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The Host Employment Policy

Host institutions must offer their NHFP Fellows the opportunity to be employees. Employee status is required to offer NHFP Fellows the same leave, vacation, retirement and health benefits (as applicable) given by these institutions to their postdoctoral fellows who are hired on grants or contracts as employees. Host institutions are also encouraged, but not required, to offer NHFP Fellows the option to be stipendiary fellows rather than employees.

Institutions wishing to host NHFP Fellows must send a letter to the NHFP stating that they can comply with this employment policy.  See below for an example letter requesting host institution status as well as the list of institutions that have already contacted us.   

If you are planning to apply to the NHFP and an institution that you would like to have as your host is not on the list, we urge you to contact a member of that institution’s staff/faculty and direct  them to this page.  As soon as we hear from a research institution or university that it can comply with the policy, we will add them to the list. If an institution cannot host NHFP Fellows, we would like to hear from them as well, so that potential applicants will be fully informed of their possible choices.

We offer more detail in a set of Frequently Asked Questions.

Letter to Request Host Institution Status

U.S. institutions which provide their scientific staff with a career advancement process that can lead to long-term/permanent contracts or to tenure are eligible to serve as NHFP Host Institutions.  To register your institution as a host institution please send a letter similar to the one below, signed by an Authorizing Official, to

To Whom It May Concern,

As Authorizing Official for the [your department name, if applicable, and institution here], I am writing to assure you that we will be able to offer our NHFP Fellows employee status. We will be [insert either “able” or “unable”] to also offer NHFP Fellows stipendiary status.


List of Currently Available Host Institutions1

Institution Employee Stipendiary
American Museum of Natural History Y TBD
Arizona State University Y N
Auburn University Y Y
Boston University Y Y
Brown University Y Y
Caltech Y N
Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Laboratory Y N
Carnegie Mellon University Y N
Carnegie Observatories Y N
Case Western Reserve University Y N
City University of New York Y N
Clemson University Y Y
Columbia University Y Y
Cornell University Y Y
Duke University Y N
Flatiron Institute** N N
Georgia State University Y Y
Georgia Tech University Y N
George Washington University Y Y
Harvard University Y Y
University of Idaho Y Y
Institute for Advanced Study Y Y
Indiana University Y N
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Y Y
Johns Hopkins University Y N
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Y Y*
Lowell Obsevatory Y N
Massachusetts Insitute of Technology Y Y
Michigan State University Y Y
Montana State University Y Y
NASA Ames Research Center Y N
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Y N
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center TBD TBD
National Radio Astronomy Observatory Y Y
Naval Research Laboratory Y N
New Mexico State University Y N
Northern Arizona University Y Y
Northwestern University Y N
New York University Y Y
The Ohio State University Y N
Pennsylvania State University Y Y
Princeton University Y N
Rice University Y N
Rochester Institute of Technology Y Y
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Y Y
SETI Institute Y Y
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Y Y
Southwest Research Insititute (SwRI) Y Y
Space Telescope Science Institute Y N
Stanford University Y Y*
State University of New York at Stony Brook University Y Y
Texas A&M Y N
Texas Tech Y Y
Univerity of Alabama at Huntsville Y N
University of Arizona Y Y
University of California, Berkeley Y TBD
University of California, Davis Y Y
University of California, Irvine Y N
University of California, Los Angeles Y TBD
University of California, Riverside Y Y
University of California, San Diego Y N
University of California, Santa Barbara Y N
University of California, Santa Cruz Y Y
University of Chicago Y N
University of Colorado, Boulder Y Y
University of Connecticut Y Y
University of Florida Y Y
University of Hawaii at Manoa Y Y
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Y Y
University of Iowa Y N
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Y N
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Y N
University of Maryland, College Park Y Y
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Y Y
University of Michigan Y Y
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Y Y
University of New Hampshire, Durham Y Y
University of Notre Dame Y Y
University of Pennsylvania Y Y
University of Pittsburgh Y Y
University of Rochester Y N
University of Southern Florida Y Y
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Y N
University of Texas, Austin Y N
University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley Y N
University of Texas, San Antonio Y N
University of Utah Y Y
University of Virginia Y Y
University of Washington Y Y
University of Wisconsin-Madison Y N
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Y N
Vanderbilt University Y Y
Washington University in St. Louis Y Y
Wayne State University Y N
Yale University Y Y


* These institutions have non-standard descriptions of their Stipendiary Status.  If one of these institutions is your top choice and stipendiary status is important or necessary to you, for example for visa reasons, you may want to inquire further with the institution, particularly if you are given an offer.

** While these institutions are unable to host NHFP Fellows directly, they have faculty who have joint appointments at nearby institutions, and through working with one of these researchers a Fellow could obtain access to both institutions.

Note to potential applicants: NASA centers as well as national laboratories and other institutions funded primarily by the US government may not be able to host fellows of all nationalities. Non-US citizens considering one of these as a host institution should contact the institution to make sure that they can indeed be hosted there.


This list will be updated at least weekly while applications are open.

Contact the NHFP
NASA Hubble Fellowship Program