Hubble's Science Legacy: Future Optical-Ultraviolet Astronomy from Space

Welcome to the webpage for the proceedings of the workshop on Hubble's Science Legacy: Future Optical-Ultraviolet Astronomy from Space, which was held at the University of Chicago on 2-5 April 2002. The purpose of this workshop was to discuss the science opportunities, performance requirements, and technology developments needed for a large ultraviolet-optical telescope for the decade following the de-commissioning of the Hubble Space Telescope.

AURA HSL website

Program, Abstracts, and Presentations

Conference proceedings

We have partnered with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) to publish the proceedings of the Hubble Science Lgacy Workshop in the ASP Conference Series. We request that participants who made presentations at the meeting (oral or poster) contribute to these proceedings using the standard ASP formats described in the link below. Please submit your contribution no later than June 28, 2002. Late contributions may not be accepted. Page limits are as follows:

Invited talks: 6-8 pages

Poster presentations: 3-4 pages

All contributions must be submitted electronically. Both the latex template (.tex) file and any postscript (.ps or .eps) figures that accompany the text must be submitted. Please email your contributions to either Ken Sembach ( or Chris Blades ( as either separate ASCII files or as email attachments. Alternatively, if you prefer to make the files available on a local ftp site at your host institution, we will retrieve the files if you send us an email message with approriate instructions for doing so.

Download the PASP LaTeX files

Questions about the conference proceedings or the contents of this page can be addressed to either Ken Sembach or Chris Blades.