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NHFP Class of 2025 Announcement of Opportunity

NHFP logoThe NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP) provides an opportunity for recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research which contributes to any area of NASA Astrophysics. The research will be carried out at United States host institutions chosen by each fellow, subject to a limitation on the number of fellows that can be hosted by any one institution (see Host Institution below).

The NHFP provides salary support plus benefits for up to three years, and an additional allowance for travel and other research costs. Contingent upon NASA funding, 24 new fellowships will be awarded for 2025.

The NHFP encompasses the areas of astrophysics previously covered by the NASA Einstein, Hubble, and Sagan Fellowships. To continue the legacy of these programs, fellows will be named as Einstein, Hubble, or Sagan Fellows, depending on which of the three major NASA Astrophysics science questions most closely aligns with their proposed research.


How Does the Universe Work? - Einstein Fellows

How Did We Get Here? - Hubble Fellows

Are We Alone? - Sagan Fellows


Application Resources

Science Categories and Techniques

Frequently Asked Questions

Advice for Applicants

Visa and Benefits Information


The NHFP is administered for NASA by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), in collaboration with the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) at the California Institute of Technology and the Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Awards will be made to support each NHFP Fellow through a designated host institution.

A fellowship application consists of a research proposal and supporting documentation, as described below. Applicants must have received a PhD or equivalent doctoral-level research degree in astronomy, physics or a related discipline. The date of the PhD award should be on or after January 1, 2021 (see Eligibility).

Fellowship Policies

1. Eligibility

The NHFP is open to English-speaking applicants of any nationality who have earned their doctoral degrees in astronomy, physics, or related disciplines on or after January 1, 2021, or who will receive their degree before September 2025.  Graduate-student awardees who have not yet received their doctoral degree at the time of application must present evidence of having completed all requirements for the degree before commencing their fellowships. Former and present NHFP Fellows are not eligible to apply. 

Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability, or national origin. Women and members of U.S. minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


2. Host Institution

Contingent upon availability of funding from NASA, NHFP fellowships are awarded through grants to U.S. host institutions. Applicants may select any eligible U.S. institution at which to conduct their research as long as the choice is suitably justified. For the present purposes, "institution" means a separate administrative entity that offers its scientific staff a career advancement process that can lead to long-term/permanent contracts or to tenure. Host institutions must be located in the United States or its territories.

A faculty member or other eligible member of the scientific staff of the host institution will serve as the faculty contact for scientific purposes and will be the Principal Investigator of the fellow's grant for administrative purposes.

To avoid an excessive concentration of fellows at any one institution, at most two new fellows will be approved for any single institution in a given year, and no more than five fellows at any single host institution, except for short periods of overlap. Thus in any given year some institutions may only be allowed to take one new fellow. This year all eligible institutions (as described below) are able to host two new fellows.

In order to host new NHFP Fellows, host institutions must offer their NHFP Fellows the opportunity to be employees. Host institutions are also encouraged, but not required, to offer NHFP Fellows the option to be stipendiary fellows rather than employees.

As described on the Host Institutions and Employment Policy page, an institution must send a letter to the NHFP telling us that they can host fellows under this policy. View the list of institutions that have already contacted us. 

Should you wish to take an NHFP Fellowship to an institution that is not on the Host Institutions list, please direct them to the Host Institutions and Employment Policy page and ask them to send a letter of compliance to as soon as possible.

Applicants are asked to propose up to three prospective host institutions in order of preference. An endorsement letter from the host institution will be required for all accepted fellows. (For details see Section 5 of the Application Procedure below).

It is important that candidates for the NHFP give serious consideration to their designations of first-, second-, and third-choice host institutions before their applications are submitted. These initial designations generally do not play a significant role in deciding who will receive an offer, however they play an important role in how fellows are matched with host institutions. It is possible for a fellow to change their mind after the award is made; however this will reduce the chance that they will be able to go to the institution of their choice since those who do not change their selection will have priority at institutions that are oversubscribed.

In general, fellows will work full time on the research programs proposed in their applications and will be in residence at their designated host institution during the entire period of the fellowship. However, should a fellow have a compelling need to work remotely or transfer to a different institution, and can present suitable justification, the NHFP will consider the request. Transfers and remote work are subject to the policies limiting the number of fellows per institution. For more information, please contact


3. Stipend and Benefits

The initial annual salary or stipend for a NHFP Fellow is comparable to that of other prize fellowships and is subject to annual review and adjustment. In addition, the NHFP Fellow will receive support for health insurance, relocation costs, travel, computing services, publications, and other direct research costs. No additional stipend, salary, or other remuneration may be accepted from any other appointment (such as teaching), fellowship, or similar grant during the period of the fellowship. Additional honorary named appointments intended to be linked with the title of "NHFP Hubble Fellow,” “NHFP Sagan Fellow,” or “NHFP Einstein Fellow" are similarly not allowed.

While the salary of the fellows is determined by the NHFP, benefits such as health insurance, retirement, family leave, etc., depend on the rules of the host institution and whether the fellow is considered an employee or independent (stipendiary) fellow by the host institution. Prospective fellows are strongly encouraged to investigate the policies at potential host institutions before listing them on their application, as changes after acceptance can be difficult, or even impossible as host institutions reach their quota of fellows.

For more information on these issues please see the Visa and Benefits Information and Frequently Asked Questions.


4. Duration of Fellowship

Contingent upon the availability of funding, NHFP Fellowships are awarded through grants to host institutions for up to three years. Funding will be provided initially for the first year of the fellowship; renewals for the second and third years will depend on satisfactory annual performance reviews, and the availability of NASA funds.


5. Status

NHFP Fellowships are analogous to prize fellowships or similar temporary postdoctoral programs at universities. They are not intended to be, nor to compete with, permanent professional career positions.

Application Procedure

1. Application Deadlines

Application Deadline: 
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 7:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM PDT, 23:00 UTC)

Letters of Reference Deadline: 
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST, 24:00 UTC)


2. Materials Submitted Directly by the Applicant

Applicants must submit their materials via the web Application Form. These materials must include:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications
  • Research overview, described below.  Limited to eight pages including tables and figures. 

Please do not attach anything not listed above (reprints, preprints, cover letter, etc.) to your application.

All materials submitted must be in at least 12-point font and single spaced.

Applicants should make sure that their applications will copy successfully onto 8.5 x 11 inch (21.6 x 28 cm) paper without loss (i.e., with 1-inch margins on all sides). Please keep each file to less than 2 MB.

When you fill out the application form you will be asked to specify the science categories and techniques that best match your proposed research. This is to help us match your proposal to reviewers' expertise. For a detailed listing and more information on how they are used in the review, see Science Categories and Techniques. You will also be asked to provide up to three possible host institutions in order of preference.  Do not discuss your second and third choice hosts in your Research Proposal; this is to limit conflicts with possible reviewers of your application.


3. Research Overview

The Research Overview provides the reviewers with a summary of the research you have already worked on, and your plans for future research should you be awarded an NHFP Fellowship. The Research Overview should be broken up into two sections:

  1. Summary of Previous and Current Research
  2. Research Proposal

Summary of Previous and Current Research

Please provide an overview of your research to date. Figures and tables may be placed as needed within the proposal and can be shared between the Previous and Current Research and the Research Proposal.  References should be placed at the end and do not count against the page limit. As a guide, it may be helpful to know that in previous years when the Previous and Current Research and the Research Proposal sections had separate page limits, the Previous and Current Research was allotted three pages and the Research Proposal five, with a suggestion that about 40% of the space be used for figures and tables. However, applicants are free to apportion the eight pages as they deem appropriate.

Research Proposal

Each applicant must formulate a specific research program that is related to or motivated by NASA Astrophysics strategic goals and is compatible with the research activities of the host institution. Your application should clearly describe the relevance of your proposed research program to the scientific and/or technical goals of NASA Astrophysics — though not necessarily to specific NASA missions. Proposals to study the Solar System, Sun or Earth are not excluded, if their relevance to NASA Astrophysics is made clear. 

Reviewers will base their grades on a rubric (see Review Criteria below) which in addition to past, current and proposed research, asks the reviewers to judge the applicant’s leadership potential.  Leadership can be purely scientific, and in that case evidence for it will likely appear naturally in the Previous and Current Research and Research Proposal sections.  However, if you have other activities that show your potential as a leader in the astronomical community which are not fully reflected in your science (for instance, an outreach or mentoring program you created or are just starting and plan to continue), then you should feel free to discuss those efforts in either the Previous and Current Research or the Research Proposal, as you feel appropriate. However, the total page limit (eight pages) must be respected. Applicants may also consider including these activities in their CV.


4. Letters of Reference

Applicants should arrange for letters of reference to be submitted by three individuals who are familiar with their scientific abilities and listed on the application form. Concise letters are encouraged and in any case must be no more than three pages in length including salutation and signature—any additional pages will be discarded.

These letters must be uploaded no later than November 6, 2024, 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST, 24:00 UTC).

Applicants should emphasize to their letter writers that the letters must be uploaded as PDF files by the deadline using the submission form for the review panelists to be able to see the letters. There is no assurance that late letters can be sent to the reviewers in time to be considered during the selection process.

Letter writers and applicants will receive an email confirming the submission of each letter. If this email is not received, or if there are any other questions, please contact

Please note that the letters of reference are due a week after the applications. The application deadline is October 30, 2024 7:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM PDT, 23:00 UTC).


5. Endorsement Letter

If an applicant is offered an NHFP Fellowship, they must then arrange for a letter endorsing their fellowship to be provided to STScI by an official of the host institution. The letter of endorsement must be provided to STScI after the notification letters have been received by the successful offerees. The faculty contact at the host institution can usually help the offeree determine who the appropriate official is (e.g., the department chair, division head). The institutional endorsement is necessary to indicate that adequate facilities will be provided for the fellow. The endorsement consists of an acceptance letter signed by an authorizing official (typically the department chairperson) of the first-choice host institution. An example acceptance letter is as follows:


NASA Hubble Fellowship Program
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive

I am writing in regard to [offeree's name]'s application for an NHFP Fellowship. We have reviewed their research proposal entitled "[program title]" and are pleased to endorse it and to inform you that we will welcome them here and offer them support and facilities during the fellowship. Dr. [faculty contact's name] has agreed to serve as their faculty contact. Dr. [faculty contact's name] is authorized to act as Principal Investigator for external funding at our institution.

We acknowledge that our institutional indirect costs will be waived on the Fellowship stipend and fringe benefit.

We further acknowledge that we understand the NHFP host institution employment policy, are already listed among compliant host institutions, or have recently sent a letter of compliance to

Sincerely yours,


The authorizing official should email the letter to


Additional Information

Prospective applicants may wish to consult the Advice for Applicants page for some helpful suggestions. Requests for additional information on application procedures and supporting documents may be requested by emailing

Selection and Award of Fellowships

1. The Panel Review

The application materials and supporting documents will be reviewed by the NHFP Selection Committee between November 2024 and January 2025. Applications will be read both by experts in the area of proposed research, as well as by astrophysicists from other areas of research. Applicants are therefore advised to write a proposal that connects their program not only to their subfield but also to questions of broad importance so that the proposal will appeal to experts and non-experts alike.

The NHFP Selection Committee makes recommendations to the STScI director in the form of a ranked list of candidates from which the director grants the NASA Hubble Fellowship awards. It often happens, however, that several successful candidates have requested the same host institution. In these cases, priority is given to the higher-ranked candidate. The general approach taken is to place as many new fellows as possible in the host institutions of their choice, subject to: the limits on the number of fellows that can go to a given institution, the prioritized list of host institutions provided by the candidates, and the ranked list of candidates provided by the selection committee. This process can become complicated, with the decisions of one candidate affecting those of several other candidates. Thus, with the goal of filling all the fellowships in an orderly manner and avoiding last-minute decision cascades, all successful candidates are requested (and in rare cases, may be required) to make their decisions as expeditiously as possible.

Fellowship offers for 2025 will be made by early February 2025, and acceptance or refusal must be made no later than February 15, 2025. After this date additional offers may be made if any of the initial offers are not accepted.


2. Review Criteria

The task of the NHFP Selection Committee is to identify the most promising science programs and applicants.  The science programs can span the breadth of NASA astrophysics.  The primary criteria used by the Selection Committee are shown below.  

Proposed Scientific Research  

The proposed research program is the most important element in an application for an NHFP fellowship. NHFP Fellows are chosen primarily for having made a cogent, persuasive case for an important scientific research program that will advance the frontiers of astrophysics with the potential for lasting impact.

Preparation and Past Research  

Preparation encompasses the applicant’s education, experience, technical abilities, past research, productivity, scientific impact, and publication record.  When assessing the application package, make every attempt to disentangle preparation from “pedigree” (e.g., high profile advisors or institutes).  Please account for career length and where possible, available resources and opportunities. 

Leadership Potential

The overall application includes evidence for the applicant’s independence, creativity, capability, perseverance, and potential to be a leader in the astronomical community. Activities in support of diversity, equity and inclusion, while not mandatory, should be favorably considered by the reviewers. Reviewers should also account for career length and, where possible, available resources and opportunities.

Golden Buzzer

Each reviewer has a number of “Golden Buzzer” points to award at their discretion.  When awarding Golden Buzzer points, a short explanation is required.  Golden Buzzer points may be especially useful as a way to highlight perseverance and determination along a path that may have been more difficult than usual or other important factors that were not captured by the above criteria. 

The NHFP Selection Committee has provided a more detailed description of the selection rubric. The rubric is designed to encourage reviewers to consider many different factors when evaluating candidates for the NHFP and therefore even the best candidates are not expected to garner the top score in every category. We encourage all early career astrophysicists to consider applying. Most successful applicants are surprised to receive an offer, and you may be too. Our search allows for diversity across many axes, so if you think you may be an unusual candidate, that could be to your advantage.  Read the detailed rubric. 


3. Naming of the Fellows

Once selected, fellows are named to one of three sub-categories corresponding to NASA’s “big questions” according to the topic of their proposed research: 

  • How does the Universe work? — Einstein Fellows
  • How did we get here? — Hubble Fellows
  • Are we alone? — Sagan Fellows

The fellowship sub-categories of Einstein, Hubble, and Sagan have no individual quotas or limits. The only limit is on the number of new fellows as a whole. As a result, the sub-categories do not affect acceptance into the NASA Hubble Fellowship program.


4. Commencement of the Fellowship

The NHFP Fellowship can begin no earlier than August 1, 2025 and no later than January 1, 2026. 


5. Visa Requirements

Non-U.S. nationals who are offered awards must have valid visas, either Exchange Visitor or Immigrant Visas, for the duration of the fellowship. If an awardee applies for an Exchange Visitor Visa, the sponsorship will be under the host institution. If they choose to apply for an Immigrant Visa, STScI cannot be a participant in the visa request. More information on this can be found on the Visa and Benefits page.


6. NASA Hubble Fellowship Budget

NOTE: A budget is NOT submitted with the fellowship application. Detailed budget instructions are provided to successful applicants and their host institutions after the fellow accepts the offer.

After the selection process, fellows and host institutions are notified of the intent to award an NHFP Fellowship. The fellow's faculty contact will act as the Principal Investigator of the NHFP Fellowship grant. The Grants Administration Office will then request that the host institution submit a budget through the Space Telescope Grants Management System (STGMS). For information regarding program policy, including allowable costs and expenses, review the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program Policy and Budget Information. This will be updated each spring for the new year.

Note that a fellow may apply for other grants during their NHFP Fellowship, (e.g., JWST, NASA Keck, or Chandra General Observer grants), but such grants cannot include salary support. In such cases, the fellow may act as the Principal Investigator of the grant, if this is allowed by the normal rules of the host institution for scientists at the postdoctoral level.

Application Checklist

✓  You should have received your PhD on or after January 1, 2021 (see Eligibility for more details).

✓  Upload the following materials as PDF files via the NHFP Application Form, by Wednesday, October 30, 2024 7:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM PDT, 23:00 UTC):

  • Completed NHFP Application Form (including Science Categories and Techniques)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications
  • Research Overview, including two sections: “Summary of Previous and Current Research” and “Research Proposal” (limited to eight pages including tables and figures. References should be placed at the end and don’t count towards page limit). Include relevance to NASA Astrophysics.
  • Do not attach anything else (reprints, preprints, cover letter, cover sheets, etc.)

✓  Deadline for receipt of reference letters is Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST, 24:00 UTC).

✓  We recommend that you remind your referees early to send their letters by the above deadline.  

✓  Please email all correspondence to

✓  Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email shortly after the online submission.

✓  Applications for the NHFP Fellowships must be made using the NHFP Application Form. For technical questions related to application and/or letter submission, please contact

✓  For questions about policies and procedures regarding the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program, please contact the Hubble Fellowship Program coordinators at


➤ Last updated: September 3, 2024

Contact the NHFP
NASA Hubble Fellowship Program