Calibrating Instruments and Modes

To ensure the calibration of all science instruments and observing modes, the calibration plans include the data and methods necessary to:

  • Test and improve all calibration files used by the data reduction pipeline
  • Establish baselines for future comparisons
  • Monitor the health, responsivity, and throughput of the telescope and science instruments for any temporal changes

The information below provides details for the four science instruments, the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), and the absolute flux calibration plan (a multi-instrument plan that is treated as its own integrated program) for each of the cycles. Each entry provides the program ID, title, and abstract of each calibration activity, as well as a link to the STScI Program Information tool, which provides access to the APT file. The APT files can also be accessed directly within the APT by querying the program ID. To view the details of a specific program, expand a category below and then click the ID number for the program. 

Cycle 3 Calibration Programs

Cycle 2 Calibration Programs

Cycle 1 Calibration Programs

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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.