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Introduction to STGMS

The Space Telescope Grants Management System (STGMS) is a web-based software application designed to manage the grant award process for the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Grants Administration. By following the instructions and tips provided in this guide, users will be able to navigate the system and perform the various functions necessary for managing NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP) grants in STGMS, such as view grant information, submit budgets, performance reports, faculty contact assessments, and requests for foreign travel, computing device, and equipment.

For detailed information on how to complete non-NHFP specific tasks, please see the STGMS User Guide webpage

  • Accessing STGMS

    The administration of the fellowship grant is the responsibility of the Grant Admin PI (faculty contact). Fellows are the Grant Science PI and do not have access to the fellowship grant in STGMS.

    To access STGMS navigate to the Main Menu > Login. Enter your email address and password, then click ‘Login’. If you receive an error stating, “The user [                     ] does not exist”, it is likely that the account is not enabled. To resolve this issue, email STScI Grant Administration for a list of STGMS User Account Managers who can enable your account.

    First time logging in to STGMS or forgot your password? Select 'Forgot Password?' below the email address and password fields. Enter your email address and click 'Submit'. You should receive a link to reset your password. Follow the password guidelines and click ‘Update Password’.

    Need an STGMS account? Access to STGMS is maintained by the Host Institution. Contact the Sponsored Programs Office at your institution to request access. Fellows may have access to STGMS, with the necessary privileges, to manage a GO/AR grant.

    For detailed information on creating and managing user accounts, please see STGMS Accounts & Privileges.

  • Navigating STGMS

    Use the STGMS Main Menu to navigate different menu options. The Main Menu is dynamic and you will only see options related to the privileges assigned to your account. Use the arrow icon to expand and collapse items, or to hide the Main Menu to provide more screen space. 

    Help is provided throughout STGMS by clicking the question mark icon. Additional information can be found by clicking on the 'Help’ link in the Main Menu.

  • Finding Your Grants

    To use any of the STGMS functions, such as Grant Information, Report/Request List or Budget Search, you must first use the search filters to narrow down search results and find the applicable grant. 

    Search filters are auto-complete fields. For empty fields, users should input a few characters and the system will display matching entries. For filters with a drop-down menu, click the down arrow to choose an option. The radio button filters limit users to choose only one option at a time. 

    If you are not seeing expected results try using only one filter.

STGMS Accounts & Privileges

STGMS administrative user accounts are created and maintained by your institution. Generally, Investigator (faculty contact) accounts are associated with an approved program and created at the time of program approval, unless that investigator already has an STGMS account. First time faculty contacts who have never had an account, a user account will be set-up at the time the NHFP program is created.

Expand each accordion below to learn more about STGMS accounts and privileges, and managing STGMS notifications.

STGMS Accounts

Grant Resources

The first step is complete! Now that you have access to STGMS, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the grant resources that will aid you in preparing budgets, reports, and requests.

Star forming nebula
NHFP Policy & Budget Guidelines

The NHFP Policy and Budget Guidelines cover general rules and regulations applicable to all NASA Hubble Fellowship Program grants awarded by Space Telescope Science Institute.

Read More

Schaller artist concept
STScI General Grant Provisions

The STScI General Grant Provisions (GGP) provide the general rules and regulations applicable to all grants awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Read More

Westerlund 2
Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to most of the frequently asked questions here.

Read More

NHFP Funding

STScI funds each Fellowship through a grant issued to the Host Institution. Grants are awarded with a 3-year period of performance. Funding is provided in annual increments up to a maximum of 36 months.  An initial award is made to fund the first year of the fellowship.  The fellow’s performance is reviewed annually to determine if support for another year of research will be approved.  Upon approval, supplemental awards will be made to fund the second or third year of the fellowship. Funding is contingent on the availability of funds from NASA.

NHFP grant funds are provided solely for the support of the Fellow to conduct their research, with the exception of travel support costs for a graduate student or collaborator. Reference the NHFP Guidelines for more information.

Funding Schedule
Obligation Amount Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
60% of approved funding Month 1 Month 13 Month 25
40% of approved funding Month 7 Month 19 Month 31

Funding is automatically released and does not require action by the Host Institution.


Funding information can be found in the grant award document and subsequent amendments, as well as on the Grant Information screen. Documentation is only sent upon the initial awarding of new funding. Reach out to STScI Grants Administration at (410) 338-4200 or at if you have questions about your grant funding.


Prior to the award of funds for the program year, a budget and supporting narrative must be created in STGMS. The Fellow must work jointly with the Sponsored Research Office and/or Faculty Contact to prepare and submit a budget on their behalf.

The following checklist is provided as a guide.

  • Checklist

    1. View the NHFP Guidelines to familiarize yourself with the policies and current academic year funding amounts.
    2. Complete the STGMS budget form for only one academic year.
    3. Upload the Current & Pending Support document for the current cycle.
    4. Upload the required budget narrative justifying all costs.
    5. Once you’re ready to Submit, double check if:
      1. All costs are allowable and allocable
      2. All costs fall within the current academic year approved amount

Creating Budgets

Budgets are created in STGMS. The functions available to you are privilege-based. Fellows do not have access to budgets in STGMS.

To create a new budget or find a saved budget:

  • Navigate to Main Menu > Budget > Budget Search
  • Enter the 5-digit program number (e.g. 51***)  in the search field and click 'Search' to see all budgets for the grant. Saved budgets will also appear.
  • Click the applicable button to open the STGMS budget form.
Year Budget Types
Year 1 Original Budget
Year 2 Supplemental 1 or greater
Year 3 Supplemental 2 or greater
All years Revise Budget (revision) - is displayed under all budget types once an original budget has been submitted


Editing Budgets

Before you begin, there are a few features that may help you save time preparing the budget. See the STGMS User Guide for detailed information on using another budget as template, storing salary and fringe rates, and setting IDC/G&A/F&A and overheads rate by fiscal years.

Costs entered in the STGMS budget form are organized into accordion ribbons by cost-category.  Expand the sections below to learn more information about each cost-category. All costs must be listed in the correct cost category or the budget will be returned. Funds in a restricted cost-category are limited to the approved amount and cannot be rebudgeted to any other category.

STGMS Budget Form


Submitting Budgets

Ensure that all the components of the budget are complete and in compliance with the NHFP policies, STScI General Grant Provision, Host Institution’s policies, and federal regulations. Once the budget is ready for submission, select the privilege-based submission option available at the bottom of the screen.

Save & Notify

A notification that the budget is ready for submission is sent to the individuals at the Host Institution who have the privilege to submit the budget on your behalf.

Submit Budget

The budget will be officially submitted to STScI.

View/Print Budget

To preview the PDF version of the budget. If necessary, you may save a copy of the budget.


If you have the privilege to submit, you will receive a pop-up dialog box to certify acceptance and compliance with certifications, assurances, and representations. The submitter must check all three boxes before the submit button is available to click, at which time a password is required. A notification is issued once the budget has been submitted.

Budget Status Description
Approved The budget was submitted and has been reviewed and approved by STScI Grants Administration.
Denied The budget is denied. Revisions may be required.
Needs Revision Revisions are required before the budget can be approved.
PI Approved The budget is pending review by STScI Grants Administration.
Saved The budget is in process. STScI Grants Administration does not have access to saved budgets.
Superceded STGMS automatically supercedes a budget once a revision is submitted. This status is also used for transfer situations.


Viewing Grant Information

When looking for comprehensive information on the Fellowship grant, visit the Grant Information screen. It displays grant-specific information including the program title, period of performance, due dates for performance and financial reports, funding and payment information, and grant documents. The only editable field on this screen is the Institution ID, which is assigned by some institutions to link the STGMS grant number to an internal tracking number. An entry is not required and can be left blank.

To find the Grant Information for your grant navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Grant Information and use the search filters described in Finding Your Grants above.

There are accordion style banners which may be expanded to provide additional detail. Only one section expands at a time. The performance report and faculty contact assessment can be created by clicking the applicable button in the designated section.

Image displays the Grant Information screen

Accordion Options in Grant Information

Reporting Requirements

The reporting requirements can be found in the grant award document and the Grant Information screen in STGMS. For more specific information about reporting requirements reference the NHFP Guidelines.


Where can I find reports?

Navigate to Main Menu > Report/Request List or using the buttons located under the applicable accordion option on the Grant Information screen. Click on the 'Create new…' row to prepare a new report or request. Previously saved, submitted or approved reports or requests are displayed here as well.

Who can submit a report?

The reports displayed are based on the assigned privileges of the user. Fellows cannot submit reports under their Fellowship grant.  The Faculty Contact or designated personnel at the Host Institution must submit the report/request on their behalf.


Interim Reporting Requirements

The Interim Performance Report and Interim Faculty Contact Assessment are due annually on May 31st, regardless of the start date, in years 1 & 2. Grants Administration must receive all required reports, assessments and approvals in order to award the next year.

Eta Carinae

Interim Faculty Contact Assessment

The Faculty Contact must assess the Fellow’s research performance for the reporting period.

Interim Faculty Contact Assessments are due annually by May 31st.  The Faculty Contact must assess the Fellow’s research performance during the year and affirm their support to renew the subsequent year. There is not a required format.

To submit an Interim Faculty Contact Assessment, navigate to Main Menu > Report/Report List. Use the search parameters. Click 'Create new Interim Faculty Contact Assessment'. Users are prompted to enter the reporting period (1st year: start date through 5/31. 2nd year: 06/01 - 05/31).

Phoenix Galaxy Cluster

Interim Performance Report

The Fellow must describe scientific research activities during the reporting period, and publications, if any.

Interim performance reports are required annually by May 31st. The Fellow does not have access to the performance report form in STGMS. Download the template to prepare the report . Fellows must provide a brief description of progress and accomplishments for the current reporting period. The report must include a list of publications that have been completed or that are underway, as well as any notable scientific activities (e.g. conferences attended, talks given, observing trips, or any other noteworthy information).

The report must include an accurate accounting of time spent telecommuting and/or working remotely during the reporting period.

To submit an Interim Performance Report, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click 'Create new Interim Performance Report’. Users are prompted to enter the reporting period (1st year: start date through 5/31. 2nd year: 06/01 - 05/31). The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

Final Reporting Requirements

At the end of the Fellowship, the below final reporting requirements are due within 90 days of the end of the grant. 

Cosmic Reef

Final Financial Report

Summary of final costs.


The Certifying Official (CO), Authorizing Official (AO), or designated STGMS user is required to submit the final financial report in accordance with the schedule provided in the Grant Award Document or Amendment Document. Final financial reports must be submitted within ninety (90) days of the end of the grant period. 

To submit a Final Financial Report, navigate to Menu > Financial Report > Final Financial Report. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click the ‘New Final Financial Report’ button. Enter the Reporting End Date and Invoice Number, if applicable. Enter the total cumulative expenditures for the grant to automatically calculate the total final payment or refund. The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

If the final financial report includes a refund due to STScI, an electronic payment for the total refund amount must be sent within two weeks. If unable to issue electronic payment, a check payable to Space Telescope Science Institute must be mailed to:

Space Telescope Science Institute
ATTN: Grants Administration Office 
3700 San Martin Drive 
Baltimore, MD 21218 

Cosmic Cliffs

Final Performance Reports

The Fellow must detail cumulative scientific research activities during the 3-year grant period and publications, if any.

Fellows must detail the cumulative progress and accomplishments during the 3-year grant period. The report must include a list of publications that have ben completed or that are underway, as well as notable scientific activities (e.g. conferences attended, talks given, observing trips, or any other noteworthy information).  The Fellow does not have access to the performance report form in STGMS. Download the template to prepare the report .

The report must include an accounting of time spent telecommuting and/or working remotely during the reporting period.

To submit a Final Performance Report, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click 'Create new Final Performance Report'. Users are prompted to input the associated reporting period, a brief description of the project and findings, as well as any publications. The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

Carina Nebula

New Technology Report

Description of any new technology that was developed as a result of the grant.

To submit a New Technology Report, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click 'Create new New Technology Report'. Select the 'Yes' radio button to report any new technology that was developed as a result of the grant. If the report is negative, no additional information is required. The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

Login to NASA's New Technology Reporting System to notify NASA of new technology resulting from STScI grants. Submit NASA Form 1679 (NF 1679) – Disclosure of Invention and New Technology (Including Software).

Galaxy NGC6503

Final Equipment Report

Record of any equipment purchased with grant funding.

Report all equipment approved by STScI and purchased with NASA Hubble Fellowship. Approval of the budget does not constitute prior approval.

To submit a Final Equipment Report, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click 'Create new Final Equipment Report'. Select the 'Yes' radio button to report any equipment purchased with grant funds. Add an equipment record for each item and complete the required fields. If the report is negative, no additional information is required. The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

Reference the NHFP Guidelines for guidance on disposition or transfer of equipment. Approved equipment may transfer with the Fellow for use in support of other STScI, NASA, or Federal research programs. The new U.S. institution must accept title to, and responsibility for the equipment.

Lagoon Nebula

Final Faculty Contact Assessment

The Faculty contact's cumulative assessment of the Fellows research performance

The Faculty Contact must assess the Fellow’s research performance throughout the 3-year grant period. There is not a required format.

To submit a Final Faculty Contact Assessment, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Click 'Create new Final Faculty Contact Assessment’. The user should either ‘Save & Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on their privileges.

Submitting Requests

The NHFP Guidelines detail specific requirements for prior approval. When prior approval is necessary, a requests can be submitted by navigating to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Access to the requests displayed below are based on the assigned privileges of the user. Fellows do not have access to submit requests under their Fellowship grant. The Faculty Contact or designated personnel at the Host Institution must submit the request on their behalf.

Foreign Travel

This form is used to request prior approval for foreign travel not specified in the approved budget; this includes TBD travel. A Foreign Travel Request must be submitted at least 30 days in advance via STGMS. Please allow 15 business days for review. For expedited requests, please send an email to stating the reason for the urgency.


One travel request per trip is required. If the trip has multiple consecutive destinations, one request is sufficient. Be sure to include the dates for each destination.

Air travel must be aboard a U.S. flag carrier (including code-share flights) to the extent possible.

In accordance with Public Law, NASA is prohibited from funding any work that involves the bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination with China or any Chinese-owned company or entity, whether funded or performed under a no exchange of funds arrangement.

  • Detailed destination
  • Detailed justification
  • All estimated travel costs (airfare, lodging, meals, incidentals)
  • Dates of travel
  • The name of the individual(s) you are collaborating with and the institution name.
  • Specify any personal time
  • Faculty Contact approval (submission by the faculty contact constitutes approval)



Computing Device

This form is used to request prior approval for computing devices not specified in the approved budget. Computing devices are defined as machines with a per-unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000

Allow for 15 business days for review. For expedited requests, send an email to stating the reason for the urgency.

To submit a Computing Device Request, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Select "Create new Computing Device Request" and complete the required fields. Once the request is ready, select either ‘Save and Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on your privileges. 


This form is used to request prior approval for all equipment purchases including equipment included in an approved budget. Approval of the budget does not constitute prior approval for equipment purchases. Equipment is defined as a per-unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more with a useful life of more than one year.

Allow for 15 business days for review. For expedited requests, send an email to stating the reason for the urgency.

To submit an Equipment Request, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Select "Create new Equipment Request" and complete the required fields. Once the request is ready, select either ‘Save and Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on your privileges. 

Special Request

This is a universal form used to make requests not covered by another request type. Reference the NHFP Guidelines for detailed guidance on prior approval requirements.

To submit a Special Request, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Select "Create new Special Request" and complete the required fields. Once the request is ready, select either ‘Save and Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on your privileges. 

Use the Special Request form in STGMS for the following actions:

Special Request Types

No Cost Extension

This form is used to request a one-time-only extension to allow payment of page charges for papers that were submitted to a journal prior to the end of the Fellowship. An extension will not be considered for any other circumstances. The extension should be requested at least 30 days prior to the end of the award. 

The request must include the name(s) and author(s) of the paper and the date of submission for each publication.

To submit a no cost extension request, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Select "Create new No Cost Extension Request" and complete the required fields. Once the request is ready, select either ‘Save and Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on your privileges. 

Transfer Request

This form is used to request a change to your Host Institution. Under special circumstances a Fellow may transfer. Before the submission of this request, approval from the designated NHFP Lead is required. See the NHFP Guidelines for the parameters for requesting a change to the Host Institution.

The transfer process is unique to each situation. You will receive specific transfer instructions from Grants Administration once your transfer request is submitted. However, the general process is:

  1. Notify your NHFP Lead of your need to transfer via email.
  2. Endorsement letter from new Host Institution identifying new faculty contact.
  3. Notify STScI Grants Administration of your intent to transfer by submitting a transfer request in STGMS.
  4. Update profile
  5. Submit all required final reports
  6. Submit a detailed expenditure report

To submit a transfer request, navigate to Main Menu > Grant > Report/Request List. Use the search parameters to find the grant. Select "Create new Transfer Request" and complete the required fields. Once the request is ready, select either ‘Save and Notify’ or ‘Submit’, depending on your privileges.  


Recipients must submit, within ninety (90) days of the end of the grant period, a final financial report, a final equipment report, a final new technology, a final performance report, and a final faculty contact assessment via STGMS.  Reports are required even if there is no equipment or new technology to report. Reference the Reporting Requirements section above for detailed instructions on submitting reports in STGMS.  

STScI will close the grant at the end of the Fellowship period and when all applicable administrative actions (including NHFP Lead approval) have been completed. However, STScI MUST complete all closeout actions no later than one year after the end date of the grant (2 CFR 200.344) even if the recipient has not submitted all of the required final reports.  The updated UG requirements (Nov. 2020) require GRA to close the grant without receipt of all required reports and to report the recipient's non-compliance to the HST-P Contracting Officer for entry into FAPIIS.

Contact Information


For science inquiries, special exceptions to the travel policy, and transfers, contact the NHFP Coordinators at 410-338-2474 or

For all other inquiries, contact the NHFP Grants Administrator at 410-338-4200 or

Last Updated: 08/07/2024