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Profile Details

Claus Leitherer headshot

Claus is a tenured staff astronomer at Space Telescope Science Institute. He is the Head of the Science Policies Group and the Deputy Head of the Science Mission Office. His main responsibilities include the oversight over the HST proposal selection process and the management of the Hubble Fellowship program. He is the current President of Division J (Galaxies and Cosmology) of the International Astronomical Union. Claus's main scientific interests include the properties of individual massive stars and of young stellar populations, population synthesis modeling, spectral energy distributions of galaxies, and ultraviolet to near-infrared observations of galaxies.

Science Interests:

  • properties of individual massive stars and of young stellar populations
  • population synthesis modeling
  • spectral energy distributions of galaxies
  • ultraviolet to near-infrared observations of galaxies


Research Topics: Stellar Atmospheres, Stellar Evolution, Massive Stars, Stellar Populations, Star-Forming Galaxies, Spectral Energy Distributions, Ultraviolet


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