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Access to the Kinney-Calsetti Atlas files

The Kinney-Calsetti Atlas consists of an homogeneous set of 12 galaxy spectral covering the ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared wavelength range up to about 1 micron. The spectra include various morphological types and starburst galaxies. For details about this atlas see below. To get to the data and retrieve individual files go to KINNEY-CALZETTI ATLAS.

The Kinney-Calzetti Spectral Atlas of Galaxies

This atlas contains a set of galaxy spectral covering the ultraviolet to near-infrared spectral range ( i.e. from 0.12  to 1 μm). The ultraviolet range of the spectral templates was obtained with the large aperture (10" by 20") and low resolution spectrographs on the IUE satellite. The optical spectra were obtained through a long slit with a 10" width, where a window of 20" long was extracted to match the IUE aperture.

The spectral templates cover various galaxy morphological types from elliptical to late type spiral. Starburst spectra for low (E(B-V < 0.10) to high (0.61 < E(B-V) < 0.70) internal extinction are also available. Several of the starburst galaxies used are classified as irregulars. Thus, although irregular galaxies are not explicitly covered, the starburst templates can be used for this morphological type. Details about how the spectra have been constructed can be found in Kinney et al. (1996) for the different morphological types, and in Calzetti et al. (1994) for the starbursts.

The flux of the spectra has been normalized to a visual magnitude of 12.5 (STMAG). Details about each spectrum can be found in the header of the FITS file.

Table 1: List of Templates in the Kinney-Calzetti Atlas

File Name Spectral coverage
elliptical_template.fits 1235 - 9935  
bulge_template.fits 1235 - 7545  
s0_template.fits 1235 - 9940  
sa_template.fits 1235 - 9940  
sb_template.fits 1235 - 9940  
sc_template.fits 1235 - 7660  
starb1_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with E(B-V) < 0.1
starb2_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with 0.11 < E(B-V) < 0.21
starb3_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with 0.25 < E(B-V) < 0.35
starb4_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with 0.39 < E(B-V) < 0.50
starb5_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with 0.51 < E(B-V) < 0.60
starb6_template.fits 1235 - 9945 starburst with 0.61 < E(B-V) < 0.70


Calzetti, D., Kinney, A.L. & Storchi-Bergmann, T. 1994, ApJ 429, 582

Kinney, A.L., Calzetti, D., Bohlin, R.C., McQuade, K., Storchi-Bergmann, T. & Schmitt, H.R. 1996, ApJ 467, 38

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