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This table shows all the SODRM Instrumentation Calibration programs. The columns list the current SODRM program number, the estimated total time (exposure and direct overheads), the title, and the instruments used.

96000 372.0 Dark Current & Readnoise X      
96010 50.5 Flat Field Monitor X      
96020 86.7 Photometric Zeropoint Monitoring X      
96030 3.5 Total-Count and Count-Rate Linearity Characterization X      
96040 41.7 Persistence Characterization X      
96050 6.8 PSF Characterization X      
96060 3.2 Astrometry and Distortion Monitor X      
96070 24.2 LW Grism Characterization X      
96080 7.1 Coronagraphic Mode X      
96200 90.5 Dark Monitor   X    
96201 125.4 Wavelength Calibration Monitor   X    
96202 4.2 Flat Lamp Monitor   X    
96203 21.1 MSA L-Flat Verification   X    
96204 12.6 IFU Spectral Flat Monitor   X    
96205 12.3 Absolute Flux Calibration Monitor   X    
96206 24.9 Absolute Flux Calibration Extension   X    
96207 20.7 Relative Throughput   X    
96208 12.1 MSA Shutter Throughput Verification   X    
96209 6.7 MSA Shutter Contrast Monitor   X    
96210 20.3 Astrometric Calibration Monitor   X    
96400 83.7 Darks     X  
96410 27.5 Linearity     X  
96420 11.3 Linearity & Persistence Monitoring     X  
96430 8.4 WFSS Wavecal     X  
96440 2.0 SOSS Wavecal     X  
96450 23.5 WFSS Spectrophotometric Calibration     X  
96460 5.2 SOSS Spectrophotometric Calibration     X  
96470 2.0 Astrometry & Distortion Monitor     X  
96480 8.6 LFLAT and WFSS Spectral Traces     X  
96610 572.4 Dark Monitoring       X
96620 185.8 Internal Flat Monitor       X
96630 33.2 External Flat Monitor (Imaging/Coronagraphy)       X
96640 2.6 External Flat Monitor (LRS)       X
96650 9.7 External Flat Monitor (MRS)       X
96660 34.8 Absolute Flux Calibration (Imaging)       X
96670 34.8 Absolute Flux Calibration (Coronagraphy)       X
96680 31.3 Absolute Flux Calibration (LRS)       X


Other SODRM Programs

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The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.