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HST at the 243rd American Astronomical Society Meeting

Science Meetings

About Event

Sun 7 Jan 2024
Thu 11 Jan 2024


New Orleans, LA


The 243rd American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting will include updates on the status of the observatory, an exhibit booth, hyperwall talks, press releases and numerous science and technical talks regarding HST-based research, data, and analysis facilities.  

Full details, including schedules, an exhibit hall map, and related Hubble-resources are available on STScI's HST at AAS page.  

HST at the STScI Town Hall

Tuesday, January 9
12:45-1:45 p.m. (CT)
Room 215

HST personnel will participate in the the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Town Hall. A breadth of HST resources in the archives, software suite, technical help assistance and press release support supports the scientific community in their research. STScI also is hosting and participating in a wide range of workshops, science sessions, splinter meetings, and exhibits throughout the meeting.  Find out about the status of HST and its relation to other missions and observatories including coordinated observations and observing campaigns.

HST at the STScI Exhibitor Booth

January 7-11
During regular booth hours

We have many resources in the booth for you to learn about updates to instrument performance, planning tool changes (e.g., APT and ETC) and assistance regarding the calls for proposals, mid-Cycle proposals and coordinated observations with other observatories.  In addition, updated copies of the HST Observer's Guide will be available.

HST at the Hyperwall

January 7-11
During regular Exhibition Hall hours

Several talks on HST, including highlights from the mission, updates on the ULLYSES campaign, a discussion of Time Domain observations and related opportunities, and a few others, will be presented throughout the meeting in the Exhibition Hall at the NASA Hyperwall.


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