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  1. NASA's Roman Space Telescope Could Help Researchers Detect the Universe’s First Stars

    May 09, 2024Release ID: 2024-204

    Tidal disruption events offer an opportunity to locate the elusive stars.

    An illustration of a star being torn apart by a black hole.
  2. NASA's Roman to Search for Signs of Dark Matter Clumps

    January 17, 2024Release ID: 2024-201

    The Roman Space Telescope’s fine resolution and panoramic views will allow researchers to examine streams of stars pulled from globular star clusters.

    An illustration of the Andromeda galaxy takes up about one third of the view. A few irregularly shaped lines representing globular cluster streams are present. Some globular cluster streams are shown with gaps.
  3. STScI Appoints New Mission Head for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

    September 20, 2023Release ID: 2023-202

    Dr. Kristen McQuinn will assume her new role in January 2024.

    A portrait of a smiling woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing glasses and a dark long-sleeved shirt, with her arms crossed.
  4. WFIRST Telescope Named For 'Mother of Hubble' Nancy Grace Roman

    May 20, 2020Release ID: 2020-35

    STScI Will Serve as the Roman Space Telescope’s Science Operations Center

    Illustration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
  5. STScI To Design Science Operations for New Panoramic Space Telescope

    July 02, 2019Release ID: 2019-39

    STScI is thrilled to be able to help NASA, the science teams, and the astronomical community, in making WFIRST a success.

    Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope illustration
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