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Access to CALOBS data files

02 July 2001

CALOBS contains several versions of the ultraviolet (UV) and optical spectra of the fundamental flux standards used for HST calibrations. Some of these files contain the original data obtained from different sources (UV: VOYAGER2 or IUE; optical: Oke, Tapia or Stone; or STIS), while others contain corrected or updated versions. Updates to the flux distributions are indicated by file names with the same root name but incremental version number. The earlier versions are retained for comparison purposes. All files are in machine independent binary FITS table format. Information about the pedigree of a given spectrum is in the header of the FITS file, which can be read with the IRAF hedit task or by in IDL.

The table below lists the Oke's faint spectrophotometric standards. In total, Oke supplied 30 spectra, which include 5 more than his 1990 publication (Oke 1990). The CDBS name listed in column 4 of the table is the most recently updated version of the original Oke spectra on the white dwarf scale, corrected for spectral shape and absolute photometry, and covering the 3200 to 9200 Angstrom range. See Bohlin (1996) and references therein for details. The CDBS name listed in column 5 of the table is the most updated version of the IUE spectra on the white dwarf scale (see Bohlin 1996 for details). Those spectra have been used to create the CALSPEC spectra of HST standards and can also be used in the calibration of ground based data. 

See Bohlin, Dickinson, and Calzetti (2001) for a description of the two most recent CALOBS additions: BPM16274_STIS_001 and G191B2B_PURE_STIS_001.

List of Oke's optical faint spectrophotometric standards:

   NAME         RA(2000)    DECLINATION(2000)   CDBS NAME        CDBS NAME
   (1)            (2)              (3)             (4)              (5)

 G158-100      00 33 54.32     -12 07 57.1     G158_100_011
 GD50          03 48 50.06     -00 58 30.4     GD50_013         GD50_012
 SA95-42       03 53 43.67     -00 04 33.0     SA95_42_005
 HZ 4          03 55 21.70     +09 47 18.7     HZ4_019          HZ4_018
 LB227         04 09 28.76     +17 07 54.4     LB227_008        LB227_007

 HZ 2          04 12 43.51     +11 51 50.4     HZ2_014          HZ2_013
 G191B2B       05 05 30.62     +52 49 54.0     G191B2B_019      G191B2B_018
 G193-74       07 53 27.40     +52 29 35.7     G193_74_008
 BD+75D325     08 10 49.31     +74 57 57.5     BD_75D325_011    BD_75D325_010
 AGK+81D266    09 21 19.06     +81 43 28.6     AGK_81D266_010   AGK_81D266_009

 GD108         10 00 47.33     -07 33 31.2     GD108_012        GD108_011
 FEIGE 34      10 39 36.71     +43 06 10.1     FEIGE34_020      FEIGE34_019
 HD 93521      10 48 23.51     +37 34 12.8     HD93521_014      HD93521_013
 HZ 21         12 13 56.42     +32 56 30.8     HZ21_015         HZ21_014
 FEIGE 66      12 37 23.55     +25 04 00.3     FEIGE66_017      FEIGE66_016

 FEIGE 67      12 41 51.83     +17 31 20.5     FEIGE67_016      FEIGE67_015
 G60-54        13 00 09.53     +03 28 55.7     G60_54_007
 HZ 44         13 23 35.37     +36 08 00.0     HZ44_018         HZ44_017
 GRW+70D5824   13 38 51.77     +70 17 08.5     GRW_70D5824_012  GRW_70D5824_011
 BD+33D2642    15 51 59.86     +32 56 54.8     BD_33D2642_016   BD_33D2642_015

 G138-31       16 27 53.59     +09 12 24.5     G138_31_009
 G24-9         20 13 56.05     +06 42 55.2     G24_9_009
 LDS749B       21 32 15.75     +00 15 13.6     LDS749B_011      LDS749B_010
 BD+28D4211    21 51 11.07     +28 51 51.8     BD_28D4211_021   BD_28D4211_020
 G93-48        21 52 25.33     +02 23 24.3     G93_48_009       G93_48_008

 BD+25D4655    21 59 39.3      +26 25 42       BD_25D4655_007   BD_25D4655_006
 NGC 7293      22 29 38.46     -20 50 13.3     NGC7293_010      NGC7293_009
 LTT 9491      23 19 34.98     -17 05 29.8     LTT9491_010      LTT9491_009
 FEIGE 110     23 19 58.39     -05 09 56.1     FEIGE110_020     FEIGE110_019
 GD 248        23 26 06.69     +16 00 21.4     GD248_010

Note: The unit of flux in all files is erg s-1 cm-2 A-1.


Bohlin, R.C., 1996, AJ, 111, 1743.
Bohlin, R.C., Dickinson, M. E., & Calzettti, D. 2001, AJ, in press.
Oke, J.B. 1990, AJ, 99, 1621.

NOTE: There is a known bug with trying to access files via ftp server with the Safari browser. The recommended browser for retrieving the files is Firefox.

To the CALOBS data (historical data, for current and more accurate data, please go to the CALSPEC page)

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