Marshall D. Perrin

Associate Astronomer

Deputy Telescope Scientist for JWST
JWST Wavefront Control Operations Lead
STScI Extrasolar Planetary Systems Imaging Group co-founder and lead (2012-)
STScI Russell B. Makidon Optics Lab co-founder (2013-) Gemini Planet Imager Data Analysis Team Lead (2011-2020)

410 338 4789
contact information

I use high contrast imaging from both ground and space to study exoplanetary systems, including planets, circumstellar disks, and young stars.

I am a member of the Telescopes group at STScI, working on issues of wavefront control, optical modeling, and high contrast imaging in support of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Caution, this page is somewhat out of date; last edited substantially in circa 2015...

Current research projects include:

There are opportunities for undergraduate or graduate students to get involved with any of the above projects (and more); please let me know if you're interested!

Here's my CV and Ph.D. thesis. For publications, software, and other distractions, follow the links at left.

Last modified on 2013 May 28