observations from Cycle 3 in order to check for possible variations in the dispersion and to build signal/noise and continue the process of improving the calibration at the short- and long-wavelength ends of the spectral range of the LRS. 6622 CAL-MIRI-336
MIRI LRS Slit ThroughputThis activity will improve our understanding of the MIRI LRS slit throughput as a function of wavelength and position in the slit by scanning a point source across the slit at the two nominal nod positions. These scans will be the same scans used in Cycles 1 and 2. The data will also check the slit throughput far from the slit center and improve our calibration for extended sources. These observations will improve the signal/noise ratio from similar work in previous cycles. 6623 CAL-MIRI-337
MIRI LRS Dynamic Range CharacterizationThis activity will observe the standard star BD+60 1753 in the LRS slitless mode to characterize the behavior of the detector when an observation goes to saturation. Three pointings will be made with the source in the nominal pointing position and a non-integer number of pixels to either side. The integration will saturate the detector at the shortest wavelengths. This activity will investigate how charge migration (the brighter-fatter effect) and the non-linearity correction in the pipeline interact. 6624 CAL-MIRI-345
MIRI Coronagraph Offset TA ValidationNew to APT v2024.1 is the ability to perform target acquisition on a separate target with MIRI coronagraphy. This program performs a simple test to confirm the planning and scheduling software correctly computes the required slews, and the telescope is correctly commanded. 6625 CAL-MIRI-346
MIRI Coronagraph Distortion and Boresight OffsetsThis program will measure the distortion and boresight offsets for all available filters in each coronagraph subarray. Improved understanding of the coronagraph distortion will help commission all remaining combinations of target-acquisition filter and quadrant, as well as improve tracking of target acquisition trending. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 3 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) that have a dedicated observational component. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6626 CAL-NRC-301
NIRCam Dark Current and Read-Noise MonitorThis program monitors the full-frame and subarray noise properties by taking dark observations throughout Cycle 3 using the equivalent of every readout pattern. The darks are set up to characterize the dark current, 1/f noise, IPC, cross-talk, and superbias. We note that the dark current itself is so low (1.9/27 e-/ks for the shortwave/longwave channel) that achieving a good S/N per pixel is prohibitive for the shortwave channel. However, hot pixels are still characterized, and the overall temporal evolution of the dark current can be monitored with the median of the full frame. Dark frames are particularly important for subarrays because of ‘glow’ from the amplifiers, which accumulates each time a pixel is read out. Since subarrays have short frametimes, the glow accumulates much faster than it does in the full frame images. The glow may produce significant structure across subarrays, and is also expected to change if the ASICs are re-tuned. For this activity, the pupil wheels will be set to the “Dark” position. We will obtain 3 epochs of darks, with a similar cadence for the full-frame and subarray darks. For Cycle 3, we include 25 epochs of short full-frame darks for each module taken ~every two weeks to monitor the rate of new bad pixels. 6627 CAL-NRC-303
NIRCam Imaging and Coronagraphy Distortions and AlignmentThis activity monitors NIRCam's distortion and global alignment by visiting the LMC Calibration Field in both imaging and coronagraph imaging. The data will be used to determine the plate scale, orientation, and geometric distortion for each SCA in each NIRCam module over the full wavelength range. These observations use a combination of dithers and mosaics to overlap all SCAs onto the same location within the LMC.
We use F210M and F335M with FGS in parallel for the overall FGS SIAF alignment.
We observe all NIRCam filters with either MIRI or NIRCam in parallel, which will provide intra-instrument relative alignment.
We use a 2x2 mosaic with a large overlap and no dithers in order to observe the different filters with a minimal change of guiding for each position.
For coronagraphy we chose one of the brightest star of our previous LMC field (K mag ~10, always saturated) and the aim of Obs 5 is to observe it using the coronagraphic template to check precisely its landing position behind the MASK335R occulter (using all other stars) against the techniques used with a single star (cross correlation with small grid dithers and a grid of PSF models). Obs 6 is using NB filters and CLEAR pupil to acquire that star unsaturated and make sure its position is well know with respect to the other stars. For that we used the 640 subarray.
6628 CAL-NRC-310
NIRCam Spectral CalibrationThis program will monitor the calibration of NIRCam's long wavelength (LW) grism, including wavelength calibration and the line-spread function (LSF) characterization. The wavelength solution will be determined by observing a planetary nebula (PN) in the LMC, which has a weak continuum and a rich set of strong spectral lines. The PN is also sufficiently compact to enable the LSF to be measured. The same target was observed both in Commissioning and Cycle 1. We include both grisms in Cycle 3 (GRISMC and GRISMR), on both modules, over the full NIRCam wavelength range. 6629 CAL-NRC-315
Coronagraphy: IWA and Contrast OptimizationThis is a continuation to Cycle 2 CAL program 4451 (CAL-NIRCAM-215) which aimed at determining the best strategies to use for most high contrast science cases where NIRCam coronagraphy is considered:
- When (not) to use the bar, when to use the small round mask, etc.
- To inform better the community.
The measurements also feed a public and documented PSF library and will be complementary to the GTO 1412: "Characterizing 51 Eridani Exoplanetary System" (executed with the LWB NARROW setup only but with other, more pertinent for science, filters).
The 51 Eri b exoplanet is ideal for this calibration program because it very challenging both in flux and angular separation.
It would be difficult for the community to request it again and very informative and scientifically useful to observe it with different masks in addition to potentially increasing the photometric characterization (better SNR in the redundant filters, when detected). This program should be carried out once all target acquisitions are optimized (TA centroiding algorithm, small angle maneuver repeatability). Having the dual SW/LW will allow in some case to also learn further about the data collected on the non-optimized channel.
Of course, this program also allows to refine and calibrate our simulation tools (pyNRC and PanCAKE) which are used to populate a full parameter space. The ultimate goal is to build an interactive "JIST like" tool for NIRCam Coronagraphs (which can then be expanded to MIRI Coronagraphs.
Program 4451, was executed in September 2023 (obs 1-8, see table 1 below) and February 2024 (obs 9-12).
As expected, it is extremely challenging to detect the 51 Eri b companion as shown on Figure 1. In fact, so far, in the GTO Program 1412 acquired with the LWB NARROW setup, b is marginally detected only through the F460M filter, one of the most sensitive for young giant exoplanets, a filter our program does not use. Our analysis of the data so far shows an evolution of the bad pixels as well as, still a small but sub-optimal target acquisition centering. In fact, Program 4451 obs 7-8 where used to optimize the TA special requirement offsets for Program 1412 to be successful. Below are the values (dX / dY) by which we “missed” each occulter as determined with Jarron Leisering’s methods (multi-fit with simulations grid representing all small grid dithers). In orange (also in Table 1) the bar observation we suggest to repeat in the CAL-NIRCAM-315.
6630 CAL-NRC-318
NIRCam Full-Subarray Flux TransferAn absolute flux standard star will be placed on each subarray to measure any count-rate differences between subarray and full frame read-out modes. In each case, a full frame image is taken at the same field point used for the subarray. Every aperture (subarray and full) used for science or calibration is included. 6631 CAL-NRC-321
NIRCam Total-count and Count-rate Linearity CharacterizationThe purpose of this activity is to verify that the linearity behavior has not changed. The program requires observations of a rich stellar field that is bright and dense down to the confusion limit. To spread the flux more evenly, we may use a weak lens to introduce defocusing. The goal is to probe the linearity of a large sample of pixels across the detector. This program targets the cluster 47 Tuc (NGC 104), centered on a field 6’ to the west, which has been predominantly used for previous HST ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR non-linearity studies. 6632 CAL-NRC-323
NIRCam Persistence CharacterizationThis program characterizes the NIRCam persistence (latent images) and checks for changes since the Cycle 1 calibration persistence analysis. This is a continuation from Cycle 1 calibration, which is to revisit and observe a rich stellar field, Omega Cen (NGC-5139), with a long enough exposure time to probe a wide range of over-saturation levels. This is followed by a series of darks and a final short dithered sequence in a narrow-band filter to recover the source photometry.
The illumination exposure is preceded by a series of dark integrations, providing a baseline measure of the dark and noise floor to verify that no persistence from previous observations has been imprinted on the detector. The length of this preliminary dark can be shortened if scheduling can guarantee that the detector has not been exposed in the previous ~10,000 seconds. The dark has to be taken 'on site,' i.e., after the target has been acquired. This is necessary to prevent spurious exposure to bright sources during the telescope slew and target acquisition maneuver.
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 3 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) that have a dedicated observational component. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6651 CAL-NIS-301
NIRISS Full Frame DarksParallel dark current observations are needed for NIRISS in the NISRAPID read-out mode. These are used to produce the dark current reference file and also for general health analysis for the instrument. Analysis of the pixel properties will be used to update the NIRISS bad pixel mask as needed. 6652 CAL-NIS-302
NIRISS Subarray DarksDark exposures are taken in the different science subarrays to produce the pipeline reference files for these read-out patterns. There are 4 sets of observations with 3 months between sets. 6654 CAL-NIS-303
NIRISS Internal FlatsThis program provides internal lamp flat observations to be carried out during slews. These observations allow a direct comparison with ground-based data taken in the CV3 and OTIS testing to see whether the detector properties have changed. This continues program 1503 from Cycle 1 and program 4472 from Cycle 2. 6655 CAL-NIS-304
NIRISS Stability MonitoringWe request bi-monthly observations of the LMC astrometric field for monitoring of the NIRISS photometric stability and as a quick check on the astrometric stability of the instrument. This is a continuation of Cycle 1 calibration program 1515 and Cycle 2 program 4475.
6656 CAL-NIS-305
NIRISS Astrometric CalibrationA re-measurement of the NIRISS distortion and offset from the Guider is requested for trending of any possible changes in the astrometric distortion with time. A single epoch observation will be made in all the NIRISS imaging filters using the same pointing in the Large Magellanic Cloud astrometric field as was used for this purpose in commissioning and in both Cycle 1 calibration and Cycle 2 calibration. 6657 CAL-NIS-306
NIRCam and NIRISS Sky FlatsObservations of the zodiacal background are being taken to produce sky flats for the NIRISS F430M and F380M filters. 6658 CAL-NIS-307
SOSS Background MeasurementsObservations of the zodiacal light background are requested for 6 pointings, one of which is repeated to give some indication of whether there is a variability to the background from acquisition to acquisition depending on the grism position. Each field is fairly empty by the standards of the SOSS mode with no star bright enough to acquire. Observations are taken without an acquisition, and in full frame read-out with the GR700XD grism in the beam. No observations in the F277W filter are requested here. Analysis of these observations will allow some evaluation of how much the background may vary from pointing to pointing, and we expect to produce a number of zodiacal background template shapes from these data that can be used in the analysis of SOSS time series. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 3 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) that have a dedicated observational component. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6633 CAL-NRS-301
Dark/Bias Monitor Full FrameThis program will obtain full frame NIRSpec dark exposures in NRSRAPID and NRSIRS2RAPID readout modes in order to create updated dark and bias reference files. Six epochs (with overlap) are implemented via "between" special requirements, so that darks can be acquired throughout Cycle 3. This is in order to have enough contemporary dark data to create new reference files every 4-6 months, as the hot pixel population is changing over time. Observations can be executed in parallel with no constraints on pointing.
Ideally, IRS2 darks should be scheduled when the detector system is expected to be in IRS2 readout mode, and traditional (TRAD) darks should be scheduled when the detector system is expected to be in traditional readout mode, based on nominal execution of the observation plan. This is to minimize detector/ASIC temperature drifts after switching readout mode that can negatively impact dark data.
6634 CAL-NRS-302
NIRSpec Dark Monitor SubarrayObtain NIRSpec darks of sufficient integration length in NRSRAPID readout mode for all used subarrays in order to create/update the SUPERBIAS, DARK, and READNOISE reference files (subarray) for NIRSpec.
6635 CAL-NRS-303
BOTS Background CharacterizationEstimate the flux contribution of the background in TSO (Time-Series Observations) taken at the celestial pole and celestial equator. NIRISS/SOSS TSO observations of transiting exoplanets obtained during commissioning and Cycle 1 have demonstrated that the background contribution to these observations is significant.
The aim of this program is to take measurements of the zodiacal light background in the CLEAR/PRISM and F290LP/G395H configurations at two pointings, one near the ecliptic and one near the north ecliptic pole, to determine the level of variability of the background for the S1600A1 aperture for these modes.
6636 CAL-NRS-304
MSA Operability MonitorInternal lamp observations (executed during slews to minimize impact) are used to monitor the status of NIRSpec MSA shutter operability and hence allow update of MSA operability masks (failed open and failed closed shutters) used in observation planning and pipeline reduction. Undispersed MSA images, illuminated by the internal lamp, are taken through a set of four diagnostic shutter patterns. An ALLCLOSED pattern is used to find all shutters that are “Failed Open" (fail to close when commanded). An ALLOPEN pattern and a pair of checkboards (CHKBD1x1-1, CHKBD1x1-2) are used to recover the best-case and worst-case population of “Failed Closed” shutters (those that fail to open when commanded). Each exposure uses NRSIRS2RAPID readout, with 7 groups x 1 integration. The set of four exposures are acquired every month to monitor trends in operability and keep the map used for planning up-to-date. The observations are executed as slew parallels to maximize efficiency. An additional long exposure through the ALLCLOSED configuration is obtained once per year, to yield a high dynamic-range contrast map. 6637 CAL-NRS-305
Monitoring of the NIRSpec Instrument ModelFrom a set of internal CAA lamp exposures, this activity, along with the GWA tilt calibration monitor program, will serve to monitor the NIRSpec instrument model during the current cycle. The instrument model is a parametric model of NIRSpec optical geometry and is used to trace, extract and rectify the spectra and provides WCS information for each pixel in a 2D spectrum. Most model components are expected to remain stable, but a limited monitor will guard against changes not traceable via existing observations. 6638 CAL-NRS-306
NIRSpec Cycle 3 Grating Wheel (GWA) Tilt MonitorThis program executes successive rotations of the GWA (grating wheel assembly), one position at a time, with an internal lamp exposure taken at each position (LINE4 for the PRISM, REF for the gratings). The data will enable monitoring of the calibration of the GWA tilt sensors, which is a critical part of the NIRSpec wavelength calibration. This calibration is part of the NIRSpec instrument model, but the tilt sensors are more likely to change with time than the other internal instrument model components and will be monitored more frequently. The monitor will run approximately once every 4 weeks to provide data on the GWA tilt behavior and build up statistics for a full tilt calibration if necessary.
See APT file proposal description section for more detailed information. This Cycle 3 program is essentially identical to the structure of the Cycle 2 program 4463, which had implemented a new and more efficient scheduling structure that was developed part way through the execution of the Cycle 1 program (1491).
6639 CAL-NRS-307
NIRSpec Wheel CharacterizationThis activity is needed to verify and trend the behavior of the two NIRSpec wheel mechanisms (FWA and GWA). Pending any unexpected behavior, the FWA characterization and GWA characterization will each be done once during Cycle 3 (in October). 6642 CAL-NRS-310
NIRSpec MOS Wavelength Calibration Field CheckWe will obtain MOS observations of a planetary nebula in M31 in order to check the wavelength calibration as a function of MSA field position. These data will allow us to more firmly tie the calibration of the prism to the gratings, and characterize any residual field dependence not already accounted for by the instrument model. The M31 target is expected to be spatially unresolved, and of suitable brightness to allow efficient and unsaturated exposures with all dispersers. 6643 CAL-NRS-311
MOS Grating F-Flat UpdateThis proposal will redo the observations needed to define the NIRSpec MOS F-Flats, using white dwarf standards for cleaner spectra. We will use a different star for the G140M settings as we need one faint enough that we can get at least 3 unsaturated groups at all wavelengths.
These new observations are needed because of centering problems with the commissioning observations, (OBS 19 of PID 1128), and because the star used for commissioning has been shown to be variable at the ~1% level. It was also a bit too bright for the G140M settings.
6644 CAL-NRS-313
NIRSpec Faint Target Calibration and LinearityThe solar analogue G31 in NGC 2506 is faint enough that even full frame NIRSpec NRSRAPID IRS2 MOS observations allow 3 groups before saturation. But the only NIRSpec observations tying this to brighter standards use the SUB512 subarray which lacks real reference pixels. To ensure a good tie to brighter standards, we will also observe this star with the NIRSpec PRISM using both SUB2048 NRSRAPID and FULL Frame NRSIRS2RAPID readouts. In addition we will obtain G140M+G235M+G395M spectra which will allow more detailed spectral fitting of this star and which, when compared to brighter standards, will allow the NIRSpec linearity to be checked at lower count rates. Finally, we will also observe this star with PRISM in the S200A1, S200A2, and S400A1 apertures. Existing standard star observations in these slits with the PRISM saturate in less than 2 NRSRAPID groups and observations of this fainter star will allow improved derivation of the sensitivity at these wavelengths, while at longer wavelengths, we will combine these observations with the SUB2048 fixed slit observations to improve our measurement of the flux of this standard at long wavelengths. 6645 CAL-NRS-320
IFU F-FlatsThis program is intended to expand the flux calibration of the IFU mode (F-Flats) into the chip gaps as far as possible. For that we request standard star observations in the center of the IFU as well as in two corners of the IFU aperture, such that all slices are covered. 6646 CAL-NRS-314
MSA Shorts CheckingProgram for re-checking previously masked shorts, as the expectation is that some (many?) could have been transient, and the shutters could be resurrected for science operations. 6647 CAL-NRS-317
NIRSpec Cycle 3 Fixed Slits Subarray Spectroscopic Flats - S-flatsThis program will acquire the spectroscopic (lamp) flats for the FS mode using the ALLSLITS subarray. Observations will be acquired for all of the NIRSpec disperser/lamp combinations. These observations will be used to develop S-flat reference files that are essential for minimizing flat field calibration noise for FS and/or BOTS observations that need improved signal-to-noise. In addition to the commissioning, cycle 1, and cycle 2 flats, these flats will further decrease the noise from the flat fielding process for science observation processing. The flats will also be assessed to evaluate any possible temporal evolution in the flat field. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field in addition to the F-flat and the D-flat. 6648 CAL-NRS-318
NIRSpec MOS Spectroscopic FlatsThis program provides additional data for the MOS S-flat (spectroscopic flat field) reference files. The MOS S-flat is a cube with complete but sparse sampling in wavelength space per pixel. This allows the calibration of MOS spectra, regardless of the location of the MSA shutters used. Data will be obtained through 20 MSA long slit configurations using the CAA internal calibration FLAT lamps to expand the wavelength interpolation of the S-flat. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field: the F-flat traces the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics, the S-flat traces the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA and the D-flat consists of the pixel-to-pixel variations of the detector.
6649 CAL-NRS-315
MSA Electrical Shorts Detection (ESD)Contingency program for MSA ESD. When a new MSA short appears, if it is detectable in telemetry, ESD should be executed on the relevant MSA quadrant in order to locate the short and mask the shutter row/column as necessary. After ESD, diagnostic exposures can also be executed to verify that all associated glow has also been removed. 6650 CAL-NRS-316
MSA Optical Shorts Detection (OSD)Contingency program for MSA OSD. When a new MSA short appears, if it is not detectable in telemetry, OSD diagnostic exposures should be executed in combination with test short masks in order to locate the short and mask the shutter row/column as necessary. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 3 Calibration plan for the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) that have a dedicated observational component. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6608 CAL-FGS-202
Geometric Distortion and ScaleThis proposal monitors the geometric distortion & pixel scale of both FGS Guide channels. The LMC astrometric field is imaged via FGS in calibration mode, obtaining full frame images at 5 different positions within the astrometric field for each of the two channels. The mid-point of the catalog will be placed at the center of the FGS channel being calibrated (the other channel will be guiding). This will ensure that (1) the same stars are used to calibrate FGS1 and FGS2, and (2) we will thus obtain an accurate measure of the relative sensitivity of Guiders 1 & 2. This program is similar to FGS Cycle 2 4494. Epoch 1 observations should be done Sep-Oct 2024. Epoch 2 observations should be done Apr-May 2025. 6609 CAL-FGS-201
Internal Lamp Flat FieldThis will monitor the flat field of the FGS channels. There is significant structure in the lamp flats, however, these lamp flat fields are good for monitoring trends in the response of the detector over time. The internal calibration lamp shall be used, so Fine Guiding will not be possible, hence ACS will be under coarse control. Exposures will use full frame images. Each exposure is repeated five times for cosmic ray rejection. After the full frame data are obtained, a 1 arcminute telescope offset is to be executed and the imaging sequence is to be repeated to allow for sky-source removal (the FGS has no shutter or opaque element). There will be only one epoch of observations for Cycle 3; this is nominally scheduled for the Sep-Dec 2024 timeframe.
The absolute flux calibration of the James Webb Space Telescope follows a cross-instrument plan, with each science instrument observing stars from the same list of absolute flux standards. To improve the efficiency of the observations, they are grouped into separate programs for each class of flux standard: A dwarfs, Solar analogs (G dwarfs), and white dwarfs. A fourth calibration program will repeat observations of the same standards on an approximately monthly cadence through Cycle 3 to serve multiple monitoring purposes. This calibration program may change in response to system developments and the final Cycle 3 science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 6604 CAL-XCAL-301
Absolute Flux Calibration (A Dwarfs)This program obtains observations of A dwarf stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of A dwarf stars and companion programs provide observations of hot stars and solar analog observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
6605 CAL-XCAL-302
Absolute Flux Calibration (Hot Stars)This program obtains observations of hot stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of hot stars and companion programs provide observations of A dwarfs and solar analog observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode. 6606 CAL-XCAL-303
Absolute Flux Calibration (Solar Analogs)This program obtains observations solar analogs as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of solar analog stars and companion programs provide observations of hot stars and A dwarfs observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode. 6607 CAL-XCAL-304
Absolute Flux Calibration (Repeatability)This program obtains repeated observations of two stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of two stars spread throughout the year to measure the repeatability of JWST observations. The aim is to observe in one filter/grating/etc per detector to measure how repeatable an observation is in instrument units. The expectation is that the repeatability is set at the detector level.
Cycle 2 Calibration Programs
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 2 Calibration plan for the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4482 CAL-MIRI-200
CCC-Closed DarksThis activity will obtain calibration data for all three MIRI detectors during Cycle 2 to address known issues in the calibration of the dark current. Cycle 1 revealed that the dark rate varied on inconsistent timescales and amplitudes. Our current understanding indicates that this is due to persistence from sky and telescope background when the instrument is left in a configuration with one of the longer wavelength filters in the pupil. These data will also serve to monitor any temporal changes in the dark current, and be used to flag new hot, dead, and high-noise pixels for the badpixel mask. The activity will produce a full suite of data including simultaneous data from the full imager detector and the two MRS detectors with the contamination control cover (CCC) closed.
This APT file includes the CCC-closed Darks for Cycle 2. CAL-MIRI-201 contains the CCC-Open darks.
4483 CAL-MIRI-201
CCC-Open DarksThis activity will obtain calibration data for all three MIRI detectors during Cycle 2 to address known issues in the calibration of the dark current. Cycle 1 revealed that the dark rate varied on inconsistent timescales and amplitudes. Our current understanding indicates that this is due to persistence from sky and telescope background when the instrument is left in a configuration with one of the longer wavelength filters in the pupil. These data will also serve to monitor any temporal changes in the dark current, and be used to flag new hot, dead, and high-noise pixels for the badpixel mask. The activity will produce a full suite of data for all subarrays and the full array for the imaging detector with the CCC open.
This APT file includes the CCC-open darks for Cycle 2. CAL-MIRI-200 contains the CCC-closed darks.
4484 CAL-MIRI-202
Internal Flatfield MonitorDuring the course of the JWST mission, small changes can be expected in the detector operating parameters (especially bias voltage and temperature). Additionally, space weathering from the cumulative impacts of cosmic rays will slowly degrade detector properties. As a result, the detector responsivities will change with time, making it imperative to monitor the MIRI detectors on a regular basis and have the data available to develop new flatfields when they are required. Periodic (monthly) measurements of the on-board calibration sources plus background sky will provide the following information: (1) tracking of trends and changes in the relative radiometric response of the imager and Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) for the optical train between the calibration source and the detector, (2) when combined with measurements of photometric standard stars, the ability to derive the absolute radiometric response at all times and all points in the field of the imager and MRS, (3) the pixel flatfield (gain or responsivity matrix), (4) high signal-to-noise measurements of the MRS spectral fringes.
4485 CAL-MIRI-207
AnnealsThis calibration activity will routinely anneal the three MIRI detectors to remove detector artifacts and keep the detector arrays in a known and stable state. The cadence for the anneals will be once per week.
4486 CAL-MIRI-209
Last-Frame CharacterizationThis activity aims to collect a dataset that will be adequate to model the MIRI Last Frame Effect. The data will be used to study and create either an empirical correction, or failing that, a machine learning model. Such a dataset must include many samples, fully exploring the dynamic range of the detector and various levels of contrast. These data, paired with darks from Cycle 1 (CAL-MIRI-001, PID 1517 and 1519), will form an adequate data set.
4487 CAL-MIRI-212
Imaging External FlatfieldThis program will obtain external flat fields for the MIRI imager in a field in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This task will be achieved using a classical “stacking” approach (i.e., the median of multiple well-dithered observations) and, when enough sources are available, with the “thousand-points-of-light” technique. This technique will allow us to measure the low spatial frequencies (L-flat) with a dither pattern designed to sample the same stars in multiple positions on the detector. This program will (1) compute the flat field and monitor its temporal stability over short and long temporal baselines, (2) study if, and by how much, the core of the MIRI point-spread function (PSF) changes over time, (3) monitor the stability of the geometric distortion of the MIRI imager (mainly at short wavelengths), and (4) monitor the long-term temporal variations of the background.
4488 CAL-MIRI-219
Subarray Calibration TransferWe will observe the standard star J1802271 (A3 V) in the full array and all four subarrays in the F1280W filter to photometrically calibrate the subarrays to each other. This activity builds on the Cycle 1 activity, which used the same star in the F770W filter. The shift to a longer-wavelength filter will reduce detector systematics and provide a check for the previous results.
4489 CAL-MIRI-222
MRS External FlatfieldThis activity observes a bright, extended planetary nebula to provide illumination throughout the MIRI MRS FOV in order to derive fringe and pixel flatfields. This target was successfully used for such purposes during Cycle 1 (PID 1523) and this program repeats the observations to increase the total SNR of the derived flats as well as monitor for time variability. Observations are obtained using a dithered mosaic in order to sample the same locations on the sky with many different detector pixels (required for self-calibration).
4490 CAL-MIRI-232
LRS External FlatfieldA star will be scanned along the slit and across the slitless subarray to obtain flatfield data for the MIRI LRS. These data will be combined with information obtained separately from internal flatfield measurements to build flatfields for the LRS. Scans with 1-pixel steps will be used for both the slitless subarray and the slit.
4491 CAL-MIRI-235
LRS Dispersion CorrectionWe will observe wavelength standards in the LRS slit and in the LRS slitless mode in order to improve on the existing wavelength dispersion solution for the LRS. One target for each mode duplicates a target from Commissioning or Cycle 1 in order to check for possible variations in the dispersion and to build signal/noise. The third target is a high-redshift object chosen to move strong near-infrared emission lines into the 5-7 um range in order to better constrain the dispersion solution in the slit.
4492 CAL-MIRI-236
LRS Slit ThroughputThis activity will improve our understanding of the MIRI LRS slit throughput as a function of wavelength and position in the slit by scanning a point source across the slit at the two nominal nod positions. These scans will be the same scans used in Cycle 1. The data will also check the point-spread function (PSF) far from its center and improve our calibration for extended sources. These observations will improve the signal/noise ratio from similar work in Cycle 1 and Commissioning.
4493 CAL-MIRI-293
Coronagraph Full-Frame Abs. Flux Cal.Observations of a standard star with the four coronagraphic filters in the imaging field using full-frame readout will provide a photometric calibration for science observations in the same configuration. For each filter, we will obtain a aubarray calibration transfer from the coronagraphic subarrays to the full-array readout. For the F1065C, F1140C, and F1550C filters, the new observations will also account for the fact that the four-quadrant phase masks are not in the optical path to the imaging field.
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 2 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4442 CAL-NRC-201
DarksThis program monitors the full-frame and subarray noise properties by taking dark observations throughout Cycle 2 using the equivalent of every readout pattern. The Darks are set up to characterize the dark current, 1/f noise, IPC, cross-talk, and superbias. We note that the dark current itself is so low (1.9/27 e-/ks for the shortwave/longwave channel) that achieving a good S/N per pixel is prohibitive for the shortwave channel. However, hot pixels are still characterized, and the overall temporal evolution of the dark current can be monitored with the median of the full frame. Dark frames are particularly important for subarrays because of ‘glow’ from the amplifiers, which accumulates each time a pixel is read out. Since subarrays have short frametimes, the glow accumulates much faster than it does in the full frame images. The glow may produce significant structure across subarrays, and is also expected to change if the ASICs are re-tuned. For this activity, the pupil wheels will be set to the “Dark” position. We will obtain 5 epochs of darks, with a similar cadence for the full-frame and subarray darks.
4443 CAL-NRC-202
NIRCam and NIRISS Sky FlatsInstead of taking dedicated sky flats during Cycle 2, we will use the deep field GTO data to reconstruct P-flats in a subset of filters. Since we cannot control when the GTO data are obtained, we will also monitor the stability of the sky flats with the F070W and F277W filter pair. We will obtain 6 epochs, which are scheduled in parallel with NIRISS sky flats. Large scale frequency variations in the NIRCam illumination pattern (L-flats) will be measured in CAL-NIRCAM-203, in combination with the data from this program and GTO data.
4447 CAL-NRC-203
NIRCam and FGS Distortions and AligmentThis activity monitors NIRCam's distortion and global alignment by visiting the LMC Calibration Field in both imaging and coronagraph imaging. The data will be used to determine the plate scale, orientation, and geometric distortion for each SCA in each NIRCam module over the full wavelength range. These observations use a combination of dithers and mosaics to overlap all SCAs onto the same location within the LMC. For all observations, we use a subset of the available filters and observe with FGS in parallel.
4448 CAL-NRC-205
Subarray LinearityThe purpose of this activity is to measure count-rate linearity in the FULL frame, and in all science and calibration subarrays. The program requires observations of a rich stellar field that is bright and dense down to the confusion limit. The goal is to probe the linearity of a large sample of pixels across the detector/subarray by exposing in RAPID mode up to saturation. This program will target the LMC calibration field, which is in the CVZ. Observations between the FULL frame and the subarrays are set at the same field point to ensure the same stars are detected at the same spots on the detector.
4449 CAL-NRC-210
Spectral CalibrationThis program will monitor the calibration of NIRCam's long wavelength (LW) grism, including wavelength calibration and the line-spread function (LSF) characterization. The wavelength solution will be determined by observing a planetary nebula (PN) in the LMC, which has a weak continuum and a rich set of strong spectral lines. The PN is also sufficiently compact to enable the LSF to be measured. The same target was observed both in Commissioning and Cycle 1. We include both grisms in Cycle 2 (GRISMC and GRISMR), on both modules, over the full NIRCam wavelength range.
4450 CAL-NRC-211
Grism BackgroundsThis program will collect spectra of the sky background in a sparsely populated star field in the ecliptic plane using both NIRCam grisms. By comparing background subtracted versus non-subtracted archival NIRCam transit spectroscopy, we will inform the exoplanet community for the limitations introduced by the sky background at NIRCam wavelengths. The data and results from this program will establish a background calibration reference file and improve the NIRCam observing strategy of future exoplanet observations.
4451 CAL-NRC-214
SW+LW CoronagraphyThis program aims at determining the best strategies to use for most high contrast science cases where NIRCam coronagraphy is considered:
- When (not) to use the bar, when to use the small round mask, etc.
- To inform better the community.
The measurements will also feed a public and documented PSF library and will be complementary to the GTO 1412: "Characterizing 51 Eridani Exoplanetary System".
The 51 Eri b exoplanet is ideal for this calibration program because it very challenging both in flux and angular separation. It would be difficult for the community to request it again and very informative and scientifically useful to observe it with different masks in addition to potentially increasing the photometric characterization (better SNR in the redundant filters, when detected). This program should be carried out once all target acquisitions are optimized (TA centroiding algorithm, small angle manoeuver repeatability). Having the dual SW/LW will allow in some case to also learn further about the data collected on the non-optimized channel.
Of course, this program will allow to refine and calibrate our simulation tools (pyNRC and PanCAKE) which will be use to populate a full parameter space. The ultimate goal is to build an interactive "JIST like" tool for NIRCam Coronagraphs (which can then be expanded to MIRI Coronagraphs).
4452 CAL-NRC-218
Full-Subarray Flux TransferAn absolute flux standard star will be placed on each subarray to measure any count-rate differences between subarray and full frame read-out modes. In each case, a full frame image is taken at the same field point used for the subarray. Every aperture (subarray and full) used for science or calibration is included.
4453 CAL-NRC-219
DHS CharacterizationThis program will allow an initial characterization of the throughput, wavelength solution and background structure for the NIRCam Dispersed Hartmann sensor on the SW channel. The aim is to inform future decisions for the detailed implementation of Time-Series spectroscopy using the DHS0 and the LW GRISMR simultaneously. This science enhancement is currently under development with a goal to be offered in future JWST cycles.
4454 CAL-NRC-230
SW+LW Functional CheckoutPerform an end-to-end test of NIRCam Dual Channel (LW+SW) Coronagraphy (available in late Cycle 1) for each occulting mask to demonstrate basic functionality of the mode, correct commanding of new subarrays, and proper data flow and processing through DMS.
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 2 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4470 CAL-NIS-202
Imaging Deep PSF WingsWe request time to make deep imaging PSF observations of a bright, isolated star to measure the faint PSF wings. The purpose of the observations is to provide template PSFs for bright, saturated stars to allow profile fitting photometry using only the PSF wings. Such measurements have been valuable for the Spitzer Space Telescope, and in the NIRISS case are needed because most of the stars seen in imaging mode that are in existing photometric catalogues (2MASS or WISE, for example) are saturated even in short NIRISS exposures.
4471 CAL-NIS-203
Astrometric DistortionA re-measurement of the NIRISS distortion and offset from the Guider is requested for trending of any possible changes in the astrometric distortion with time. A single epoch observation will be made in all the NIRISS imaging filters using the same pointing in the Large Magelanic Cloud astrometric field as was used for this purpose in commissioning and in Cycle 1 calibration.
4472 CAL-NIS-205
Internal Lamp FlatsThis program provides internal lamp flat observations to be carried out during slews. These observations allow a direct comparison with groundbased data taken in the CV3 and OTIS testing to see whether the detector properties have changed. This continues program 1503 from Cycle 1.
4473 CAL-NIS-206
Full Frame DarksParallel dark current observations are needed for NIRISS in the NISRAPID read-out mode. These are used to produce the dark current reference file and also for general health analysis for the instrument. Analysis of the pixel properties will be used to update the NIRISS bad pixel mask as needed.
4474 CAL-NIS-207
Subarray DarksDark exposures are taken in the different science sub-arrays to produce the pipeline reference files for these read-out patterns. There are 4 sets of observations with 3 months between sets.
4475 CAL-NIS-208
Stability MonitoringWe request bi-monthly observations of the LMC astrometric field for monitoring of the NIRISS photometric stability and as a quick check on the astrometric stability of the instrument. This is a continuation of Cycle 1 calibration program 1515.
4476 CAL-NIS-210
SOSS Aperture CorrectionAn isolated, bright star will be observed in the NIRISS SOSS mode, but with full frame read-out and with the spectrum offset from the top of the array down to the center so that measurements of the total signal including the far wings of the profile can be made. By comparing the total signal to the signal within the normal spectral extraction aperture, the aperture corrections will be estimated for orders 1 and 2 in the SOSS mode.
4477 CAL-NIS-211
WFSS ContaminationWe request observations of an isolated reasonably bright star in the NIRISS WFSS mode in order to characterize the higher spectral orders (-1, 3, and 4) that can cause contamination of science spectra. The properties of these higher orders need to specified so that the contamination corrections in the JWST data reduction pipeline can be done accurately. The calibration consists of taking a nomal WFSS observation of the isolated star in different grisms and blocking filters.
4478 CAL-NIS-212
AMI Pixel PlacementObservations of two stars, selected to be single stars, will be made in the AMI mode with the three medium-band filters to test that the star can be positioned consistently at the centre of a pixel allowing for the filter-to-filter offsets that are observed in normal imaging. Having a consistent position for the observations in different filters is helpful in the analysis of the amplitudes and phases of the interference pattern observed through the mask, and should improve the AMI sensitivity.
4479 CAL-NIS-213
SOSS BackgroundObservations of the zodiacal light background are requested for 6 pointings, one of which is repeated to give some indication of whether there is a variability to the background from acquisition to acquisition depending on the grism position. Each field is fairly empty by the standards of the SOSS mode with no star bright enough to acquire. Observations are taken without an acquistion in full frame read-out with the GR700XD grism in the beam. No observations in the F277W filter are requested here. Analysis of these observations will allow some evaluation of how much the background may vary from pointing to pointing, and we expect to produce a number of zodiacal background template shapes from these data that can be used in the analysis of SOSS time series.
4480 CAL-NIS-214
AMI Calibrator RequirementsObservations of four single stars as AMI mode calibration sources are requested. The first two have closely matched brightesses and the third star is of similar spectral type but is a factor of 1.5 fainter. The last star is the same brightness as the third star but of a somewhat different spectral type. Cross-calibrations of these stars with each other will give information to guide the requirements needed for selecting AMI phase calibration sources.
4481 CAL-NIS-216
AMI Subpixel ContrastA series of AMI mode observations with sub-pixel offsets are requested of the AB Dor binary system and a single star phase calibration target. This star was previously observed in commissioning. Analysis of these observations compared to the commissioning observations will provide information about the effect of small mis-matches in the calibration source and the science target on the the contrast that can be achieved in the data reduction.
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 2 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4455 CAL-NRS-201
Dark Monitor Full FrameThis program will obtain full frame NIRSpec dark exposure in NRSRAPID and NRSIRS2RAPID readout modes in order to create updated dark and bias reference files. Five epochs (with overlap) are implemented vie between special requirements, so that darks can be acquired throughout Cycle 2. This is in order to have enough contemporary dark data to create new reference files every 4-6 months, as the hot pixel population is changing over time. Observations can be executed in parallel with no constraints on pointing. Ideally, IRS2 darks should be scheduled when the detector system is expected to be in IRS2 readout mode, and traditional (TRAD) darks should be scheduled when the DS is expected to be in traditional readout mode, based on nominal execution of the observation plan. This is to minimize detector/ASIC temperature drifts after switching readout mode that can negatively impact dark data.
4456 CAL-NRS-202
Dark Monitor SubarrayObtain NIRSpec darks of sufficient integration length in NRSRAPID readout mode for all used subarrays in order to create/update the SUPERBIAS, DARK, and READNOISE reference files (subarray) for NIRSpec.
4457 CAL-NRS-203
Spectroscopic FlatsThis program provides additonal data for the MOS S-flat (spectroscopic flat field) reference files. The MOS S-flat is a cube with complete but sparse sampling in wavelength space per pixel. This allows the calibration of MOS spectra, regardless of the location of the MSA shutters used. Data will be obtained through 20 MSA long slit configurations using the CAA internal calibration FLAT lamps to expand the wavelength interpolation of the Sflat. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field: the F-flat traces the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics, the S-flat traces the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA and the D-flat consists of the pixel-to-pixel variations of the detector.
4458 CAL-NRS-204
Spectroscopic Subarray FlatsThis program will acquire the spectroscopic (lamp) flats for the FS mode using the ALLSLITS subarray. Observations will be acquired for all of the NIRSpec disperser/lamp combinations. These observations are essential for minimizing flat field calibration noise for FS and/or BOTS observations that need improved signal-to-noise. In addition to the commissioning and Cycle 1 flats, these flats will further decrease the noise from flat fielding process for science observation processing. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field in addition to the Fflat and the Dflat.
4460 CAL-NRS-205
Slit-loss ExtensionThis program will obtain observations of a spectrophotometric standard star in order to further characterize wavelength dependent throughput variations as a function of position in the slit for FS and IFU modes. Data will be taken for the fixed slit 2-point and 5-point dither patterns and the 21st through 40th points in the IFU cycling pattern and will build on the data already obtained in commissioning (the fixed slit 3-point dither pattern and the first 20 points of the IFU cycling pattern).
4461 CAL-NRS-206
MSA Operability MonitorInternal lamp observations (executed during slews to minimize impact) are used to monitor the status of NIRSpec MSA shutter operability and hence allow update of MSA operability masks (failed open and failed closed shutters) used in observation planning and pipeline reduction. Undispersed MSA images, illuminated by the internal lamp, are taken through a set of four diagnostic shutter patterns. An ALLCLOSED pattern is used to find all shutters that are “Failed Open” (fail to close when commanded). An ALLOPEN pattern and a pair of checkboards (CHKBD1x1-1, CHKBD1x1-2) are used to recover the best-case and worst-case population of “Failed Closed” shutters (those that fail to open when commanded). Each exposure uses NRSIRS2RAPID readout, with 7 groups x 1 integration. The set of four exposures are acquired every month to monitor trends in operability and keep the map used for planning up-to-date. The observations are executed as slew parallels to maximize efficiency. An additional long exposure (65 groups x 1 integration, 949 s, 1506 s with overhead) through the ALLCLOSED configuration is obtained once per year, to yield a high dynamic-range contrast map.
4462 CAL-NRS-207
Instrument ModelFrom a set of internal CAA lamp exposures, this activity, along with the GWA tilt calibration monitor program, will serve to monitor the NIRSpec instrument model during Cycle 2. The instrument model is a parametric model of NIRSpec optical geometry and is used to trace, extract and rectify the spectra and provides WCS information for each pixel in a 2D spectrum. Most model components are expected to remain stable, but a limited monitor will guard against changes not traceable via existing observations.
This calibration program may change in response to the analysis of the Cycle 1 monitoring program (PID 1489).
4463 CAL-NRS-208
GWA Tilt MonitorThis program executes successive rotations of the GWA (grating wheel assembly), one position at a time, with an internal lamp exposure taken at each position (LINE4 for the PRISM, REF for the gratings). The data will enable monitoring of the calibration of the GWA tilt sensors, which is a critical part of the NIRSpec wavelength calibration. This calibration is part of the NIRSpec instrument model, but the tilt sensors are more likely to change with time than the other internal instrument model components and will be monitored more frequently. The monitor will run approximately once every 4 weeks to provide data on the GWA tilt behavior and build up statistics for a full tilt calibration if necessary. See APT file proposal description section for more detailed information.
4464 CAL-NRS-210
Dedicated Background for TSOsEstimate the flux contribution of the background in TSO (Time-Series Observations) taken at the celestial pole and celestial equator. NIRISS/SOSS TSO observations of transiting exoplanets obtained during commissioning have demonstrated that the background contribution to these observations is significant. The aim of this program is to take measurements of the zodiacal light background in the CLEAR/PRISM and L290LP/G395H configurations at two pointings, one near the ecliptic and one near the north ecliptic pole, to determine the level of variability of the background for the S1600A1 aperture for these modes.
4465 CAL-NRS-211
MSA PathlossSample the slit losses for the MSA shutters in the 1x1 and 1x3 shutter case at any given position of the shutter. The observations conducted during commissioning didn’t sufficiently sample the corners of the MSA shutter, thus an accurate and smooth slit loss calibration could not be produced. We will add extra slit losses measurement for MOS at the corners of one shutter.
4466 CAL-NRS-212
Wheel CharacterizationThis activity is needed to verify and trend the behavior of the two NIRSpec wheel mechanisms (FWA and GWA). Pending any unexpected behavior, the GWA characterization will be done twice during Cycle 2 (in August and in October) in order to maintain the agreed bi-weekly cadence. The FWA characterization will only be done once (in October). The procedure collects NIRSpec-focused telemetry data in the HC buffer at each commanded wheel position, and sends them to the ground for inspection after the procedure is completed. A series of mechanism move commands will be issued to step the FWA/GWA one position at a time through all 8 wheel positions, in both the forward and reverse directions. At each position, the HC buffer is armed before a move and then dumped after the move. The procedure acquires internal calibrations with NIRSpec as the prime instrument, and takes approximately 1 hour to execute for each mechanism.
4467 CAL-NRS-213
Electrical Shorts DetectionContingency program for MSA ESD. When a new MSA short appears, if it is detectable in telemetry, ESD should be executed on the relevant MSA Quad in order to locate the short and mask the shutter row/column as necessary. After ESD, diagnostic exposures can also be executed to verify that all associated glow has also been removed.
4468 CAL-NRS-214
MSA Optical Shorts DetectionContingency program for MSA OSD. When a new MSA short appears, if it is *not* detectable in telemetry, OSD diagnostic exposures should be executed in combination with test short masks in order to locate the short and mask the shutter row/column as necessary.
4469 CAL-NRS-215
MSA Shorts CheckingProgram for re-checking previously masked shorts, as the expectation is that some (many?) could have been transient, and the shutters could be resurrected for science operations.
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 2 Calibration plan for the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4494 CAL-FGS-201
Internal Flat FieldThis will monitor the flat field of the FGS channels. There is significant structure in the lamp flats, however, these lamp flat fields are good for monitoring trends in the response of the detector over time. The internal calibration lamp shall be used, so Fine Guiding will not be possible, hence ACS will be under coarse control. Exposures will use full frame images. Each exposure is repeated five times for cosmic ray rejection. After the full frame data are obtained, a 1 arcminute telescope offset is to be executed and the imaging sequence is to be repeated to allow for sky-source removal (the FGS has no shutter or opaque element). Epoch 1 observations should be done Oct-Dec 2023 timeframe. Epoch 2 observations should be done within the Mar-Apr 2024 timeframe.
4495 CAL-FGS-202
Geometric Distortion and Pixel ScaleThis proposal monitors the geometric distortion & pixel scale of both FGS Guide channels. The LMC astrometric field is imaged via FGS in calibration mode, obtaining full frame images at 5 different positions within the astrometric field for each of the two channels. The mid-point of the catalog will be placed at the center of the FGS channel being calibrated (the other channel will be guiding). This will ensure that (1) the same stars are used to calibrate FGS1 and FGS2, and (2) we will thus obtain an accurate measure of the relative sensitivity of Guiders 1 & 2. This program is similar to CAR-FGS-011. Epoch 1 observations should be done Sep-Oct 2023. Epoch 2 observations should be done Apr-May 2024.
The absolute flux calibration of the James Webb Space Telescope follows a cross-instrument plan, with each science instrument observing stars from the same list of absolute flux standards. To improve the efficiency of the observations, they are grouped into separate programs for each class of flux standard: A dwarfs, Solar analogs (G dwarfs), and white dwarfs. A fourth calibration program will repeat observations of the same standards on an approximately monthly cadence through Cycle 2 to serve multiple monitoring purposes. The details of this plan should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 4496 CAL-FLUX-201
Absolute Flux Calibration (A Dwarfs)This program obtains observations of A dwarf stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of A dwarf stars and companion programs provide observations of hot stars and solar analog observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
4497 CAL-FLUX-202
Absolute Flux Calibration (Hot Stars)This program obtains observations of hot stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of hot stars and companion programs provide observations of A dwarfs and solar analog observations. The absolute flux calibrations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
4498 CAL-FLUX-203
Absolute Flux Calibration (Solar Analogs)This program obtains observations of solar analogs as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of solar analog stars and companion programs provide observations of hot stars and A dwarfs observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars' flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
4499 CAL-FLUX-204
Absolute Flux Calibration (Repeatability)This program obtains repeated observations of two stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of two stars spread throughout the year to measure the repeatability of JWST observations. The aim is to observe in one filter/grating/etc per detector to measure how repeatable an observation is in instrument units. The expectation is that the repeatability is set at the detector level.
Cycle 1 Calibration Programs
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 1 Calibration plan for the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1517 CAL-MIRI-001
Read Noise and Dark Current MonitoringThis activity will obtain calibration data for all three MIRI detectors early in Cycle 1 to address three issues that will set the ultimate sensitivity limit for MIRI: read noise, dark current, and the reset anomaly, including the non-ideal behavior of individual integration ramps caused by the reset. All three effects require reference files for each detector in the JWST calibration pipeline. The data will also be used to flag hot, dead, and high-noise pixels for the bad-pixel mask. The activity will produce a full suite of data including simultaneous data from the full imager detector and the two MRS detectors with the contamination control cover (CCC) closed and data in all of the available subarrays except SLITLESSPRISM with the CCC open.
This APT file includes the CCC-open darks from CAL-MIRI-001 as well as those from CAL-MIRI-003 (reset switch charge decay calibration). The observations from CAL-MIRI-001 with the CCC closed are now in the APT file for PID 1519.
1518 CAL-MIRI-002
Internal Flat MonitorDuring the course of the JWST mission, small changes can be expected in the detector operating parameters (especially bias voltage and temperature). Additionally, space weathering from the cumulative impacts of cosmic rays will slowly degrade detector properties. As a result, we can fully expect that detector responsivities will change with time, making it imperative that we monitor the MIRI detectors on a regular basis and have the data available to develop new flatfields when they are required. Periodic (monthly) measurements of the on-board calibration sources plus background sky are intended to provide the following information: (1) Tracking of trends and changes in the relative radiometric response of the imager and Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) for the optical train between the calibration source and the detector. (2) When combined with measurements of photometric standard stars, the ability to derive the absolute radiometric response at all times and all points in the field of the imager and MRS. (3) The pixel flat field (gain or responsivity matrix). (4) High signal-to-noise measurements of the MRS spectral fringes.
This APT file also includes observations that use the calibration lamp from CAL-MIRI-003 to determine a correction for the reset switch charge decay (RSCD).
1519 CAL-MIRI-003
RSCD CharacterizationThe MIRI detectors must be calibrated for a variety of effects, including the reset switch charge decay (RSCD). The RSCD leads to a difference between the slope of the first integration in a series compared to later integrations, and it depends significantly on the illumination level of the previous integration. This calibration activity obtains data to characterize the RSCD and improves the corrective algorithms applied by the calibration pipeline. By using the MIRI internal calibration lamps with different imaging filters and the three MRS grating settings, we will obtain a variety of illumination levels. These data will be combined with darks to constrain and improve the correction algorithm.
This APT file includes all CCC-closed darks, including those from the initial suite of full-array darks from CAL-MIRI-001, and the full-array darks from CAL-MIRI-003.
The SUB256 darks for CAL-MIRI-003 are now included in the APT file for PID 1517, and the lamp-on observations for CAL-MIRI-003 are included in the APT file for PID 1518.
1520 CAL-MIRI-007
Detector AnnealsThis calibration activity will routinely anneal the three MIRI detectors to remove detector artifacts and keep the detector arrays in a known and stable state. With our current knowledge of the behavior of the MIRI detectors, we estimate that a frequency of once-a-day anneals will be sufficient to ensure good detector performance during Cycle 1. The anneals will be performed during spacecraft slews and will use the optimum temperature set-point determined during commissioning activity CAR-MIRI-002. 1521 CAL-MIRI-012
Imaging External Flat FieldThis activity will obtain external flat fields at low spatial frequencies (L-flats) for the MIRI imager. It builds on the commissioning activity CAR-MIRI-053. We will use the “thousand-points-of-light” technique to measure the L-flats by observing the LMC astrometric field with a dither pattern designed to sample the same stars in multiple positions on the detector. The data obtained in this activity will also be used to monitor geometric distortion and boresight offset corrections (CAL-MIRI-016). These data will also help monitor the shape of the core of the PSF across the detector (CAL-MIRI-014). This program will be executed once in Cycle 1 in month 3, so that it occurs relatively early in Cycle 1 but still provides a reasonable temporal baseline from the related activity during commissioning. 1522 CAL-MIRI-018
Imaging Filter CharacterizationThis activity will test the ground-based filter transmission functions by observing a red object through all nine MIRI imaging filters. The target will be a main-belt asteroid which will also be observed with the MRS to provide a spectrum covering the full 5-28 um wavelength range. Comparing synthetic photometry of the asteroid using the MRS spectrum of the asteroid with the actual photometry with the imager will test the filter functions and check for any possible filter leaks of red or blue light. Similar analysis on standard stars, comparing actual photometry and synthetic photometry with both model spectra and MRS spectra will provide further tests. This activity will be performed jointly with CAL-NIS-024; combining the observations may lead to some savings compared to the quoted time requirement. 1523 CAL-MIRI-022
MRS External Flat FieldThis program performs external flat fields (illumination flats) to provide low-spatial-frequency flat fields (L-flats) for the MIRI MRS. The data provided will probe the overall system transmission and illumination of the detectors, as a function of position in the focal plane, wavelength, and the resulting map onto position on the detectors. Repeating the similar observations obtained in commissioning (CAR-MIRI-061) will provide a valuable check on the stability of system transmission and pixel responsivity and, with the added integration time, improve the signal-noise-ratio (SNR) of the resultant L-flat. The first choice for a target is a nearby extended planetary nebula NGC 7027. 1524 CAL-MIRI-024
MRS PSF CharacterizationThis activity will characterize the point spread functions (PSFs) in the MIRI medium resolution spectrometer (MRS). The primary goals are to measure the PSF in the reconstructed data cubes delivered by dither sequences that were not verified during commissioning, to measure the PSF at short wavelengths using a genuine point source rather than a slightly extended source, and to increase the SNR of the PSF and monitor any changes arising from changes in the configuration of the primary mirror. The activity will observe the bright star UMi, which is a point source at all wavelengths and will permit a proper measurement of the PSF in MRS Channels 1 and 2 , as well as the planetary nebula SMP LMC 058 using dither patterns not exercised during commissioning in order to ensure full characterization in Channels 3 and 4. 1525 CAL-MIRI-025
MRS Dispersion CorrectionThis activity will measure the wavelength solution for the MRS by observing a Be star, which have spectra full of hydrogen recombination lines. The Cycle 1 Cal observations build on observations during Commissioning and will be especially helpful at longer wavelengths, where the sensitivity of the MRS is substantially lower. 1526 CAL-MIRI-026
MRS AstrometryThis activity will monitor the accuracy of the mapping of astrometric position in the sky to x,y pixel coordinates on the two MRS detectors. It will observe a region within the JWST astrometric field with the MRS, MIRI imager, and FGS simultaneously with the goal of measuring the location of the MRS field in V2,V3 space, the distortion across the MRS field of view, and the same quantities in the MIRI imaging field. Distortion in the MRS is particularly important to monitor throughout the mission; the relative positions of the field of views are not expected to change substantially after commissioning, and this activity will demonstrate that near the end of Cycle 1. 1527 CAL-MIRI-027
MRS Dynamic Range CharacterizationThis activity will monitor the MIRI MRS response to a standard star from the list of absolute flux calibration stars and characterize the MRS responsivity at very low flux densities. The objective is to investigate the noise properties of the MRS while observing faint targets and ensure that the spectral response remains valid. The target is the star P330E (G0 V, K=11.379), which will be observed once in Cycle 1 and once per year in the following years. The apparent noise in the spectrum and flux density of the star will be measured as a function of wavelength and compared to the predicted values. 1528 CAL-MIRI-032
LRS External Flat FieldExternal flat fields will be taken to provide full flat fields for the MIRI LRS. These flats combine the information obtained separately as P-flats and L-flats for the imager. We will utilize the method tested during commissioning in CAR-MIRI-055 which steps a point source along the slit and across the SLITLESS subarray to build a flatfield. As in commissioning, we will use 1-pixel steps in the slit (45 pointings), but for slitless mode, we will use 2-pixel increments and cover the central 52 pixels of the slitless aperture (26 pointings; compared to a width of 68 science pixels), a change from Commissioning. 1529 CAL-MIRI-034
LRS PSF CharacterizationIn order to characterize the point spread function (PSF) as a function of wavelength in the LRS slit and slitless modes, we will scan a point source across the two nod positions and the center of the slit and across the nominal pointing position in the SLITLESSPRISM subarray. These observations will improve the signal/noise ratio (SNR) obtained during commissioning in CAR-MIRI-074. Detailed knowledge of the LRS PSF and the availability of a super-resolution PSF model will test the WebbPSF model, improve the SNR of the outer PSF, and facilitate better algorithms for extracting spectra from two-dimensional spectral images. 1530 CAL-MIRI-035
LRS Dispersion CorrectionThis activity will measure the dispersion solution for the LRS (slit and slitless) by observing Be stars, which have spectra full of hydrogen recombination lines. The Cycle 1 Cal observations build on observations during Commissioning and will be especially helpful at longer wavelengths where the sensitivity of the LRS is limited. 1531 CAL-MIRI-036
LRS Slit ThroughputThis activity will improve our understanding of the MIRI LRS slit throughput as a function of wavelength and position in the slit by scanning a point source across the slit at the two nominal nod positions. These scans will be longer than similar observations executed in Commissioning, will check the point-spread function (PSF) far from its center, and improve our calibration for extended sources. The scans will also confirm the center of the slit, because the throughput from the target should be at a maximum when the telescope reports that it is pointing at the center of the slit in each scan. 1532 CAL-MIRI-042
Coronagraph External Flat FieldThis activity will build on commissioning activity CAR-MIRI-056, by providing updated flat fields for each coronagraphic aperture in Cycle 1. Both activities will provide data for two components of the flat field: the Pixel-flat (P-flat) and the Low frequency flat (L-flat). The P-flat is obtained by dithering an extended source around each coronagraphic aperture, while the L-flat utilizes the 1000-points-of-light algorithm by dithering around a crowded star field. We will use the same technique as in commissioning: observing fields with strong zodiacal emission for the P-flats and the LMC astrometric field for the L-flats. 1533 CAL-MIRI-113
Imaging Subarray CalibrationTo provide the data necessary to transfer the photometric calibration of the MIRI imager across all subarrays, we will observe an A dwarf in the F770W filter in each subarray. The target is J1812095, which is in the continuous viewing zone. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 1 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1453 CAL-NRC-001
Dark Current and Read-Noise MonitorThis program monitors the FULL frame noise properties by taking dark observations throughout Cycle 1 using the equivalent of every readout pattern. The Darks are set up to characterize the dark current, 1/f noise, IPC, cross-talk, and superbias. We note that the dark current itself is so low (1.9/27 e-/ks for the shortwave/longwave channel) that achieving a good S/N per pixel is prohibitive for the shortwave channel. However, hot pixels are still characterized, and the overall temporal evolution of the dark current can be monitored with the median of the full frame. For this activity, the pupil wheels will be set to the "Dark" position. Subarray darks are obtained in NIRCam-016. 1475 CAL-NRC-002
Sky Flat Field MonitorInstead of taking dedicated sky flats during Cycle 1, we will use the deep field GTO data to reconstruct P-flats in a subset of filters. Analysis of the CV3 flats suggest wavelength dependence in the P-flat is generally <1% in all detectors (though it appears to reach as high as 2% in some pixels on the tail-end of the distribution), so there is no need to take additional flats in the remaining filters unless on-sky commissioning data present different results. Since we cannot control when the GTO data are obtained, we will also monitor the stability of the sky flats with the F150W and F444W filter pair. We will obtain 6 epochs, which are scheduled in parallel with NIRISS sky flats. Large scale frequency variations in the NIRCam illumination pattern (L-flats) will be measured in CAL-NIRCAM-003, in combination with the data from this program. 1476 CAL-NRC-003
L-Flats, Photometric, and Distortion MonitorThis activity will serve 4 calibration activities, all of which can be obtained by observing the LMC calibration field throughout Cycle 1: stellar flats, photometric monitor, astrometry/distortion monitor, and flux array dependence. Stellar Flats: The stellar flats (L-flats) are meant to supplement the LP-flats. These observations step well-measured stars across the detector to map changes in response across the frame. HST/WFC3 and HST/ACS stellar flats improved photometric accuracy by 0.6%-6%, depending on the filter. A dense stellar field with minimal crowding is required. Since relatively short exposures are required, stellar flats can be used to monitor changes in the wavelength dependence of the flat field since Commissioning by observing in all (wide, medium, and narrow filters). Stars will be stepped across the detectors at 9 positions. Photometric Monitor: Repeat observations of the LMC field will monitor the stability of the photometric zeropoint calibration in all filters. Astrometry/Distortion Monitor: Determine the plate scale, orientation, and geometric distortion for each SCA in each NIRCam module over the full wavelength range. This requires dithering in the LMC calibration field with a representative subset of filters. The LMC calibration field has been carefully chosen and mapped with HST’s ACS to facilitate such a calibration. Characterize absolute flux array-dependence: Since absolute flux calibrators are bright, they can only be observed on small subarrays. Thus, to check the array dependence, we will include subarray observations of the LMC along with the FULL observations. 1477 CAL-NRC-005
Total-count and Count-rate Linearity CharacterizationThe purpose of this activity is to verify that the linearity behavior has not changed. The program requires observations of a rich stellar field that is bright and dense down to the confusion limit. To spread the flux more evenly, we may use a weak lens to introduce defocusing. The goal is to probe the linearity of a large sample of pixels across the detector. This program will likely target the LMC calibration field, which is in the CVZ. Alternatively, we could target Omega Cen, which was used for the WFC3 linearity study. 1478 CAL-NRC-006
Persistence CharacterizationThis program characterizes the NIRCam persistence (latent images) and checks for changes since the commissioning persistence check. The plan is to observe a rich stellar field, e.g. Omega Cen or 47 Tuc, with a long enough exposure time to probe a wide range of over-saturation levels, followed by a series of darks and a final short dithered sequence in a narrow-band filter to recover the source photometry. The illumination exposure is preceded by a series of dark integrations providing a baseline measure of the dark and noise floor and verify that no persistence from previous observations has been imprinted on the detector. The length of this preliminary dark can be shortened if scheduling can guarantee that the detector has not been exposed in the previous ~10,000s. The dark has to be taken "on site", i.e. after the target has been acquired. This is needed to prevent spurious exposure to bright sources during the telescope slew and target acquisition maneuver. 1479 CAL-NRC-010
LW Grism Spectral CalibrationThis program will calibrate and characterize the long wavelength (LW) grism, including spectral calibration and the line-spread function (LSF) characterization. The wavelength solution will be determined by observing 1 JWST spectral calibration source. This will likely be a planetary nebula, since PNe have a weak continuum and a rich set of strong spectral lines. The PN should also be sufficiently compact (e.g., sources in M31) to enable the LSF to be measured. Wavelength calibrator SMP LMC 58 (K = 14.5 mag) can be observed with MEDIUM8 readout, 7 groups, and 3 exposures/dithers to achieve S/N up to 200 per wavelength in grism mode with both F322W2 and F444W. 1480 CAL-NRC-011
LW Grism L-Flat CorrectionThis program will determine the L-flat correction for longwave (LW) grism observations by observing a rich stellar field (the LMC calibration field or a globular cluster), which will provide a large number of stars across the field for mapping spatial variations in the grism throughput. If the LMC is observed, the LW detector will contain about ~115 stars brighter than kmag=16. To detect these stars with S/N>5 per wavelength, observations should use the SHALLOW2 readout with 5 groups and 3 exposures/dithers. This data can also be used to characterize the spectral trace across the detector. Science data will be used to supplement this program. 1481 CAL-NRC-012
Coronagraphic Distortion MonitorThis program monitors the NIRCam coronagraphic distortion/astrometry. Commissioning will determine the absolute distortion solution to within 3 mas. In Cycle 1, we will revisit the LMC calibration field twice to monitor changes. This will involve observing stars behind the ND squares as well as in the vicinity of the coronagraphic masks to quantify the distortion behind the coronagraphic substrate. We will use the NIRCam Engineering Imaging template to observe with the FULL array, including dithers and a mosaic to overlap the shortwave (SW) detectors (an important cross-check). Since only module A is enabled for science observations, we will restrict detector overlap to the 2 SW detectors used for coronagraphy on module A. 1482 CAL-NRC-014
Coronagraphic PSF Characterization & TA VerificationThis program characterizes the NIRCam coronagraphic PSF with different observing configurations (all masks and 1 or 2 filters) using a relatively bright photometric standard star and the small-grid dither patterns. Data from this program can also be used to verify target acquisition (TA) and flux calibration (CAL-NIRCam-013). PSF Characterization: PSF characterization will use a JWST standard star and all mask/filter combinations that span the coronagraphic imaging wavelength range. These observations will check our ability to bootstrap accurate (to ~1-2%) absolute photometry with coronagraphs (including the coronagraphic wedge, substrate, Lyot stop) with respect to the standard imaging using the whole optical system (phased telescope + instrument). We will characterize the behavior of the PSF with wavelength and position along the bars. The same star will be observed in imaging mode through the same filters to make a direct comparison. We will also observe the same star with the coronagraph wedge in place, but placing the star a few arcsec outside the mask. Since we use a photometric standard (likely SNAP-2, a G2V star with K=14.2 mag), these data can supplement the absolute flux calibration. Target Acquisition: The PSF observations can also be used to as an additional check of the TA offsets, which will be verified during Commissioning (COM-NRC-30). This check requires no additional dedicated observations. After the TA exposure and subsequent slew to the occulter position, the fine steering mirror is used to perform a 5- or 3-point dither sequence in steps of ~10 mas. This will allow a verification of and, if necessary, an update to the ideal position of the bright star behind each occulter. This program will test the faint target acquisition (with SNAP-2); bright targets observed in the absolute flux calibration program (CAL-NIRCam-013) will test TA using the neutral density squares. 1483 CAL-NRC-016
Subarray Dark Current and Read-Noise MonitorThis program takes Dark frames for the NIRCam subarrays using the equivalent of every readout pattern. For this activity, the pupil wheels will be set to the “Dark” position. The data will be used to further characterize readnoise, 1/f noise, IPC, cross-talk, and superbias. Dark frames are particularly important for subarrays because of ‘glow’ from the amplifiers, which accumulates each time a pixel is read out. Since subarrays have short frametimes, the glow accumulates much faster than it does in the full frame images. The glow may produce significant structure across subarrays, and is also expected to change if the ASICs are re-tuned. Note that at the time of submission, APT does not include the SUB96DHSPIL subarray in the Dark template. Engineering mode is used here to obtain darks in that subarray, but the time estimates are inflated (they include slews). We will obtain 5 epochs of darks, with a similar cadence to the full-frame darks program. [Updated April 2020] 1550 Cal-NRC-018
Subarray Photometric TransfersA well-characterized target within the LMC field will be placed on each subarray and each full-frame SCA to measure any count-rate differences between these different read-out modes. Every aperture (subarray and full) used for science or calibration must be assessed; this program includes only those that are not assessed in other Commissioning or Cycle 1 Calibration programs. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 1 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1497 CAL-NIS-001
Full Frame Darks (NISRAPID)Parallel dark current observations are needed for NIRISS in the NISRAPID read-out mode. These are used to produce the dark current reference file and also for general health analysis for the instrument. 1498 CAL-NIS-002
Full Frame Darks (NIS)Parallel dark exposures are taken in the NIS read-out for detector monitoring and the production of reference files for the JWST data reduction pipeline. The current proposed cadence is one set of darks per 2 months, and hence 6 sets per year. Each set consists of 4 parallel observations. The individual observations are for 5 integrations per exposure with 30 groups per integration, to be under the 10000 second limit for observations to avoid HGA moves. It is likely that the HGA moves are of no concern for the dark measurements, but this is required to avoid errors in the APT file. 1499 CAL-NIS-003
Subarray DarksDark exposures are taken in the different science and calibration sub-arrays to produce the pipeline reference files for these read-out patterns. 1501 CAL-NIS-005
Astrometric CalThe initial astrometric calibration for NIRISS will be done in commissioning. Subsequent astrometric observations may be required to revise and improve the initial astrometric calibration. This program carries out an astrometric calibration assuming that the initial solution is known to the required accuracy (5 milli-arc-seconds RMS precision) and that we need to carry out additional observations to refine the existing solution. The three observations in the commissioning CAR are redone here, linked together. The first such set of three observations should be done 2 to 4 months after the end of commissioning, and the second set of three observations should be done 4 or more months after the first set. 1503 CAL-NIS-008
Internal Flats CalThis program provides internal lamp flat observations to be carried out during slews. These observations allow a direct comparison with ground-based data taken in CV3 and OTIS testing to see whether the detector properties have changed. 1504 CAL-NIS-011
AMI Intra-pixel Response CalA series of exposures of a single star with sub-pixel offsets will be used to characterize the variations in the AMI PSF with the position of the star within the pixel. 1506 CAL-NIS-013
NRM Fractional Throughput Cal (Full Frame)Observations will be made of a standard star in regular full frame imaging and then with the NRM in the beam to calibrate the fractional throughput of the mask for photometric calibration purposes. A similar program is planned for the SUB80 sub-array, but that uses brighter targets than can be observed in full frame imaging. 1507 CAL-NIS-014
NRM Fractional Throughput Cal (Sub80)Observations will be made of the single star HD 49306 in the SUB80 read-out in regular imaging and then with the NRM in the beam to measure the fractional througput of the mask for photometric calibration purposes. This measurement differs from the full frame measurement because there will be signal losses out of the small sub-array, hence the fractional throughput measured here will not be the same as measured with the full frame imaging. 1508 CAL-NIS-016
NRM Phase CalA high S/N observation of a single star will be taken in the three medium-band NIRISS AMI filters. These observations will be used to determine the AMI closure phases. 1509 CAL-NIS-017
NRM Pixel Linearity CalNIRISS/AMI observations of three bright stars will be taken to characterize the linearity response of the peak pixels in the PSF to better precision than can be obtained in ground-based linearity measurements. The observations will be taken with dithering between the 4 primary positions, so this will also provide some persistence data for analysis. 1510 CAL-NIS-018
WFSS Wavelength CalObservations of a compact planetary nebula in the southern continuous viewing zone will be used to derive the grism wavelength solutions for the GR150R and GR150C grisms in the six blocking filters. A 3x3 mosaic of pointings is used to move the nebula around within the NIRISS field of view. 1512 CAL-NIS-021
SOSS Trace and Wavelength CalObservations of a bright star of known spectral type in the continuous viewing zone will be used to determine the GR700XD dispersion solution and the "standard" trace position for the NIRISS SOSS mode. 1514 CAL-NIS-024
Low Temperature Photometric Standard CheckObservation of a low temperature source are to be made to test for possible long wavelength filter leaks in the NIRISS imaging mode. The target is assumed to be a 5 km diameter asteroid at a distance of approximately 2.6 AU. The actual object to be used will need to be selected at the time the observation is to be scheduled, or at least when an approximate time slot for the observation can be identified. 1515 CAL-NIS-025
Stability MonitoringWe propose to make a short observation of a star field in a single NIRISS filter at 1 month intervals to assess the stability of the instrument with time. 1516 CAL-NIS-026
AMI Charge Transfer CharacterizationObservations of standard stars in NIRISS AMI mode with differing peak ramp counts and the same total exposure time are to be taken to assess the effects of charge migration on the interference pattern. In this preliminary test, the F430M and F277W filters are used, and in the wide filter a smaller total number of photons is collected per ramp set-up. In addition an analogous SOSS mode observation of one of the standard stars is made to assess the effects of charge migration on the SOSS spectra. [Updated April 2020] -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 1 Calibration plan for the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1484 CAL-NRS-001
Dark Monitor Full FrameThis program will obtain a set of dark exposures taken with full frame readout. The data will be used to construct dark current, super bias, and read noise reference files. Master bias observations are only to be taken during the first visit of the program. Dark exposures using NRSIRS2RAPID use expoure durations of approximately 3000 sec (200 groups). This duration is the longest being recommended to users, and it may be changed in the future. Dark exposures with NRSRAPID are approximately 1000 sec (88 groups) in duration. The observations are split into individual visits - 100 for the NIRSIRS2RAPID darks and 50 for the NRSRAPID darks. Two bias frames, one in each of the readout patterns, will also be acquired. These visits are executed in parallel with no constraints on pointing. 1485 CAL-NRS-002
Spectroscopic FlatsThis program provides additional data for the MOS S-flat (spectroscopic flat field) reference files. The MOS S-flat is a cube with complete but sparse sampling in wavelength space per pixel. This allows the calibration of MOS spectra, regardless of the location of the MSA shutters used. Data will be obtained through 20 MSA long slit configurations using the CAA internal calibration FLAT lamps to expand the wavelength interpolation of the S-flat. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field: the F-flat traces the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics, the S-flat traces the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA and the D-flat consists of the pixel-to-pixel variations of the detector. 1486 CAL-NRS-003
Spectroscopic Subarray FlatsThis program will acquire the spectroscopic (lamp) flats for the FS mode using the ALLSLITS subarray. Observations will be acquired for all of the NIRSpec disperser/lamp combinations. These observations are essential for minimizing flat field calibration noise for FS and/or BOTS observations that need improved signal-to-noise. The commissioning program will acquire a minimum set of flats, these observations for Cycle 1 calibration will greatly decrease the noise from flat fielding process for science observation processing. The S-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field: the F-flat traces the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics, the S-flat traces the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA and the D-flat consists of the pixel-to-pixel variations of the detector. 1487 CAL-NRS-006
Slitloss ExtensionThis program will obtain observations of a spectrophotometric standard star in order to further characterize wavelength dependent throughput variations as a function of position in the slit for FS and IFU modes. Data will be taken for the fixed slit 2-point and 5-point dither patterns and the 21st through 40th points in the IFU cycling pattern and will build on the data already obtained in commissioning (the fixed slit 3-point dither pattern and the first 20 points of the IFU cycling pattern). 1488 CAL-NRS-007
MSA Operability MonitorInternal lamp observations during slews will be used to monitor the status of NIRSpec MSA failed shutters to update MSA failed shutter masks. Undispersed MSA images will be taken through the ALLOPEN, ALLCLOSED, CHKBD1x1-1, and CHKBD1x1-2 shutter patterns, using NRSIRS2RAPID readout, with 7 groups x 1 integration. These exposures will be acquired every two weeks to monitor the failed open and closed shutters on the NIRSpec MSA. The CHKBD3x3-1 shutter pattern will be observed to check shutter image location on the detector against the instrument model, and is also useful for grating wheel sensor calibration. An additional long exposure (65 groups x 1 integration,949 s, 1506 s with overhead) through the ALLCLOSED configuration is obtained once per year, to yield a high dynamic-range contrast map. 1489 CAL-NRS-009
Instrument ModelFrom a set of internal CAA lamp exposures, this activity, along with the GWA tilt calibration monitor program, will serve to monitor the NIRSpec instrument model during cycle 1. The instrument model is a parametric model of NIRSpec optical geometry and is used to trace, extract and rectify the spectra and provides WCS information for each pixel in a 2D spectrum. Most model components are expected to remain stable, but a limited monitor will guard against changes not traceable via existing observations. 1491 CAL-NRS-013
Grating Wheel Tilt MonitorThis program executes successive rotations of the GWA (grating wheel assembly), one position at a time, with an internal lamp exposure taken at each position (LINE4 for the PRISM, REF for the gratings). The data will enable monitoring of the calibration of the GWA tilt sensors, which is a critical part of the NIRSpec wavelength calibration. This calibration is part of the NIRSpec instrument model, but the tilt sensors are more likely to change with time than the other internal instrument model components and will be monitored more frequently. The monitor will run approximately once a month to provide data on the GWA tilt behavior and build up statistics for a full tilt calibration if necessary. 1492 CAL-NRS-015
Characterization of LSF and Zero-Point CorrectionThis program will expand the NIRSpec LSF characterization and wavelength zero point calibration correction derived during commissioning. Observations will acquire spectra of spatially unresolved emission line sources used during commissioning in the FS and IFU apertures using nod/dither positions not yet covered in the commissioning program. The observed emission lines will be used to update the wavelength zero point for the instrument model. The unresolved emission lines will be used to characterize the LSF shape for each disperser, as both a function of wavelength and position within the aperture. MOS observations will also be acquire for zero point correction information for input into the instrument model update. This MOS observation includes a set of 10 exposures with the source stepped across the full pitch of a shutter at even intervals (roughly 25 mas per step). The MOS portion of the commissioning program will not provide the sampling necessary to measure these zero point offsets. 1493 CAL-NRS-017
F-Flat CharacterizationThis program obtains observations needed to further calibrate the F-flat of the instrument flat field/throughput correction. The F-flat is one part of the 3 component NIRSpec flat field: the F- flat traces the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics, the S-flat traces the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA and the D-flat consists of the pixel-to-pixel variations of the detector, usually called the P-flat. Additional observations will be obtained at a wider range of positions than acquired during Commissioning to more accurately calibrate the field dependence, address the effects of polarization (at the level of 0.2% predicted by instrument models), and remove uncertainties from the S-flat due to imperfect knowledge of the instrument’s internal flat lamp profiles. This program also addresses the limited absolute flux calibration observations using only the S1600A1 fixed slit, and will be used to check against uncorrected effects that may affect observations using MOS mode. 1494 CAL-NRS-018
MSA AnnealThe NIRSpec MSA Anneal process uses internal heaters to warm the MSA to ~+270K in an effort to un-stick failed open and closed MSA shutters that have evolved over the course of routine NIRSpec operations. The MSA is then cooled back to operating temperatures and a set of verification exposures is run to investigate the success of un-sticking the shutters. It will take approximately 24-48hrs before NIRSpec is back to operational temperature and available for science and close out of the Anneal verification exposures. This is anticipated to be done at least once in Cycle 1, but the frequency may depend on the evolving population of failed shutters in the MSA. This is a NIRSpec instrument engineering program. 1495 CAL-NRS-019
Dark Monitor SubarrayObservations of a compact planetary nebula in the southern continuous viewing zone will be used to derive the grism wavelength solutions for the GR150R and GR150C grisms in the six blocking filters. A 3x3 mosaic of pointings is used to move the nebula around within the NIRISS field of view. 1496 CAL-NRS-020
Wheel CharacterizationThis activity is needed to verify the basic functionality of the FWA and GWA. It will be done once during Cycle 1, unless normal telemetry monitoring indicates a possible problem that requires the more detailed information provided by this characterization activity. The procedure collects NIRSpec-focused telemetry data in the HC buffer at each commanded position and sends them to the ground for inspection after the procedure is completed. The FSW sends a series of mechanism move commands to step the FWA/GWA one position at a time through all 8 wheel positions in both the forward and reverse directions. At each position, the HC buffer is armed before a move and then dumped after the move. The procedure acquires prime internal calibrations and takes approximately 2 hours to execute. -
The activities listed below are those parts of the Cycle 1 Calibration plan for the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) that have a dedicated observational component. This program should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1534 CAL-FGS-002
Geometric Distortion and ScaleThis proposal monitors the geometric distortion & pixel scale of both FGS Guide channels. The LMC astrometric field is imaged via FGS in calibration mode, obtaining full frame images at 5 different positions within the astrometric field for each of the two channels. The mid-point of the catalog will be placed at the center of the FGS channel being calibrated (the other channel will be guiding). This will ensure that (1) the same stars are used to calibrate FGS1 and FGS2, and (2) we will thus obtain an accurate measure of the relative sensitivity of Guiders 1 & 2.This program is similar to CAR-FGS-011.
1535 CAL-FGS-003
Internal Lamp Flat FieldThis will monitor the flat field of the FGS channels. There is significant structure in the lamp flats, however, these lamp flat fields are good for monitoring trends in the response of the detector over time. The internal calibration lamp shall be used, so Fine Guiding will not be possible, hence ACS will be under coarse control. Exposures will use full frame images. Each exposure is repeated five times for cosmic ray rejection. After the full frame data are obtained, a 1 arcminute telescope offset is to be executed and the imaging sequence is to be repeated to allow for sky-source removal (the FGS has no shutter or opaque element).
The absolute flux calibration of the James Webb Space Telescope follows a cross-instrument plan, with each science instrument observing stars from the same list of absolute flux standards. To improve the efficiency of the observations, they are grouped into separate programs for each class of flux standard: A dwarfs, Solar analogs (G dwarfs), and white dwarfs. A fourth calibration program will repeat observations of the same standards on an approximately monthly cadence through Cycle 1 to serve multiple monitoring purposes. The details of this plan should be considered provisional and may change in response to system developments and the final science program.
ID Program Title Abstract 1536 CAL-FLUX-001
Absolute Flux Calibration (A Dwarfs)This program obtains observations of A dwarf stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of A dwarf stars and companion programs provide observations of white and G dwarf observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
1537 CAL-FLUX-002
Absolute Flux Calibration (White Dwarfs)This program obtains observations of white dwarf stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of white dwarf stars and companion programs provide observations of A and G dwarf observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
1538 CAL-FLUX-003
Absolute Flux Calibration (G Dwarfs)This program obtains observations of A dwarf stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of A dwarf stars and companion programs provide observations of white and G dwarf observations. The absolute flux observations will be compared to model predictions of the stars flux densities to calculate the appropriate calibration factors per instrument mode.
1539 CAL-FLUX-004
Absolute Flux Calibration (Repeatability)This program obtains repeated observations of two stars as part of the JWST absolute flux calibration effort. This effort uses all JWST instruments to provide absolute flux calibration for all JWST modes (filters, gratings, etc). The combined nature of this effort is to ensure the highest quality flux calibration internal to and between instruments and to carry out the observations efficiently. This program provides observations of two stars spread throughout the year to measure the repeatability of JWST observations. The aim is to observe in one filter/grating/etc per detector to measure how repeatable an observation is in instrument units. The expectation is that the repeatability is set at the detector level.
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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.