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TV3 testing took place in February and March of 2008. Both flight detectors were installed in the instrument.


ISR 2010-11: WFC3 TV3 Testing: Quantum Yield of the UVIS CCDs
Borders et al. 13 Jul 2010

ISR 2010-04: Amplitude of fringing in WFC3/UVIS narrowband red filters
M. Wong 18 May 2010

ISR 2009-10: WFC3/UVIS CTE-EPER Measurement
V. Kozhurina-Platais, B. Hilbert, A. Martel, and P. McCullough 22 Jun 2009

ISR 2008-46: WFC3 Ground P-flats
E. Sabbi et al. 12 Jun 2009

ISR 2009-09: The WFC3/UVIS Reference Files: 3. Updated Biases and Darks
T.Borders, S. Baggett, A.R. Martel, H. Bushouse 22 May 2009

ISR 2009-03: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS-1' Crosstalk
S. Baggett 03 May 2009

ISR 2008-42: The WFC3/UVIS Reference Files: 2. Biases and Darks
A. R. Martel, S. Baggett, H. Bushouse, and E. Sabbi 02 Feb 2009

ISR 2009-01: The ground calibrations of the WFC3/UVIS G280 grism
H. Kuntschner, H. Bushouse, M. Kummel, and J. R. Walsh 22 Jan 2009

ISR 2008-49: WFC3 TV3 Testing: Red Leak Checks for the UV Filters
T. Brown 11 Dec 2008

ISR 2008-48: WFC3 TV3 Testing: System Throughput on the UVIS Build 1' Detector
T. Brown 10 Dec 2008

ISR 2008-37: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS Science Monitor
H. Bushouse 25 Nov 2008

ISR 2008-47: WFC3 TV3 Testing: Quantum Yield in the UV
S. Baggett 20 Oct 2008

ISR 2008-21: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS Channel Calibration Subsystem Performance
S. Baggett 17 Oct 2008

ISR 2008-44: WFC3 UVIS Shutter Vibration-Induced Image Blur
G. Hartig 25 Sep 2008

ISR 2008-40: WFC3 UVIS PSF Evaluation in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 26 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-32: WFC3 Optical Alignment Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 21 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-31: WFC3 Optical Wavefront Error Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 21 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-23: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS-1′ Dark Frames and Rates
A. Martel 19 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-22: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS-1′ and IR4 Noise Trends
A. Martel 19 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-17: UVIS Calsystem Photometric Filter Flat Field Atlas
E. Sabbi 15 Jul 2008

ISR 2008-13: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS-1' Gain Results
S. Baggett 20 Jun 2008

ISR 2008-12: UVIS CASTLE Photometric Filter Flat Field Atlas
E. Sabbi 09 Jun 2008

ISR 2008-10: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS Window Contamination
T. Brown, G. Hartig, S. Baggett 27 May 2008

ISR 2008-08: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS Filtered Throughput
T. Brown 30 Apr 2008

ISR 2008-07: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS Channel Glints
T. Brown 14 Apr 2008


ISR 2011-04: WFC3/IR Banding
M. J. Dulude, S. Baggett, H. Bushouse, & B. Hilbert 04 Feb 2011

ISR 2008-33: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Persistence
P. McCullough, S. Deustua 22 Jun 2010

ISR 2010-02: WFC3 TV3 testing: IR Crosstalk
A.C Viana and S. Baggett 25 Jan 2010

ISR 2010-01: WFC3 TV3 Testing: Subarray Photometry
P. McCullough 14 Jan 2010

ISR 2009-43: "Snowballs" in the WFC3-IR Channel: Characterization
B. Hilbert 03 Dec 2009

ISR 2008-46: WFC3 Ground P-flats
E. Sabbi et al. 12 Jun 2009

ISR 2008-39: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Nonlinearity Correction
B. Hilbert 02 Jun 2009

ISR 2009-02: WFC3 TV3 Testing: Orbital Cycling Effects on IR Images
H. Bushouse 26 Mar 2009

ISR 2008-38: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Science Monitor
H. Bushouse 20 Feb 2009

ISR 2008-28: WFC3 IR Ground P-Flats
H. Bushouse 23 Dec 2008

ISR 2008-50: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Gain Results
B. Hilbert 16 Dec 2008

ISR 2008-24: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Thermal Background Signal
B. Hilbert 16 Dec 2008

ISR 2008-30: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Dark Current
B. Hilbert 25 Sep 2008

ISR 2008-41: WFC3 IR PSF Evaluation in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 16 Sep 2008

ISR 2008-32: WFC3 Optical Alignment Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 21 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-31: WFC3 Optical Wavefront Error Characterization in Thermal-Vacuum Test #3
G. Hartig 21 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-25: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Read Noise
B. Hilbert 19 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-22: WFC3 TV3 Testing: UVIS-1′ and IR4 Noise Trends
A. Martel 19 Aug 2008

ISR 2008-16: The TV3 ground calibrations of the WFC3 NIR grisms
H. Kuntschner, H. Bushouse, J. R. Walsh, M. Kummel 14 Jul 2008

ISR 2008-09: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Throughput
T. Brown 05 May 2008

ISR 2008-06: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Baffle Scatter
T. Brown 09 Apr 2008

ISR 2008-05: WFC3 TV3 Testing: IR Channel Blue Leaks
T. Brown 31 Mar 2008

Last Updated: 06/02/2023

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