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Science with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes VI: Entering a Golden Age for UV – Optical – IR Space Astronomy


About Event

Mon 11 Jul 2022
Fri 15 Jul 2022


Hotel Hasselbacken Stockholm, Sweden

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Science with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope VI banner


We are entering a new golden age for astronomy. A wealth of multiwavelength, and now multi-messenger, astrophysical observatories in space and on the ground, are currently operating or being planned. These observatories will work in synergy and advance our collective understanding of the Universe.

Hubble, the ever-versatile observatory, a result of a long-lasting collaboration between NASA and ESA, provides unmatched UV-visible capabilities. In April 2020, we celebrated 30 splendid years of scientific contributions to all branches of astronomy, from the detailed observation of the Solar System to the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres and the exploration of the distant Universe. Despite its age, Hubble is still going strong, and we anticipate many more scientific breakthroughs as we expect the observatory to be scientifically productive well beyond 2025.

The James Webb Space Telescope is now orbiting L2, fully and successfully deployed after a spectacular Ariane 5 launch from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Webb's unique combination of sensitivity, near and mid-infrared wavelength coverage and spatial resolution will revolutionize our view of the universe. The Webb project is an international collaboration between NASA, ESA, and CSA. As part of its contribution to the project, ESA and its member states have provided the NIRSpec instrument, part of the MIRI instrument, the Ariane 5 launcher, and the staff to support mission operations at STScI.

We can't wait to have these two highly complementary observatories operate together in synergy. They will push the boundaries of knowledge on the backdrop of a rapidly evolving astronomical landscape in space. GAIA will soon have completed its nominal high precision astrometric and photometric census of the Milky Way. TESS is already discovering multitudes of exoplanet candidates around the nearest stars triggering a cascade of follow-up observations, some of which are being observed by CHEOPS. JWST will then do the spectroscopic follow-up. We are fast approaching the launch of the Euclid and start its quest to derive the geometry of the universe. On the ground, ALMA is delivering exciting results and the E-ELT is expected to see first light in 2027 providing follow-up to the first cycles of JWST observations. The second half of the decade will be further enriched by a suite of major new space missions: Roman will probe the expansion of the universe in the near-infrared, followed by PLATO and ARIEL detecting and characterizing exoplanets, and ATHENA and LISA probing the high energy universe.

In this exciting context, this conference will have these goals:

  • Celebrating Hubble's 32-year scientific legacy and showcasing its latest results across all branches of astronomy.
  • Celebrating the spectacular start of the Webb mission and learning the latest on the observatory commissioning, which should be completed by July, with the release of the EROs (Early Release Observations). These will be stunning observations of astronomical targets carefully designed to showcase the power of the Webb observatory.
  • Challenging the community to think and present how to best utilize Hubble and Webb together, and in combination with other facilities in space or on the ground.
  • Looking further into the future, posing the scientific questions that will shape the field of astrophysics in the next decade.

The scientific program is a combination of invited talks (20 minutes) and selected talks (10 minutes). Selected talks have been identified from the abstracts that have already been submitted in 2020. We believe that all the topics are still very relevant today, but we will individually ask you to confirm whether you are still interested to present your contribution to this conference.

Important Dates

March 18 Registration Reopens
June 10 Registration Closes
June 10 Poster Abstract Submission Deadline


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