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CalCOS v2.14.4 Release Notes

April 6, 2011

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  • For FUV TIME-TAG data, the lower and upper thresholds for pulse height may now be specified by images instead of a table, allowing different limits at different points one the detector. The new reference file has keyword PHAFILE. If PHAFILE is present in the primary header, and if its value is not N/A, the specified file will be used instead of the PHATAB table to do the PHACORR.  For ACCUM data the PHATAB must still be used.
  • For G140L data, the wavecal shifts are normally copied from segment A to segment B. If there is no segment A data, however, calcos used to attempt to find the wavecal shift. There is no significant wavecal signal for segment B, so the attempt always failed and sometimes gave a shift that was quite far off. Now if there is no segment A data, calcos will set the wavecal shifts to zero for segment B.
  • Most of the doc strings have been modified to use Sphinx syntax.
  • A bug that prevented using a corrtag file as input to calcos has been fixed.
  • When the input to calcos is a tagflash corrtag file, the wavelength calibration will only be re-done if keyword wavecorr is set to perform. Previously, this step would be repeated if wavecorr was either perform or complete, but this would be inappropriate if the corrtag file had been split by time, e.g. by running splittag.
  • A new TIMELINE extension will be added to corrtag files, giving the altitude of the Sun, the longitude and latitude of HST, and other information at one-second intervals throughout the exposure.
  • For FUV input data with WAVECORR = COMPLETE (e.g. corrtag input), if very verbose trailer info was specified (-v), a warning message was
  • printed regarding the lampflash tables. This warning was not necessary and could be misleading; it should no longer be printed for this case.
  • If a csum file is to be created, and if raw pixel coordinates should be used instead of corrected coordinates (relevant only for FUV), some of the calibration switch keywords were set to COMPLETE in the csum header, which is misleading because it would not be true for the csum file. These keywords will now be set to OMIT if the option to use raw coordinates (--raw) was specified.

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