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  1. WFC3 STAN Issue 46, June 2024

    June 13, 2024

    Contents: 1 Notes for Phase 2 Submissions 2 New Release of WFC3 Data Handbook 3 Revisiting x-CTE in WFC3/UVIS 4 WFC3 and WFPC2 PSF Update 5 A New Notebook for Point Spread Function Modeling 6 WFC3/UVIS G280 Flux Calibration Updates 7 New Documentation

  2. WFC3 STAN Issue 45, March 2024

    March 6, 2024

    Contents: 1 Phase I Proposal Preparation Tips 2 WFC3/IR Time-Dependent Sensitivity 3 Updates to DrizzlePac's Readthedocs 4 Updated Configuration & Sensitivity Files for HSTaXe

  3. WFC3 STAN Issue 44, January 2024

    January 8, 2024

    Contents: 1 WFC3 at AAS 243! 2 Cycle 32 Instrument Handbook Published 3 Migration of WFC3 Library to HST Notebooks 4 Slitlessutils: A Python Package for Extracting and Simulating Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy for WFC3 and ACS 4 New Documentation

  4. WFC3 STAN Issue 43, September 2023

    September 27, 2023

    Contents: 1 Dithering for ACS/WFC3 Primes and Parallels 2 The WFC3/UVIS G280 Grism Sky 3 Updates to WFC3/UVIS Shutter Timing Jitter 4 HSTaXe - ACS and WFC3 Cookbook Tutorials 5 New Documentation

  5. WFC3 STAN Issue 42, June 2023

    June 1, 2023

    Contents: 1 WFC3 at AAS 242! 2 Alpha Release of the Pandeia-based HST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) 3 New WFC3 Jupyter Notebooks: Correcting for IR Variable Background 4 A Novel Method for Aperture-Correcting WFC3/UVIS Spatial Scans 5 Procedural Updates to WFC3/UVIS Superbias Reference File Creation 6 New Documentation

  6. WFC3 STAN Issue 41, January 2023

    January 6, 2023

    Contents: 1 WFC3 at AAS 241! 2 STENV Released to Replace Astroconda 3 WFC3/UVIS Postflash: Change to Time-Dependent Reference Files 4 New Version of HSTaXe Released! 5 New Documentation

  7. WFC3 STAN Issue 40, November 2022

    November 2, 2022

    Contents: 1 One-Pass HST Photometry with hst1pass 2 Hubble Advanced Products in MAST 3 New Documentation

  8. WFC3 STAN Issue 39, June 2022

    June 9, 2022

    Contents: 1 WFC3 at AAS 240! 2 Jupyter Notebooks and Software for WFC3 Users 3 DeepWFC3: A Repository for WFC3 Machine Learning Resources 4 New Documentation

  9. WFC3 STAN Issue 38, January 2022

    January 7, 2022

    Contents: 1 WFC3 Instrument Handbook for Cycle 30 2 TrExoLiSTS: Transiting Exoplanets List of Space Telescope Spectroscopy 3 New Documentation

  10. WFC3 STAN Issue 37, October 2021

    October 6, 2021

    Contents: 1 Data Handbook Updates 2 STScI Trexolists: Catalogue of WFC3 Transiting Exoplanet Observations 3 The New WFC3Library GitHub repository and Software Tools Landing Page 4 Discontinued support for RHEL 6 and HSTCAL 5 New Hubble Space Telescope Search Form Coming 6 Updates to PSF Libraries 7 New Documentation

  11. WFC3 STAN Issue 36, July 2021

    July 7, 2021

    Contents: 1 Cycle 29 Tips and Tricks 2 DrizzlePac Troubleshooting Tips 3 Updating the WFC3/UVIS CTE model and Mitigation Strategies 4 New Documentation

  12. WFC3 STAN Issue 35, April 2021

    April 26, 2021

    Contents: 1 New CTE correction in calibration pipeline (calwf3 version 3.6.0) 2 Updated DrizzlePac Handbook in HDox 3 hstaxe - An Updated Grism Spectral Extraction Package 4 New Documentation

  13. WFC3 STAN Issue 34, January 2021

    January 11, 2021

    Contents: 1 WFC3 at AAS 237! 2 Updates on stsynphot and pysynphot 3 DASH (Drift And SHift) Data Processing Package and User Tutorial 4 'Single Visit Mosaics': New MAST Data products 5 Introducing ExoCat: Catalogue of WFC3 Transiting Exoplanet Observations 6 New Documentation

  14. WFC3 STAN Issue 32, July 2020

    July 23, 2020

    Contents: : Updated CALSPEC and Schedule for Implementation of Flux Calibration Changes for HST Instruments Updates to Suggested Observation Practices: CTE-Mitigation and Supplemental UVIS Dither Patterns New Documentation

Last Updated: 12/06/2023

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