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By the Numbers

The Hubble and James Webb space telescopes are in high demand by the worldwide scientific community.

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Researchers worldwide applied for observing time and grants to use NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, and published more than 1,000 peer-reviewed papers using Hubble data in 2021. Expand the charts below to see the demand in detail. GO indicates general observer, AR denotes archival, and part indicates a combination of the two.

Oversubscription Ratios

Line chart shows the oversubscription cycle from cycle one through cycle 29
Hubble Space Telescope
Line chart shows the cycle one oversubscription
Webb Space Telescope

Grant Funds Distributed

Line chart shows grant funds from 1989 to 2021 in millions of dollars
Hubble Space Telescope
Line chart shows grant funds from 2019 to 2021 in millions of dollars
Webb Space Telescope


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Graph shows increasing publications based on archival, general observer data, and a mix, from 1991 to 2021
Hubble Space Telescope