Additional Capabilities
STIS has observing modes which are available-but-unsupported. These are modes that require consultation with a STIS Instrument Scientist and approval of the Phase II proposal. Usage of these modes requires justification and entails certain responsibilities and risks. Specifically, observers who use available-but-unsupported modes will need to be able to calibrate their data themselves because the STIS team at STScI does not have to resources to calibrate them.
Unique Capabilities
Some modes and methods of observing are inherently challenging or push the limits of what can be done with STIS, including:
- Coronagraphic spectroscopy
- Coronagraphic imaging
- Coronagraphy with low inner working angles
- High Contrast Coronagraphy at Small Inner Working Angles with BAR5
- Slitless first-order spectroscopy
- Long-slit echelle spectroscopy
- Spectroscopy with the highest spectral resolution
- Precise slit orientation requiring accurate offset angles
- Solar system observations
- High signal-to-noise observations
- Spatial Scanning
Parallel Observing
HST also has the ability to do simultaneous parallel observations. STIS can be used in combination with another instrument, as either the primary instrument pointing at the target position or the parallel instrument pointing at an offset position determined by the spacecraft geometry. Restrictions on parallel observations are given in the HST Call for Proposals.
Past Conference Posters
Below are posters presented at recent AAS meetings detailing all of the available STIS modes, as well as some interesting use cases of STIS.
STIS Updates January 2020
January 4, 2020
This poster discusses general STIS updates, including reference file, observatory jitter, software, focus, and documentation updates
2 MB
Improved E140M Sensitivity Curves
January 4, 2020
This poster discusses the updates and improvements to the STIS E140M sensitivity curves
4 MB
All STIS Modes
January 9, 2019
This poster details all of the available STIS modes, and includes call-outs for other interesting modes, such as coronagraphy, spatial scanning, and MAMA TIME-TAG Mode.
804 KB

Spatial Scanning with STIS
January 9, 2019
This poster discusses the new feature of spatial scanning with STIS.
9 MB
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