Planets, Life, and the Universe Lecture Series

The Planets, Life, and the Universe lecture series brings high-profile speakers to the JHU/STScI campus to discuss current topics of interest in astrobiology and draws a large and steadily increasing audience. It is supported by the NASA Astrobiology Program, the Space Telescope Science Institute, the Department of Biology, the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Biophysics, the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Johns Hopkins University, and the Ernst Cloos Memorial Fund from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences of Johns Hopkins University.

Planets, Life, and the Universe Lecture Series presentations are also webcast live. Webcasts can be viewed at the STScI webcast site during the scheduled presentation, and can be found afterward in the STScI webcast archive.

Organizing committee: Jocelyne DiRuggiero, Stephen Fried, Maya Gomes, Amaya Moro-Martin, Kelsey Moore, and Isabel Baker.


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  1. The Perils and Promise of Observations to Characterize Small Exoplanets

    March 14, 2025 Lectures

    Abstract is forthcoming. Speaker: Johanna Teske (Carnegie Earth and Planets Lab)

  2. Planets, Life, and the Universe Lecture

    April 4, 2025 Lectures

    Abstract is forthcoming. Speaker: Peter Girguis (Harvard University)