ACS-HRC-MOSAIC-BOX pointing patterns
This is a two-dimensional mosaic pattern, with the following allowable parameter ranges:
Pattern_Number: 1 Pattern_Type: ACS-HRC-MOSAIC-BOX Pattern_Purpose: MOSAIC Number_Of_Points: 4 Point_Spacing: 10.0 - 130.0 (arcseconds) Line_Spacing: 10.0 - 130.0 (arcseconds) Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 0.0 - 360.0 (degrees) Angle_Between_Sides: 0.0 - 360.0 (degrees) Center_Pattern: ? (YES or NO)
The following versions of this Pattern_Type are projected onto the detector pixel space in the graphic above.
The default pattern...
Pattern_Number: 27 Pattern_Type: ACS-HRC-MOSAIC-BOX Pattern_Purpose: MOSAIC Number_Of_Points: 4 Point_Spacing: 24.130 Line_Spacing: 27.680 Coordinate_Frame: POS-TARG Pattern_Orient: 90.00 Angle_Between_Sides: 96.00 * Center_Pattern: YES
* Note: the default Angle_Between_Sides is actually 264 degrees, but it should be -264 degrees (or 360-264 = 96 degrees). This sign error can be manually corrected in APT. POS TARG equivalent: -13.768, -13.476 -13.768, 10.654 13.768, 13.476 13.768, -10.654