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About the Documentation
A variety of reference material is available for astronomers interested in learning more about the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, as well as to explain Roman's capabilities to a wide variety of audiences. The technical reports and papers listed below document technical work relevant to the Roman mission which has been carried out, led, or co-led by staff at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). Also included below is a collection of reference documents and brochures summarizing Roman’s scientific capabilities, as well as resources for astronomers interested in building a Roman-focused presentation appropriate for a wide variety of audiences, including a slide deck and visual library.
Roman related presentations at events organized or co-sponsored by STScI can be searched and viewed on the events page.
Additional resources can be found at the sites of our Roman mission partners. A document library is maintained by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), and a list of mission documents created by project partners is maintained by IPAC. GSFC also maintains a library of images and multimedia and a library of presentations and documents.
Roman Science and Technical Overview
December 2024
This six-panel trifold brochure provides a current overview of the scientific capabilities, technical specifications, and operations of the Nancy Grade Roman Space Telescope. The brochure is a condensed, updated, and redesigned version of the 36-page booklet previously published here.
2 MB
Expanding Our View Brochure
Targeted for launch in the mid-2020s, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will revolutionize astronomy by building on the science discoveries and technological leaps of the Hubble and Webb space telescopes.
1 MB
The Roman documentation (RDox) home contains user-focused documentation for Simulation Tools and the Astronomer's Proposal Tool alongside early versions of the Data Handbook and the Wide Field Instrument (WFI) Image Mode User Guide. A glossary of common Roman jargon and acronyms is available for those new to the mission.
RDox is being developed incrementally as the mission progresses towards launch with roughly twice-annual content deliveries, timed with major Roman Community Engagement activities.
Technical Reports, White Papers, and Conference Presentations
Documents by year
Technical Reports
- Roman-STScI-000673: Application and Characterization of IRRC on Roman/WFI TVAC1 Data (S. Betti et al.)
- 2024PASP..136e4504S: Cosmic Ray Jump Detection for the Roman Wide Field Instrument, Sharma & Casertano
- Roman-STScI-000571: Approximating Uncertainties for Calibration Reference Files (A. Petric et al.)
- Roman-STScI-000619: Roman SOC Science Validation Report for SOC Release 2 DMS (T. Desjardins et al.)
- Roman-STScI-000620: Roman SOC Science Validation Report for SOC Release 2 PSS (W. Schultz et al.)
Conference Presentations
- Poster: A Content-Driven Strategy for Roman's Science Platform: Enabling Low-Barrier Access and Collaboration
ADASS 2024
T. Desjardins et al. - Poster: The Roman Data Monitoring Tool
ADASS 2024
O. Justin Otor et al. - Poster: Simulation Tools to Help Prepare for Science with the Roman Space Telescope
ADASS 2024
C. Lajoie
Technical Reports
- Roman-STScI-000557: Implementation of Unevenly Spaced Resultants in Pandeia (S. Gomez)
- Roman-STScI-000502: Simulating Cosmic Rays for the Roman Wide Field Instrument (John Wu, Javier Sanchez, Stefano Casertano, Tyler Desjardins)
- Roman-STScI-000480: Identification of an Algorithm to Simulate Image Persistence of the Roman Wide Field Instrument (Javier Sanchez, John F. Wu, Tyler Desjardins, Andrea Bellini, Stefano Casertano, Eddie Schlafly)
- Roman-STScI-000396: Characterization of Roman Detectors Darks Data Acquired with Leach and ACADIA Controllers (Andreea Petric, Stefano Casertano, John Wu, R. Beaton, Andrea Bellini, Richard Cosentino, Tyler Desjardins, Anton Koekemoer, and Russell Ryan)
- Roman-STScI-000481: The Background Spectra for the Roman/WFI Exposure Time Calculator (Russell Ryan, John MacKenty)
- Roman-STScI-000457: Roman SOC Science Validation Report for SOC Release 1 PSS (Max Mutchler, Gisella De Rosa)
- Roman-STScI-000456: Roman SOC Science Validation Report for SOC Release 1 DMS (Tyler Desjardins, Andrea Bellini, Richard Cosentino, Samantha L. Hoffmann, Javier Sánchez)
Conference Presentations
- Poster: The Roman Space Telescope Science Operations Center: Wide Field Instrument Data Processing and Products
AAS242 iPoster 230.01, June 2023
T. Desjardins, A. Bellini, and J. Sanchez - Poster: The Roman Space Telescope Science Operations Center: News and Updates
AAS242 iPoster 230.01, June 2023
J. Sanchez, et al - Poster: The Roman Space Telescope Science Operations Center: Simulation Tools
AAS242 iPoster 230.03, June 2023
A. Bellini et al. - Poster: Roman, STIPS, and You: Simulations, Scene Generations, and Observations
AAS241 105.09, January 2023
Al-Kowsi, H. et al. - Poster: The Roman Space Telescope Science Operations Center: Overview and Progress
AAS241 207.01, January 2023
R. Beaton, et al - Poster: Astrometry with STIPS: The Roman Image Simulator
AAS241 105.08, January 2023
S. Gomez, et al
Technical Reports
- Roman-STScI-000364: Roman Science Operations Center Wide Field Instrument Data Processing Summary (H. Ferguson et al.)
- Roman-STScI-000394: Determining the Best-Fitting Slope and Its Uncertainity for Up-the-Ramp Sampled Images with Unevenly Distributed Resultants (S. Casertano et al.)
- Roman-STScI-000433: WFIsim: The Roman Telescope Branch Wide-Field-Instrument Simulator (A. Bellini et al.)
Conference Presentations
- Poster: The Roman Space Telescope Science Operations Center: Overview of Software and Data Simulation Tools
AAS Meeting 240, June 2022
R. Cosentino et al. - Hyperwall Talk: Obscured AGN: Using the Roman Grism to Uncover Hidden Growth at the Cosmic Noon
AAS Meeting 240, June 2022
A. Petric et al.
Workshop Presentations
The Roman Science Investigation Team Workshop
Virtual meeting held November 15-19 2021. In particular:- High Latitude Survey Design, C. Hirata
- High Latitude Time Domain Survey, B. Rose
- Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey, D. Bennett
- Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey, S. Johnson, et al
- WFI Detectors and Calibration, B. Rauscher
- WFI Calibration Working Group Report, S. Casertano, et al
- Testing of Roman H4RG-10s Detectors, G. Mosby
Conference Presentations
Science Operations and Support for the Wide-Field Instrument for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
AAS Meeting 237, January 2021
A. Petric, A. Bellini, S. Casertano, G. De Rosa, T. Desjardins, S. Deustua, R. Geda, J. Hargis, A. Koekemoer, C. Lajoie, M. Mutchler, E. Nelan, M. Peeples, R. Ryan, B. YorkScience Operations for the Wide-Field Instrument of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
AAS Meeting 238, June 2021
M. Mutchler, A. Bellini, S. Casertano, C. Christian, G. De Rosa, T. Desjardins, S. Deustua, R. Geda, J. Hargis, A. Koekemoer, C. Lajoie, E. Nelan, M. Peeples, A. Petric, R. Ryan, B. YorkOther Reports and Papers
Astrometry with Roman and Its Relationship to Science Data Products
Roman Techical Report, Roman-STScI-000243, SC-01, April 2, 2021
Sosey, M -
White Papers and Conference Presentations
- Science Operations and Support for the Wide-Field Instrument for WFIRST
AAS Meeting #235, id. 372.13 (Ryan) - Community Sciene with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
Authors: K. Gilbert and N. Reid (STScI)
Results from surveying the astronomical community about their scientific interests in Roman
- Science Operations and Support for the Wide-Field Instrument for WFIRST
Technical Reports
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1901: WFIRST Wavelength Calibration: A Strategy with M67 (Ryan et al.)
White Papers and Conference Presentations
- WFIRST Science Operations at the Space Telescope Science Institute
AAS Meeting #233, id.#363.13 (Gilbert)
Technical Reports
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1801: Will Gaia be precise enough to solve for the geometric distortion of the WFI? (Bellini)
Journal Publications
- "LINEAR: A Novel Algorithm for Reconstructing Slitless Spectroscopy from HST/WFC3" (Ryan, Casertano, and Pirzkal)
White Papers and Conference Presentations
- WFIRST: Astrometry with the Wide-Field Imager
AAS Meeting #231, id.#361.10 (Bellini et al.) - WFIRST: STScI Science Operations Center (SSOC) Activities and Plans
AAS Meeting #231, id.#354.32 (Gilbert et al.) - WFIRST: Simulating the Wide-Field Sky
AAS Meeting #231, id.#354.02 (Peeples et al.) - WFIRST: Science from Deep Field Surveys
AAS Meeting #231, id.#153.03 (Koekemoer et al.)
Technical Reports
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1703: WebbPSF for WFIRST (Long and Perrin)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1702: 2MASS/Gaia as an Absolute Astrometric Reference Frame (Bellini, Casertano, Nelan, and Kruk)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1701: WFIRST Integral Field Channel Simulation Baselines (Law, Rubin, and Pontoppidan)
White Papers and Conference Presentations
- Astrometry with the WFIRST Wide-Field Imager (Sanderson, Bellini, Casertano et al.)
- The Need for a Robust WFIRST Wide Field Imager Data Simulator (Peeples et al.)
- WebbPSF for JWST and WFIRST, AAS Meeting #229, id.#238.13 (Long et al.)
Technical Reports
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1606: On the Effects of Extended-Source Morphology on Emission-Line Redshift Accuracy (Ryan, Casertano, and Pirzkal)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1605: Data Post-Processing and Algorithm Development for the WFIRST Coronagraph: FY2016 Interim Report (Ygouf et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1604: Guide Star Availability for the WFIRST Auxiliary FGS using GSC2.3 (Nelan et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1603: Slitless Grism Spectroscopy with WFIRST: Pointing Reconstruction from Dispersed Images (Dixon)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1602: Saturation and Persistence Effects in the WFIRST Microlensing Observations (Sahu)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1601: Data Post-Processing and Algorithm Development for the WFIRST Coronagraph: FY2015 Report (Ygouf et al.)
Technical Reports
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1507: WFIRST Scheduling Studies: Year One Status Report (Giuliano et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1506: Slitless Grism Spectroscopy with WFIRST: Observing Modes and Strategies (Casertano et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1505: Active compensation of aperture discontinuities for WFIRST- AFTA: analytical and numerical comparison of propagation methods and preliminary results with an AFTA like pupil (Mazoyer et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1504: WFIRST-AFTA Coronagraphic Operations: Lessons Learned from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (Debes et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1503: Data Post Processing and Algorithm Development for the WFIRST-AFTA Coronagraph: First Progress Report (Soummer et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1502: Planning for the Analysis of WFIRST-AFTA Grism Data: A Review of Current and Future Slitless Spectroscopy Software and Data Analysis Approaches (MacKenty et al.)
- WFIRST-STScI-TR1501: WFIRST-AFTA Guide Stars and the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (Nelan et al.)
Reference Documents
- Final Report of the WFIRST-AFTA Science Definition Team
A complete overview of the mission, as envisioned at the start of mission formulation.
Presentations and Visual Library
Roman Template Slides
January 2025
Add text and graphics to these pre-designed slides to create your own presentations highlighting the Roman mission and science.
Expanding Our View Presentation
November 2023
This presentation highlights the science that will be enabled by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The presentation includes notes for the presenter and can be used as a whole or in parts. It has been updated with accessibility in mind and additional file formats are available below.
- Expanding Our View Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Expanding Our View Presentation (Keynote file in .zip format)
- Expanding Our View Presentation (PDF Slides)
- Expanding Our View Presentation (PDF Slides with Presenter Notes)
Presentación "Ampliando Nuestra Visión"
Noviembre 2023
Esta presentación resalta los temas científicos que podrán ser abordados con el telescopio espacial Nancy Grace Roman. La presentación incluye notas para el orador y puede ser utilizada en su totalidad o en partes. La presentación ha sido actualizada teniendo en cuenta la accesibilidad y se encuentra disponible en otros formatos de archivo a continuación.
- Presentación "Ampliando Nuestra Visión" (PowerPoint)
- Presentación "Ampliando Nuestra Visión" (Archivo de Keynote en formato .zip)
- Presentación "Ampliando Nuestra Visión" (Diapositivas en PDF)
- Presentación "Ampliando Nuestra Visión" (Diapositivas en PDF con notas para el orador)
Roman Visual Library
Roman-related images, captions, credits, and image source locations are available in the Roman Visual Library.
The NASA Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is managed by NASA/GSFC with participation of STScI, Caltech/IPAC, and NASA/JPL.
Contact the Roman Team