ACS grism
Below you can find the configuration and calibration files for ACS grism spectroscopy. They are in the correct format to be used with the aXe simulation software aXeSIM and the aXe extraction software aXe. To use these calibration products with aXe and aXeSIM, copy them into a directory and set your AXE_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to point to that directory.
All aXe configuration files are designed to work on the distorted images. For ACS, these images end with the extension "_flt.fits". Other image data delivered by the archive, e.g. raw images "_raw.fits", un-distorted, "drizzled" images" _drz.fits" or even the drizzled images for associations "0_drz.fits" must not be used when working with aXe and aXe configuration files.
ACS aXe grism files
ACS/WFC Grism Data Release
In the continuing effort to enhance the content of the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) with highly processed data products which significantly facilitate the scientific exploitation of the Hubble data, the Space Telescope European Coordination Facility (ST-ECF) has released a full set of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, which were extracted from 153 archival fields (or "associations") distributed across the two Galactic caps. More information about this data release is available.
Related Documents
All the Space Telescope European Coordination Facility (STECF) ACS ISRs have been combined with the ACS ISRs published by STScI. (different than STSCI ISRs) and are available on the ISR webpage. As of January 23, 2003, the Cycle 11 Interim Calibration derived aXe configuration files are available from the ECF. (Link goes to the aXe User Manual.)
Example grism data and sensitivity plots
- Raw HRC grism spectrum
- Extracted HRC 1st order grism spectrum
- WFC grism sensitivity
- Raw WFC grism spectrum
- Extracted WFC 1st order grism spectrum
- Extracted WFC grism spectrum
- HRC prism sensitivity 1
- HRC prism sensitivity 2