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Daily Report #5664
Period Covered:
07:00 pm January 15, 2012 - 06:59 pm January 16, 2012
(DOY 016/0000z - 016/2359z)
This report was generated by the HST Automated Report System @2012-01-17 17:02:00 GMT
Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.) HSTARs: 13184 - SCI: GSAcq (1,2,1) resulted in FLBU (1,0,1)@014/0009z COMPLETED OPS REQUEST: none COMPLETED OPS NOTES: none FGS ACQ STATUS: SCHEDULED SUCCESSFUL FGS GSAcq 12 9 FGS REAcq 5 5 OBAD with Maneuver 8 4 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: none
Program | Principal Investigator | Program Title |
Science Observations Scheduled | ||
12211 | Nuria Calvet, University of Michigan | Are Weak-Line T Tauri Stars Still Accreting? |
12246 | Christopher Stubbs, Harvard University | Weak Lensing Mass Calibration of SZ-Selected Clusters |
12470 | Kim-Vy Tran, Texas A & M Research Foundation | Super-Group 1120-1202: A Unique Laboratory for Tracing Galaxy Evolution in an Assembling Cluster at z=0.37 |
12474 | Boris Gaensicke, The University of Warwick | The frequency and chemical composition of rocky planetary debris around young white dwarfs |
12488 | Mattia Negrello, Open University | SNAPshot observations of gravitational lens systems discovered via wide-field Herschel imaging |
12507 | Adam Kraus, University of Hawaii | The Formation and Fundamental Properties of Wide Planetary-Mass Companions |
12549 | Thomas Brown, Space Telescope Science Institute | The Formation History of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies |
Calibration Observations Scheduled | ||
12689 | Tiffany Borders, Space Telescope Science Institute | WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor |
12695 | Michael Dulude, Space Telescope Science Institute | IR Dark Monitor |
12729 | David Golimowski, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Daily Monitor {Part 1} |
12741 | Justin Ely, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Dark Monitor Part 1 |
12743 | Justin Ely, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 1 |
12780 | Colin Cox, Space Telescope Science Institute | HST Cycle 19 Focus and Optical Monitor |