Data Analysis
Data Analysis Support
In support of HST data calibration, reduction and analysis, a number of supporting documents, software tools and auxiliary information bases are maintained at STScI and elsewhere.
DrizzlePac is a software package for aligning and combining HST images. It primarily consists of AstroDrizzle and TweakReg.
STAK is a set of python codes that replace IRAF. The STAK project is documented via a set of Jupyter Notebook Tutorials.
SpecViz is a tool for visualization and quick-look analysis of 1D astronomical spectra built on top of SpecUtils. Specifically, it provides an interactive tool for spectral line measurements and model fitting.
HST Instrument Handbooks
General information about HST instruments can be found on in the Instrument Handbook tab on the HST Documentation page. Instrument information can also be found on the respective instrument web pages.
HST Data Handbooks
The HST Data Handbooks describe datasets produced by each instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope including in depth discussion related to the display, calibration, reduction, and recommended user analysis procedures for each of the archival and currently active HST instruments. Links to the Data Handbooks can be found in the Data Reducation tab on the HST Documentation page.
Instrument Science Reports (ISRs)
ISRs are technical reports written by the the instrument teams about various aspects of the instruments and data. They usually contain in-depth information about a specific topic related to each instrument. Listings of ISRs can be found the landing page for each instrument.
Jitter and Pointing
Auxiliary support information on HST pointing and jitter.
HST Help Desk
Please contact the HST Help Desk with any questions.