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Daily Report #5682
Period Covered:
07:00 pm February 2, 2012 - 06:59 pm February 3, 2012
(DOY 034/0000z - 034/2359z)
This report was generated by the HST Automated Report System @2012-02-04 17:02:00 GMT
Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.) HSTARs: none COMPLETED OPS REQUEST: none COMPLETED OPS NOTES: none FGS ACQ STATUS: SCHEDULED SUCCESSFUL FGS GSAcq 10 10 FGS REAcq 7 7 OBAD with Maneuver 7 7 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: none
Program | Principal Investigator | Program Title |
Science Observations Scheduled | ||
12110 | Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington | A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury - I |
12178 | Scott Anderson, University of Washington | Spanning the Reionization History of IGM Helium: a Highly Efficient Spectral Survey of the Far-UV-Brightest Quasars |
12248 | Jason Tumlinson, Space Telescope Science Institute | How Dwarf Galaxies Got That Way: Mapping Multiphase Gaseous Halos and Galactic Winds Below L* |
12454 | Marc Postman, Space Telescope Science Institute | Through a Lens, Darkly - New Constraints on the Fundamental Components of the Cosmos |
12474 | Boris Gaensicke, The University of Warwick | The frequency and chemical composition of rocky planetary debris around young white dwarfs |
12476 | Kem Cook, Eureka Scientific Inc. | Measuring the Hubble Flow Hubble Constant |
12488 | Mattia Negrello, Open University | SNAPshot observations of gravitational lens systems discovered via wide-field Herschel imaging |
Calibration Observations Scheduled | ||
12380 | Bryan Hilbert, Space Telescope Science Institute | Guard Darks |
12687 | Sylvia Baggett, Space Telescope Science Institute | WFC3/UVIS Anneal |
12689 | Tiffany Borders, Space Telescope Science Institute | WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor |
12729 | David Golimowski, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Daily Monitor {Part 1} |
12741 | Justin Ely, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Dark Monitor Part 1 |
12743 | Justin Ely, Space Telescope Science Institute | CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 1 |
12784 | Elena Sabbi, Space Telescope Science Institute - ESA | Characterization of UVIS Traps Via Charge-Injected Biases |