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Events Overview

STScI hosts colloquia, conferences, lectures, meetings, symposia, and workshops that cover a broad array of topics of interest to the astronomical community as well as the general public. From this page, you can find current, upcoming, and past events of interest.

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Results: 1538
Showing 15 matching items
  1. Many Worlds in One

    April 23, 2008 Colloquia

    Recent developments in cosmology suggest that the big bang was not a unique event in the cosmic history. Other bangs constantly erupt in remote parts of the universe, producing new worlds with great...

  2. Studying the Highest Energy Particles in the Universe

    April 16, 2008 Colloquia

    The Pierre Auger Observatory has been taken data on the highest energies cosmic rays for the equivalent of over a year of full detector aperture. Results obtained so far will be presented. Installation...

  3. Dark Nebula Cores and the Origin of Stellar Masses

    April 9, 2008 Colloquia

    Detailed knowledge of the initial distribution of stellar masses at birth (the IMF) and how this quantity varies through space and time is necessary to predict the evolution of all stellar systems...

  4. The Connection Between Star-Forming Galaxies and Quasar Absorption-Line Systems

    April 4, 2008 Lectures

    To be announced. Speaker: Regina Schulte-Ladbeck (University of Pittsburgh)

  5. New Horizons at Jupiter

    April 2, 2008 Colloquia

    The New Horizons (NH) spacecraft was launched on 2006 January 19 and is now on an historic decade-long journey to provide the first in situ reconnaissance of the Pluto system and the Kuiper belt....

  6. Life Cycles of Massive Stars

    April 1, 2008 Lectures

    Speaker: Nolan Walborn (STScI) While the stars appear as constant fixtures in the night sky, they do indeed change and have finite lifetimes from millions to billions of years. The source of their...

  7. Hunting for Transiting Exoplanets

    March 26, 2008 Colloquia

    The HATNet program employs six wide-field telescopes that are arranged in a network of two stations: Arizona and Hawaii. With the discovery of six transiting exoplanets to date, HATNet is one...

  8. The Tip of the Magellanic Stream: GALFA’s View

    March 19, 2008 Colloquia

    More than 40 years since its discovery, the Magellanic Stream (MS) still provides many surprises. As a part of the on-going HI survey by the consortium for Galactic studies with the Arecibo L-band...

  9. When is Star Formation Episodic?

    March 12, 2008 Colloquia

    I will report on the recent discovery of a 500 pc bipolar-shaped dust shell and an extended ionization cone (bright in [NeV]) in the heart of nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) with observations...

  10. 2008 Hubble Fellows Symposium

    March 10 through 12, 2008 Symposia

    The Hubble Fellowship Program supports outstanding postdoctoral scientists whose research is related to the scientific mission of the Hubble Space Telescope. Each year, the Hubble Fellows present the results...

  11. GHOSTS: Resolved Stellar Envelopes around Nearby Disk Galaxies

    March 5, 2008 Colloquia

    In recent years we have started to appreciate that the outskirts of galaxies contain valuable information about the formation process of galaxies. In hierarchical galaxy formation the stellar halos...

  12. Revealing the Great Attractor

    March 4, 2008 Lectures

    Speaker: David Radburn-Smith (STScI) Just over twenty years ago, it was realized that our Milky Way Galaxy and thousands of galaxies nearby are moving through the universe at a speed of about two...

  13. Science Results from the Mars Exploration Rover Mission

    February 27, 2008 Colloquia

    The two Mars exploration rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, touched down on Mars in January 2004 and have been conducting extensive observations with the Athena science payload. Together the two...

  14. The X-ray Binary Populations of Elliptical Galaxies

    February 6, 2008 Colloquia

    This talk will give a brief introductory overview of the unique capabilities that the high resolution Chandra observations offer for the study of galaxies. It will then focus on the relevance...

  15. Quasars and Galaxies Over Cosmic Time

    February 5, 2008 Lectures

    Speaker: Kate Brand (STScI) Everything we know about the universe outside our solar system comes from the analysis of light. While our eyes are sensitive only to optical light, telescopes can detect...